An error occurred while fetching folder content.
scanposts(), and listsub(). These functions are exposed in the JS 'bbs' object as scan_subs(), scan_msgs(), and list_msgs(). Wherease previously, all of "your messages" (messages addressed to you) would be found/displayed if the user answered (Y)es to the "Subjects Only?" prompt, and only un-read message (to you) would be displayed if they answered (N)o to the "Subjects Only?", providing long-standing confusion about the different behavior, now the user is prompted whether to display un-read messages only (in scansubs/scanallsubs), and in the case of the logon question to "Search all subs for un-read messages to you?", only un-read messages are listed/displayed, regardless of how the user answers the "Subjects Only?" question. SCAN_UNREAD is only applicable when combined with SCAN_TOYOU. Added new commands to the msg reading prompt: 'N' (list new messages), 'U' list un-read messages to-you. 2 new text.dat entries: DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ and NoMessagesFound