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DDMsgReader.js 769 KiB
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	if (this.HasUserVotedOnMsg(pMsgHdr.number))
		retObj.errorMsg = bbs.text(typeof(VotedAlready) != "undefined" ? VotedAlready : 780);
		if (removeNLsFromVoteText)
			retObj.errorMsg = retObj.errorMsg.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\N", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\R", "").replace("\R\n", "").replace("\r\N", "").replace("\R\N", "");
		retObj.mnemonicsRequiredForErrorMsg = true;
		return retObj;

	// New MsgBase method: vote_msg(). it takes a message header object
	// (like save_msg), except you only need a few properties, in order of
	// importarnce:
	// attr: you need to have this set to MSG_UPVOTE, MSG_DOWNVOTE, or MSG_VOTE
	// thread_back or reply_id: either of these must be set to indicate msg to vote on
	// from: name of voter
	// from_net_type and from_net_addr: if applicable

	// Do some initial setup of the header for the vote message to be
	// saved to the messagebase
	var voteMsgHdr = new Object();
	voteMsgHdr.thread_back = pMsgHdr.number;
	voteMsgHdr.reply_id = pMsgHdr.number;
	voteMsgHdr.from = (this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_NAME) == SUB_NAME ? : user.alias;
	if (pMsgHdr.from.hasOwnProperty("from_net_type"))
		voteMsgHdr.from_net_type = pMsgHdr.from_net_type;
		if (pMsgHdr.from_net_type != NET_NONE)
			voteMsgHdr.from_net_addr =;

	// Input vote options from the user differently depending on whether
	// the message is a poll or not
	if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_POLL) == MSG_POLL)
		if (pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("field_list"))
			var selectHdr = bbs.text(typeof(SelectItemHdr) != "undefined" ? SelectItemHdr : 501);
			printf("\1n" + selectHdr + "\1n", pMsgHdr.subject);
			var optionFormatStr = "\1n\1c\1h%2d\1n\1c: \1h%s\1n";
			var optionNum = 1;
			for (var fieldI = 0; fieldI < pMsgHdr.field_list.length; ++fieldI)
				if (pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].type == SMB_POLL_ANSWER)
					printf(optionFormatStr, optionNum++, pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].data);
			// Get the selection prompt text from text.dat and replace the %u or %d with
			// the number 1 (default option)
			var selectPromptText = bbs.text(typeof(SelectItemWhich) != "undefined" ? SelectItemWhich : 503);
			selectPromptText = selectPromptText.replace(/%[uU]/, 1).replace(/%[dD]/, 1);
			// Get & process the selection from the user
			var maxNum = optionNum - 1;
			// TODO: Update to support multiple answers from the user
			var userInputNum = console.getnum(maxNum);
			//if (userInputNum == 0) // The user just pressed enter to choose the default
			//	userInputNum = 1;
			if (userInputNum == -1) // The user chose Q to quit
				retObj.userQuit = true;
				// The user's answer is 0-based, so if userInputNum is positive,
				// subtract 1 from it (if it's already 0, that means the user
				// chose to keep the default first answer).
				if (userInputNum > 0)
				var votes = (1 << userInputNum);
				voteMsgHdr.attr = MSG_VOTE;
				voteMsgHdr.votes = votes;
		// The message is not a poll - Prompt for up/downvote
		if ((typeof(MSG_UPVOTE) != "undefined") && (typeof(MSG_DOWNVOTE) != "undefined"))
			var voteAttr = 0;
			// Get text line 783 to prompt for voting
			var textDatText = bbs.text(typeof(VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit) != "undefined" ? VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit : 783);
			if (removeNLsFromVoteText)
				textDatText = textDatText.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "").replace("\N", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\R", "").replace("\R\n", "").replace("\r\N", "").replace("\R\N", "");
			// Using getAllowedKeyWithMode() instead of console.getkeys() so we
			// can control the input mode better, so it doesn't output a CRLF
			switch (getAllowedKeyWithMode("UDQ" + KEY_UP + KEY_DOWN, K_NOCRLF|K_NOSPIN))
					voteAttr = MSG_DOWNVOTE;
				case "Q":
					retObj.userQuit = true;
			// If the user voted, then save the user's vote in the attr property
			// in the header
			if (voteAttr != 0)
				voteMsgHdr.attr = voteAttr;
			retObj.errorMsg = "MSG_UPVOTE & MSG_DOWNVOTE are not defined";

