- Jan 10, 2017
nightfox authored
Trying to use a Frame to display poll message text to ensure it's scrollable. Having an issue with it displaying Synchronet color attributes though..
- Jan 09, 2017
nightfox authored
Added a check to make sure the user is allowed to vote (by checking the V restriction). Also, started working on the beginnings of reading poll results. It's still a work in progress.
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 21: Updated to check whether the user is allowed to vote before letting them vote on the message (by checking the V restriction). Also, fixed a display update bug that happened if the user quit out of voting on a poll/message.
- Jan 08, 2017
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Updated DDLightbarMenu to preserve the current selection when an item hotkey is pressed. Also, updated SlyVote to preserve the main menu option when returning back to the main menu from an action.
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Updated to check whether a user has voted on a topic before allowing them to vote on it, and display an error if so.
- Jan 05, 2017
nightfox authored
Implemented saving the user's vote. Also fixed a bug in displaying the "registered to:" name. Still a work in progress.
- Jan 03, 2017
rswindell authored
- When importing echomail packets and tossing to linked-nodes, don't loop messages back to originating nodes, even if their address is not in the PATH or SEEN-BYs. - To get the full originating address of an echomail message (for loop-back prevention), parse the Origin Line before tossing to links. If the Origin Line cannot be parsed, log a warning message.
nightfox authored
Made some small tweaks to how the poll question comments are displayed, and updated to display the poll question above the poll options menu.
- Jan 02, 2017
nightfox authored
Updated to retrieve & display the poll comment lines (up to 3 of them) and show the poll options for the user to choose from. It's still a work in progress.
nightfox authored
This is a very early beta version of SlyVote - A voting door for Synchronet which makes use of the new voting capabilities in Synchronet 3.17. SlyVote was initially styled after DCT Vote, a voting door available in the 1990s. This is in a very early development state and is not functionally complete yet. Currently, it will display a list of poll topics in a sub-board. The voting mechanism, displaying results, etc. are still to be implemented.
- Dec 31, 2016
nightfox authored
Updated so that when looking for an item's hotkey, it uses the first one it finds (in case multiple items have the same hotkey). Previously it would have used the last. Also, added some more methods: Remove(), RemoveAllItems(), RemoveItemHotkey(), and RemoveAllItemHotkeys().
nightfox authored
Updated to wrap around when using the up & down arrows to navigate the selections. That behavior can be disabled by setting the wrapNavigation property to false.
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 20: Updated to fix an issue reported by KenDB3 - Line 9588 was trying to use MSG_POLL without checking to see if MSG_POLL was defined (which could be the case if the JavaScript files have not been updated on the BBS machine).
nightfox authored
Updated to use the right arrow in addition to the down arrow to move down, and the left arrow in addition to the up arrow to move up
nightfox authored
Fixed a bug with using the PageDown key. Also, updated the GetVal() method so that it resets the terminal color back to normal when it's done so that any text printed afterward will look good.
- Dec 30, 2016
nightfox authored
This provides a scrollable lightbar menu in the form of a JavaScript class. Item colors (normal and selected) can be customized. Allows scrolling of the menu items, so that if there are more items than can fit on the menu, the user can scroll through them. Supports use of the up & down arrows, PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End keys, and the Enter key selects an item. This requires an ANSI terminal.
- Dec 28, 2016
echicken authored
- Dec 18, 2016
echicken authored
Untested; try to determine the best address to reach the terminal server at; this is probably
- Dec 16, 2016
rswindell authored
- Dec 12, 2016
nightfox authored
Version 1.17 beta 19: When changing to another message area, it now correctly shows the number of readable messages (in case any are deleted, unverified, etc.) rather than the total numbre of messages in each sub-board
- Dec 11, 2016
nightfox authored
Version 1.13: Updated the message area chooser to show the number of readable messages rather than the actual total number of messages in the sub-boards (in case some messages are deleted, unverified, etc.)
- Dec 10, 2016
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
how "frequent" the progress meter/percentage displayed is updated. Most uses of this function are now using a interval of 10 so that fast-running searches aren't now "slow" due to the progress display.
echicken authored
Don't ident; commands.js will trust localhost instead. Should rid us of the 'incorrect password' log message, and another bug recently reported on DOVE-Net.
- Dec 08, 2016
echicken authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
than sprinkling the mapping around the source files. Also, disable the message thread nav keys (arrow keys, home, end) when not in Thread View Mode - too confusing.
rswindell authored
Removed some unused constant definitions/macros. Updated copyright date (to 2016).
rswindell authored
along with the standard Control Character 'Symbol" for each in a comment.
rswindell authored
incoming mail): it turns out, stripping tabs (ctrl-i) is breaks many folded header fields (e.g. MIME-encoded messages). So, just strip bare carriage returns instead, as that was the original problem.
rswindell authored
While "fixing" compiler warnings, a bug was introduced that would cause an infinite loop while inserting File Libraries. This is possibly the same problem reported by KK4QBN.
- Dec 06, 2016
rswindell authored
or Areas.BBS will all be found/opened successfully if "areas.bbs" is used.
rswindell authored
Make sure pause ([Hit a key]) prompt doesn't appear on the same line as the Reading prompt. The '?' command now turns off "Thread View Mode". Backspace is now treated the same as '-' (move backwards through sub). When in Thread View mode, moving backwards now first searches for a thread with a lower thread ID and if that fails, look for any thread with a different ID. New Thread Nav command: Home (move to first msg in thread) and End (move to last message in thread). Last in this context means the last reply to last reply to the original message (not necessarily the newest reply). This is most obvious how this works when in Thread View mode. Moving forward through the sub (+ or <CR>) while in Thread View Mode now searches first for a thread with a higher thread ID, and if that fails, then any thread with a different ID. I experimented with not clearing the screen (homing the cursor and using clear to end of screen to remove old data), to avoid the "flash" while browing a thread, but both Netrunner and mTelnet appear to not support the <ESC>[J terminal escape sequence (clear to end of screen) correctly.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
is not auto-detected. These hacking bots and scripts don't support ANSI.
rswindell authored
- smb_next_in_thread - smb_last_in_branch - smb_last_in_thread
rswindell authored
no longer ignores Ctrl-Z characters (CP/M EOF) by default. If you want the old behavior (Ctrl-Z characters not displayed, just skipped), specify the P_CPM_EOF mode flag.
rswindell authored
HOME - homes cursor (to upper left, 1:1) CLRLINE - clears current line (cursor to column 1) CLR2EOL - clears to end-of-current-line (doesn't move cursor) CLR2EOS - clears to end of screen (doesn't move cursor)