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dupefind.c 6.63 KiB
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 * 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
 * @format.use-tabs true	(see		*
 *																			*
 * Copyright Rob Swindell -			*
 *																			*
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*
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#include "scfgdefs.h"
#include "str_util.h"
#include "load_cfg.h"
#include "nopen.h"
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#include "crc32.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
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#define DUPEFIND_VER "3.19"
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char* crlf = "\r\n";
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void bail(int code)
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long lputs(char *str)
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	char tmp[256];
	int  i, j, k;
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	j = strlen(str);
	for (i = k = 0; i < j; i++)      /* remove CRs */
		if (str[i] == CR && str[i + 1] == LF)
			tmp[k++] = str[i];
	tmp[k] = 0;
	return fputs(tmp, stderr);
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/* Performs printf() through local assembly routines                        */
/* Called from everywhere                                                   */
int lprintf(const char *fmat, ...)
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	va_list argptr;
	char    sbuf[256];
	int     chcount;
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	va_start(argptr, fmat);
	chcount = vsprintf(sbuf, fmat, argptr);
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char *display_filename(scfg_t *cfg, uint dirnum, uint32_t fil_off)
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	static char  str[256];
	if (smb_open_dir(cfg, &smb, dirnum) != SMB_SUCCESS)
		return smb.last_error;
	smb_fseek(smb.sid_fp, (fil_off - 1) * sizeof(fileidxrec_t), SEEK_SET);
	fileidxrec_t idx;
	if (smb_fread(&smb, &idx, sizeof(idx), smb.sid_fp) != sizeof(idx)) {
		return smb.last_error;
	return str;
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int main(int argc, char **argv)
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	uint32_t ** fcrc, *foundcrc;
	ulong       total_found = 0L;
	ulong       g;
	int         i, j, start_lib = 0, end_lib = 0, found = -1;
	scfg_t      cfg;
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	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
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	sscanf("$Revision: 1.54 $", "%*s %s", revision);
	fprintf(stderr, "\nDUPEFIND v%s-%s (rev %s) - Synchronet Duplicate File "
	        "Finder\n", DUPEFIND_VER, PLATFORM_DESC, revision);
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	p = get_ctrl_dir(/* warn: */ TRUE);
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	if (argc > 1 && (!stricmp(argv[1], "/?") || !stricmp(argv[1], "?") || !stricmp(argv[1], "-?"))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [start] [end]\n", argv[0]);
		fprintf(stderr, "where: [start] is the starting library number to check\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "       [end]   is the final library number to check\n");
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	memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
	cfg.size = sizeof(cfg);
	SAFECOPY(cfg.ctrl_dir, p);
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	if (!load_cfg(&cfg, /* text: */ NULL, /* prep: */ TRUE, /* node: */ FALSE, str, sizeof(str))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "!ERROR loading configuration files: %s\n", str);
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	if (chdir(cfg.ctrl_dir) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %d (%s) changing directory to: %s"
		        , errno, strerror(errno), cfg.ctrl_dir);
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	start_lib = 0;
	end_lib = cfg.total_libs - 1;
	if (argc > 1)
		start_lib = end_lib = atoi(argv[1]) - 1;
	if (argc > 2)
		end_lib = atoi(argv[2]) - 1;
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	if ((fcrc = malloc(cfg.total_dirs * sizeof(uint32_t *))) == NULL) {
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		printf("Not enough memory for CRCs.\r\n");
	memset(fcrc, 0, cfg.total_dirs * sizeof(uint32_t *));
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	for (i = 0; i < cfg.total_dirs; i++) {
		if (cfg.dir[i]->lib < start_lib || cfg.dir[i]->lib > end_lib)
		printf("Reading directory %u of %u\r", i + 1, cfg.total_dirs);
		int   result = smb_open_dir(&cfg, &smb, i);
		if (result != SMB_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr, "!ERROR %d (%s) opening %s\n"
			        , result, smb.last_error, smb.file);
		if (smb.status.total_files < 1) {
		if ((fcrc[i] = malloc((smb.status.total_files + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL) {
			printf("Not enough memory for CRCs.\r\n");
		fcrc[i][j++] = smb.status.total_files;
		while (!feof(smb.sid_fp)) {
			if (smb_fread(&smb, &idx, sizeof(idx), smb.sid_fp) != sizeof(idx))
			char         filename[sizeof( + 1];
			fcrc[i][j++] = crc32(filename, 0);
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	for (i = 0; i < cfg.total_dirs; i++) {
		if (cfg.dir[i]->lib < start_lib || cfg.dir[i]->lib > end_lib)
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		lprintf("Scanning %s %s\n", cfg.lib[cfg.dir[i]->lib]->sname, cfg.dir[i]->sname);
		if (fcrc[i] == NULL)
		for (uint k = 1; k < fcrc[i][0]; k++) {
			for (j = i + 1; j < cfg.total_dirs; j++) {
				if (cfg.dir[j]->lib < start_lib || cfg.dir[j]->lib > end_lib)
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				if (fcrc[j] == NULL)
				for (uint h = 1; h < fcrc[j][0]; h++) {
					if (fcrc[i][k] == fcrc[j][h]) {
						if (found != k) {
							found = k;
							for (g = 0; g < total_found; g++) {
								if (foundcrc[g] == fcrc[i][k])
							if (g == total_found) {
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								if ((foundcrc = realloc_or_free(foundcrc
								                                , total_found * sizeof(uint32_t))) == NULL) {
									printf("Out of memory reallocating\r\n");
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							printf("\n%-12s is located in : %-*s  %s\n"
							       "%-12s           and : %-*s  %s\n"
							       , display_filename(&cfg, i, k)
							       , LEN_GSNAME
							       , cfg.lib[cfg.dir[i]->lib]->sname
							       , cfg.dir[i]->sname
							       , ""
							       , LEN_GSNAME
							       , cfg.lib[cfg.dir[j]->lib]->sname
							       , cfg.dir[j]->sname
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							printf("%-12s           and : %-*s  %s\n"
							       , ""
							       , LEN_GSNAME
							       , cfg.lib[cfg.dir[j]->lib]->sname
							       , cfg.dir[j]->sname
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