	// If the user hasn't quit and there is no error message, then save the vote
	// message header
	if (!retObj.userQuit && (retObj.errorMsg.length == 0))
		retObj.savedVote = this.msgbase.vote_msg(voteMsgHdr);
		// If the save was successful, then update
		// this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard with the updated
		// message header (for the message that was read)
		if (retObj.savedVote)
			if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
				var originalMsgIdx = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum[pMsgHdr.number];
				if (typeof(this.msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
					var tmpHdrs = this.msgbase.get_all_msg_headers();
					if (tmpHdrs.hasOwnProperty(pMsgHdr.number))
						this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx] = tmpHdrs[pMsgHdr.number];
						retObj.updatedHdr = pMsgHdr;
						if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("total_votes"))
							retObj.updatedHdr.total_votes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].total_votes;
						if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("upvotes"))
							retObj.updatedHdr.upvotes = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].upvotes;
						if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].hasOwnProperty("tally"))
							retObj.updatedHdr.tally = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[originalMsgIdx].tally;
			// Failed to save the vote
			retObj.errorMsg = "Failed to save your vote";
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Checks to see whether a user has voted on a message.
// The message must belong to the currently-open sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The message number
//  pUser: Optional - A user account to check.  If omitted, the current logged-in
//         user will be used.
function DigDistMsgReader_HasUserVotedOnMsg(pMsgNum, pUser)
	// Don't do this for personal email
	if (this.subBoardCode == "mail")
		return false;

	// Thanks to echicken for explaining how to check this.  To check a user's
	// vote, use MsgBase.how_user_voted().
	The return value will be:
	0 - user hasn't voted
	1 - upvoted
	2 - downvoted
	Or, if the message was a poll, it's a bitfield:
	if (votes&(1<<2)) {
	 // User selected answer 2
	var userHasVotedOnMsg = false;
	if ((this.msgbase !== null) && this.msgbase.is_open)
		if (typeof(this.msgbase.how_user_voted) === "function")
			var votes = 0;
			if (typeof(pUser) == "object")
				votes = this.msgbase.how_user_voted(pMsgNum, (this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_NAME) == SUB_NAME ? : pUser.alias);
				votes = this.msgbase.how_user_voted(pMsgNum, (this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_NAME) == SUB_NAME ? : user.alias);
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Gets the body (text) of a message.  If it's
// a poll, this method will format the message body with poll results.  Otherwise,
// this method will simply get the message body.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHeader: The message header
// Return value: The poll results, colorized.  If the message is not a
//               poll message, then an empty string will be returned.
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgBody(pMsgHdr)
	var msgBody = "";
	if ((typeof(MSG_TYPE_POLL) != "undefined") && (pMsgHdr.type & MSG_TYPE_POLL) == MSG_TYPE_POLL)
		// A poll is intended to be parsed (and displayed) using on the header data. The
		// (optional) comments are stored in the hdr.field_list[] with type values of
		// SMB_COMMENT (now defined in sbbsdefs.js) and the available answers are in the
		// field_list[] with type values of SMB_POLL_ANSWER.

		// The 'comments' and 'answers' are also a part of the message header, so you can
		// grab them separately, then format and display them however you want.  You can
		// find them in the header.field_list array; each element in that array should be
		// an object with a 'type' and a 'data' property.  Relevant types here are
		// SMB_COMMENT and SMB_POLL_ANSWER.  (This is what I'm doing on the web, and I
		// just ignore the message body for poll messages.)

		if (pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("field_list"))
			//var voteOptDescLen = 27;
			// Figure out the longest length of the poll choices, with
			// a maximum of 22 characters less than the terminal width.
			// Use a minimum of 27 characters.
			// That length will be used for the formatting strings for
			// the poll results.
			var voteOptDescLen = 0;
			for (var fieldI = 0; fieldI < pMsgHdr.field_list.length; ++fieldI)
				if (pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].type == SMB_POLL_ANSWER)
					if (pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].data.length > voteOptDescLen)
						voteOptDescLen = pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].data.length;
			if (voteOptDescLen > console.screen_columns - 22)
				voteOptDescLen = console.screen_columns - 22;
			else if (voteOptDescLen < 27)
				voteOptDescLen = 27;

			// Format strings for outputting the voting option lines
			var unvotedOptionFormatStr = "\1n\1c\1h%2d\1n\1c: \1w\1h%-" + voteOptDescLen + "s [%-4d %6.2f%]\1n";
			var votedOptionFormatStr = "\1n\1c\1h%2d\1n\1c: \1" + "5\1w\1h%-" + voteOptDescLen + "s [%-4d %6.2f%]\1n";
			// Add up the total number of votes so that we can
			// calculate vote percentages.
			var totalNumVotes = 0;
			if (pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("tally"))
				for (var tallyI = 0; tallyI < pMsgHdr.tally.length; ++tallyI)
					totalNumVotes += pMsgHdr.tally[tallyI];
			// Go through field_list and append the voting options and stats to
			// msgBody
			var optionNum = 1;
			var numVotes = 0;
			var votePercentage = 0;
			for (var fieldI = 0; fieldI < pMsgHdr.field_list.length; ++fieldI)
				if (pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].type == SMB_COMMENT)
					pollComment += pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].data + "\r\n";
				else if (pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].type == SMB_POLL_ANSWER)
					// Figure out the number of votes on this option and the
					// vote percentage
					if (pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("tally"))
						if (tallyIdx < pMsgHdr.tally.length)
							numVotes = pMsgHdr.tally[tallyIdx];
							votePercentage = (numVotes / totalNumVotes) * 100;
					// Append to the message text
					msgBody += format(numVotes == 0 ? unvotedOptionFormatStr : votedOptionFormatStr,
					                  optionNum++, pMsgHdr.field_list[fieldI].data.substr(0, voteOptDescLen),
					                  numVotes, votePercentage);
					if (numVotes > 0)
						msgBody += " " + CHECK_CHAR;
					msgBody += "\r\n";
			if (pollComment.length > 0)
				msgBody = pollComment + "\r\n" + msgBody;
			// If voting is allowed in this sub-board and the current logged-in
			// user has not voted on this message, then append some text saying
			// how to vote.
			var votingAllowed = ((this.subBoardCode != "mail") && (((msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].settings & SUB_NOVOTING) == 0)));
			if (votingAllowed && !this.HasUserVotedOnMsg(pMsgHdr.number))
				msgBody += "\1n\r\n\1gTo vote in this poll, press \1w\1h"
				        + + "\1n\1g now.";

			// If the current logged-in user created this poll, then show the
			// users who have voted on it so far.
			var msgFromUpper = pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase();
			if ((msgFromUpper == || (msgFromUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase()))
				// Check all the messages in the messagebase after the current one
				// to find poll response messages
				if (typeof(this.msgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
					// Get the line from text.dat for writing who voted & when.  It
					// is a format string and should look something like this:
					//"\r\n\1n\1hOn %s, in \1c%s \1n\1c%s\r\n\1h\1m%s voted in your poll: \1n\1h%s\r\n" 787 PollVoteNotice
					var userVotedInYourPollText = bbs.text(typeof(PollVoteNotice) != "undefined" ? PollVoteNotice : 787);
					// Pass true to get_all_msg_headers() to tell it to return vote messages
					// (the parameter was introduced in Synchronet 3.17+)
					var tmpHdrs = this.msgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
					for (var tmpProp in tmpHdrs)
						if (tmpHdrs[tmpProp] == null)
						// If this header's thread_back or reply_id matches the poll message
						// number, then append the 'user voted' string to the message body.
						if ((tmpHdrs[tmpProp].thread_back == pMsgHdr.number) || (tmpHdrs[tmpProp].reply_id == pMsgHdr.number))
							var msgWrittenLocalTime = msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(tmpHdrs[tmpProp]);
							var voteDate = strftime("%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", msgWrittenLocalTime);
							msgBody += format(userVotedInYourPollText, voteDate, this.msgbase.cfg.grp_name,,
							                  tmpHdrs[tmpProp].from, pMsgHdr.subject);
		msgBody = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(false, pMsgHdr.number);
// Helper functions

// Displays the program information.
function DisplayProgramInfo()
   displayTextWithLineBelow("Digital Distortion Message Reader", true, "\1n\1c\1h", "\1k\1h")"\1n\1cVersion \1g" + READER_VERSION + " \1w\1h(\1b" + READER_DATE + "\1w)");

// This function returns an array of default colors used in the
// DigDistMessageReader class.
function getDefaultColors()
	var colorArray = new Array();

	// Header line: "Current msg group:"
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1c"; // Normal cyan on blue background
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1w"; // Normal white on blue background

	// Header line: Message group name
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white

	// Header line: "Current sub-board:"
	colorArray["msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1c"; // Normal cyan on blue background
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1w"; // Normal white on blue background

	// Header line: Message sub-board name
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white
	// Line with column headers
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white (keep blue background)
	colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1n\1h\1w"; // High white on black background
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan (keep blue background)
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1" + "4\1h\1y"; // High yellow (keep blue background)

	// Message list information
	colorArray["msgListMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListToColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListSubjectColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	// Message information for messages written to the user
	colorArray["msgListToUserMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListToUserFromColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserToColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserSubjectColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListToUserTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	// Message information for messages from the user
	colorArray["msgListFromUserMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserFromColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserToColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserSubjectColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";

	// Message list highlight colors
	colorArray["msgListHighlightBkgColor"] = "\1" + "4"; // Background
	colorArray["msgListMsgNumHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListToHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListSubjHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListDateHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1w";
	colorArray["msgListTimeHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1w";

	// Lightbar message list help line colors
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7"; // Background
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	// Continue prompt colors
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] = "\1n\1g"; // Main text color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] = "\1h\1c"; // Hotkey color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"] = "\1h\1g"; // User input color

	// Message body color
	colorArray["msgBodyColor"] = "\1n\1w";

	// Read message confirmation colors
	colorArray["readMsgConfirmColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	// Prompt for continuing to list messages after reading a message
	colorArray["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] = "\1n\1c";

	// Help screen text color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] = "\1n\1h\1w";

	// Colors for choosing a message group & sub-board
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumColor"] = "\1n\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDescColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsColor"] = "\1b\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor"] = "\1n\1y\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor"] = "\1n\1g";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor"] = "\1g\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaLatestDateColor"] = "\1n\1g";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaLatestTimeColor"] = "\1n\1m";
	// Highlighted colors (for lightbar mode)
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor"] = "\1" + "4"; // Blue background
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor"] = "\1c";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	// Lightbar area chooser help line
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7"; // Background
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	// Scrollbar background and scroll block colors (for the enhanced
	// message reader interface)
	colorArray["scrollbarBGColor"] = "\1n\1h\1k";
	colorArray["scrollbarScrollBlockColor"] = "\1n\1h\1w";
	// Color for the line drawn in the 2nd to last line of the message
	// area in the enhanced reader mode before a prompt
	colorArray["enhReaderPromptSepLineColor"] = "\1n\1h\1g";
	// Colors for the enhanced reader help line
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	// Message header line colors
	colorArray["hdrLineLabelColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["hdrLineValueColor"] = "\1n\1b\1h";
	// Selected message marker color
	colorArray["selectedMsgMarkColor"] = "\1n\1w\1h";

	return colorArray;

// This function returns the month number (1-based) from a capitalized
// month name.
// Parameters:
//  pMonthName: The name of the month
// Return value: The number of the month (1-12).
function getMonthNum(pMonthName)
	var monthNum = 1;

	if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jan")
		monthNum = 1;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Feb")
		monthNum = 2;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Mar")
		monthNum = 3;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Apr")
		monthNum = 4;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "May")
		monthNum = 5;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jun")
		monthNum = 6;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jul")
		monthNum = 7;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Aug")
		monthNum = 8;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Sep")
		monthNum = 9;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Oct")
		monthNum = 10;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Nov")
		monthNum = 11;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Dec")
		monthNum = 12;

	return monthNum;

// Clears each line from a given line to the end of the screen.
// Parameters:
//  pStartLineNum: The line number to start at (1-based)
function clearToEOS(pStartLineNum)
	if (typeof(pStartLineNum) == "undefined")
	if (pStartLineNum == null)

	for (var lineNum = pStartLineNum; lineNum <= console.screen_rows; ++lineNum)
		console.gotoxy(1, lineNum);

// Returns the number of messages in a sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The sub-board code (i.e., from bbs.cursub_code)
// Return value: The number of messages in the sub-board, or 0
//               if the sub-board could not be opened.
function numMessages(pSubBoardCode)
   var messageCount = 0;

   var myMsgbase = new MsgBase(pSubBoardCode);
	if (
		messageCount = myMsgbase.total_msgs;
	myMsgbase = null;

	return messageCount;

// Removes multiple, leading, and/or trailing spaces
// The search & replace regular expressions used in this
// function came from the following URL:
// Parameters:
//  pString: The string to trim
//  pLeading: Whether or not to trim leading spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pMultiple: Whether or not to trim multiple spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pTrailing: Whether or not to trim trailing spaces (optional, defaults to true)
// Return value: The string with whitespace trimmed
function trimSpaces(pString, pLeading, pMultiple, pTrailing)
	var leading = true;
	var multiple = true;
	var trailing = true;
	if(typeof(pLeading) != "undefined")
		leading = pLeading;
	if(typeof(pMultiple) != "undefined")
		multiple = pMultiple;
	if(typeof(pTrailing) != "undefined")
		trailing = pTrailing;

	// To remove both leading & trailing spaces:
	//pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,"");

	if (leading)
		pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)/gi,"");
	if (multiple)
		pString = pString.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");
	if (trailing)
		pString = pString.replace(/(\s*$)/gi,"");

	return pString;

// Returns whether an internal sub-board code is valid.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal sub-board code to test
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the given internal code is a valid
//               sub-board code
function subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode)
   return ((pSubBoardCode == "mail") || (typeof(msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode]) == "object"))

// Displays some text with a solid horizontal line on the next line.
// Parameters:
//  pText: The text to display
//  pCenter: Whether or not to center the text.  Optional; defaults
//           to false.
//  pTextColor: The color to use for the text.  Optional; by default,
//              normal white will be used.
//  pLineColor: The color to use for the line underneath the text.
//              Optional; by default, bright black will be used.
function displayTextWithLineBelow(pText, pCenter, pTextColor, pLineColor)
	var centerText = (typeof(pCenter) == "boolean" ? pCenter : false);
	var textColor = (typeof(pTextColor) == "string" ? pTextColor : "\1n\1w");
	var lineColor = (typeof(pLineColor) == "string" ? pLineColor : "\1n\1k\1h");
	// Output the text and a solid line on the next line.
	if (centerText)
	{ + pText);
		var solidLine = "";
		var textLength = console.strlen(pText);
		for (var i = 0; i < textLength; ++i)
			solidLine += "Ä"; + solidLine);
		console.print(textColor + pText);
		var textLength = console.strlen(pText);
		for (var i = 0; i < textLength; ++i)
14642 14643 14644 14645 14646 14647 14648 14649 14650 14651 14652 14653 14654 14655 14656 14657 14658 14659 14660 14661 14662 14663 14664 14665 14666 14667 14668 14669 14670 14671 14672 14673 14674 14675 14676 14677 14678 14679 14680 14681 14682 14683 14684 14685 14686 14687 14688 14689 14690 14691 14692 14693 14694 14695 14696 14697 14698 14699 14700 14701 14702 14703 14704 14705 14706 14707 14708 14709 14710 14711 14712 14713 14714 14715 14716 14717 14718 14719 14720 14721 14722 14723 14724 14725 14726 14727 14728 14729 14730 14731 14732 14733 14734 14735 14736 14737 14738 14739 14740 14741 14742 14743 14744 14745 14746 14747 14748 14749 14750 14751 14752 14753 14754 14755 14756 14757 14758 14759 14760 14761 14762 14763 14764 14765 14766 14767 14768 14769 14770 14771 14772 14773 14774 14775 14776 14777 14778 14779 14780 14781 14782 14783 14784 14785 14786 14787 14788 14789 14790 14791 14792 14793 14794 14795 14796 14797 14798 14799 14800 14801 14802 14803 14804 14805 14806 14807 14808 14809 14810 14811 14812 14813 14814 14815 14816 14817 14818 14819 14820 14821 14822 14823 14824 14825 14826 14827 14828 14829 14830 14831 14832 14833 14834 14835 14836 14837 14838 14839 14840 14841 14842 14843 14844 14845 14846 14847 14848 14849 14850 14851 14852 14853 14854 14855 14856 14857 14858 14859 14860 14861 14862 14863 14864 14865 14866 14867 14868 14869 14870 14871 14872 14873 14874 14875 14876 14877 14878 14879 14880 14881 14882 14883 14884 14885 14886 14887 14888 14889 14890 14891 14892 14893 14894 14895 14896 14897 14898 14899 14900 14901 14902 14903 14904 14905 14906 14907 14908 14909 14910 14911 14912 14913 14914 14915 14916 14917 14918 14919 14920 14921 14922 14923 14924 14925 14926 14927 14928 14929 14930 14931 14932 14933 14934 14935 14936 14937 14938 14939 14940 14941 14942 14943 14944 14945 14946 14947 14948 14949 14950 14951 14952 14953 14954 14955 14956 14957 14958 14959 14960 14961 14962 14963 14964 14965 14966 14967 14968 14969 14970 14971 14972 14973 14974 14975 14976 14977 14978 14979 14980 14981 14982 14983 14984 14985 14986 14987 14988 14989 14990 14991 14992 14993 14994 14995 14996 14997 14998 14999 15000

// Returns whether the Synchronet compile date is at least May 12, 2013.  That
// was when Digital Man's change to make bbs.msg_number work when a script is
// running first went into the Synchronet daily builds.
function compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12()
  // system.compiled_when is in the following format:
  // May 12 2013 05:02

  var compileDateParts = system.compiled_when.split(" ");
  if (compileDateParts.length < 4)
    return false;

  // Convert the month to a 1-based number
  var compileMonth = 0;
  if (/^Jan/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 1;
  else if (/^Feb/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 2;
  else if (/^Mar/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 3;
  else if (/^Apr/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 4;
  else if (/^May/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 5;
  else if (/^Jun/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 6;
  else if (/^Jul/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 7;
  else if (/^Aug/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 8;
  else if (/^Sep/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 9;
  else if (/^Oct/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 10;
  else if (/^Nov/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 11;
  else if (/^Dec/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 12;

  // Get the compileDay and compileYear as numeric variables
  var compileDay = +compileDateParts[1];
  var compileYear = +compileDateParts[2];

  // Determine if the compile date is at least 2013-05-12
  var compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
  if (compileYear > 2013)
    compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
  else if (compileYear < 2013)
    compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
  else // compileYear is 2013
    if (compileMonth > 5)
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true
    else if (compileMonth < 5)
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
    else // compileMonth is 5
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = (compileDay >= 12);

  return compileDateIsAtLeastMin;

// Removes multiple, leading, and/or trailing spaces.
// The search & replace regular expressions used in this
// function came from the following URL:
// Parameters:
//  pString: The string to trim
//  pLeading: Whether or not to trim leading spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pMultiple: Whether or not to trim multiple spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pTrailing: Whether or not to trim trailing spaces (optional, defaults to true)
function trimSpaces(pString, pLeading, pMultiple, pTrailing)
	var leading = true;
	var multiple = true;
	var trailing = true;
	if(typeof(pLeading) != "undefined")
		leading = pLeading;
	if(typeof(pMultiple) != "undefined")
		multiple = pMultiple;
	if(typeof(pTrailing) != "undefined")
		trailing = pTrailing;
	// To remove both leading & trailing spaces:
	//pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,"");

	if (leading)
		pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)/gi,"");
	if (multiple)
		pString = pString.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");
	if (trailing)
		pString = pString.replace(/(\s*$)/gi,"");

	return pString;

// Calculates & returns a page number.
// Parameters:
//  pTopIndex: The index (0-based) of the topmost item on the page
//  pNumPerPage: The number of items per page
// Return value: The page number
function calcPageNum(pTopIndex, pNumPerPage)
  return ((pTopIndex / pNumPerPage) + 1);

// Returns the greatest number of messages of all sub-boards within
// a message group.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group
// Returns: The greatest number of messages of all sub-boards within
//          the message group
function getGreatestNumMsgs(pGrpIndex)
  // Sanity checking
  if (typeof(pGrpIndex) != "number")
    return 0;
  if (typeof(msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex]) == "undefined")
    return 0;

  var greatestNumMsgs = 0;
  var msgBase = null;
  for (var subIndex = 0; subIndex < msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list.length; ++subIndex)
    msgBase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].code);
    if (msgBase == null) continue;
    if (
      if (msgBase.total_msgs > greatestNumMsgs)
        greatestNumMsgs = msgBase.total_msgs;
  return greatestNumMsgs;

// Inputs a keypress from the user and handles some ESC-based
// characters such as PageUp, PageDown, and ESC.  If PageUp
// or PageDown are pressed, this function will return the
// string "\1PgUp" (KEY_PAGE_UP) or "\1Pgdn" (KEY_PAGE_DOWN),
// respectively.  Also, F1-F5 will be returned as "\1F1"
// through "\1F5", respectively.
// Thanks goes to Psi-Jack for the original impementation
// of this function.
// Parameters:
//  pGetKeyMode: Optional - The mode bits for console.getkey().
//               If not specified, K_NONE will be used.
// Return value: The user's keypress
function getKeyWithESCChars(pGetKeyMode)
   var getKeyMode = K_NONE;
   if (typeof(pGetKeyMode) == "number")
      getKeyMode = pGetKeyMode;

   var userInput = console.getkey(getKeyMode);
   if (userInput == KEY_ESC) {
      switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
         case '[':
            switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
               case 'V':
                  userInput = KEY_PAGE_UP;
               case 'U':
                  userInput = KEY_PAGE_DOWN;
         case 'O':
           switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
              case 'P':
                 userInput = "\1F1";
              case 'Q':
                 userInput = "\1F2";
              case 'R':
                 userInput = "\1F3";
              case 'S':
                 userInput = "\1F4";
              case 't':
                 userInput = "\1F5";

   return userInput;

// Finds the next or previous non-empty message sub-board.  Returns an
// object containing the message group & sub-board indexes.  If all of
// the next/previous sub-boards are empty, then the given current indexes
// will be returned.
// Parameters:
//  pStartGrpIdx: The index of the message group to start from
//  pStartSubIdx: The index of the sub-board in the message group to start from
//  pForward: Boolean - Whether or not to search forward (true) or backward (false).
//            Optional; defaults to true, to search forward.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               foundSubBoard: Boolean - Whether or not a different sub-board was found
//               grpIdx: The message group index of the found sub-board
//               subIdx: The sub-board index in the group of the found sub-board
//               subCode: The internal code of the sub-board
//               subChanged: Boolean - Whether or not the found sub-board is
//                           different from the one that was passed in
//               paramsValid: Boolean - Whether or not all the passed-in parameters
//                            were valid.
function findNextOrPrevNonEmptySubBoard(pStartGrpIdx, pStartSubIdx, pForward)
   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.grpIdx = pStartGrpIdx;
   retObj.subIdx = pStartSubIdx;
   retObj.subCode = msg_area.grp_list[pStartGrpIdx].sub_list[pStartSubIdx].code;
   retObj.foundSubBoard = false;

   // Sanity checking
   retObj.paramsValid = ((pStartGrpIdx >= 0) && (pStartGrpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length) &&
                         (pStartSubIdx >= 0) &&
                         (pStartSubIdx < msg_area.grp_list[pStartGrpIdx].sub_list.length));
   if (!retObj.paramsValid)
      return retObj;

   var grpIdx = pStartGrpIdx;
   var subIdx = pStartSubIdx;
   var searchForward = (typeof(pForward) == "boolean" ? pForward : true);
   if (searchForward)
      // Advance the sub-board (and group) index, and determine whether or not
      // to do the search (i.e., we might not want to if the starting sub-board
      // is the last sub-board in the last group).
      var searchForSubBoard = true;
      if (subIdx <  msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1)
         if ((grpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length - 1) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx+1].sub_list.length > 0))
            subIdx = 0;
            searchForSubBoard = false;
      // If we can search, then do it.
      if (searchForSubBoard)
         while (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) == 0)
            if (subIdx < msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1)
               if ((grpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length - 1) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx+1].sub_list.length > 0))
                  subIdx = 0;
                  break; // Stop searching
      // Search the sub-boards in reverse
      // Decrement the sub-board (and group) index, and determine whether or not
      // to do the search (i.e., we might not want to if the starting sub-board
      // is the first sub-board in the first group).
      var searchForSubBoard = true;
      if (subIdx > 0)
         if ((grpIdx > 0) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx-1].sub_list.length > 0))
            subIdx = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1;
            searchForSubBoard = false;
      // If we can search, then do it.
      if (searchForSubBoard)
         while (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) == 0)
            if (subIdx > 0)
               if ((grpIdx > 0) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx-1].sub_list.length > 0))
                  subIdx = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1;
                  break; // Stop searching
   // If we found a sub-board with messages in it, then set the variables
   // in the return object
   if (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) > 0)
      retObj.grpIdx = grpIdx;
      retObj.subIdx = subIdx;
      retObj.subCode = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code;
      retObj.foundSubBoard = true;
      retObj.subChanged = ((grpIdx != pStartGrpIdx) || (subIdx != pStartSubIdx));

   return retObj;

// Returns the number of messages in a sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal code of the sub-board to check
//  pIncludeDeleted: Optional boolean - Whether or not to include deleted
//                   messages in the count.  Defaults to false.
// Return value: The number of messages in the sub-board
function numMsgsInSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pIncludeDeleted)
   var numMessages = 0;
   var msgbase = new MsgBase(pSubBoardCode);
   if (
      var includeDeleted = (typeof(pIncludeDeleted) == "boolean" ? pIncludeDeleted : false);
      if (includeDeleted)
         numMessages = msgbase.total_msgs;
         // Don't include deleted messages.  Go through each message
         // in the sub-board and count the ones that aren't marked
         // as deleted.
         for (var msgIdx = 0; msgIdx < msgbase.total_msgs; ++msgIdx)
            var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgIdx, false);
            if ((msgHdr != null) && ((msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0))