/* websrvr.c */
/* Synchronet Web Server */
/* $Id$ */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright 2005 Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at *
*, and *
* *
* Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history *
* is available at, example: *
* cvs -d login *
* (just hit return, no password is necessary) *
* cvs -d checkout src *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff *
* format) via e-mail to *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
* General notes: (ToDo stuff)
* Should support RFC2617 Digest auth.
* Support the ident protocol... the standard log format supports it.
* Add in support to pass connections through to a different webserver...
* probobly in access.ars... with like a simplified mod_rewrite.
* This would allow people to run apache and Synchronet as the same site.
#if defined(__unix__)
#include <sys/wait.h> /* waitpid() */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h> /* kill() */
#undef SBBS /* this shouldn't be defined unless building sbbs.dll/ */
#include "sbbs.h"
#include "sockwrap.h" /* sendfilesocket() */
#include "threadwrap.h"
#include "semwrap.h"
#include "websrvr.h"
static const char* server_name="Synchronet Web Server";
static const char* newline="\r\n";
static const char* http_scheme="http://";
static const size_t http_scheme_len=7;
static const char* error_301="301 Moved Permanently";
static const char* error_302="302 Moved Temporarily";
static const char* error_404="404 Not Found";
static const char* error_500="500 Internal Server Error";
static const char* unknown="<unknown>";
#define MAX_REQUEST_LINE 1024 /* NOT including terminator */
#define MAX_HEADERS_SIZE 16384 /* Maximum total size of all headers
(Including terminator )*/
#define MAX_REDIR_LOOPS 20 /* Max. times to follow internal redirects for a single request */
#define MAX_POST_LEN 1048576 /* Max size of body for POSTS */
enum {
static scfg_t scfg;
static BOOL scfg_reloaded=TRUE;
static BOOL http_logging_thread_running=FALSE;
static ulong active_clients=0;
static ulong sockets=0;
static BOOL terminate_server=FALSE;
static BOOL terminate_http_logging_thread=FALSE;
static uint thread_count=0;
static SOCKET server_socket=INVALID_SOCKET;
static char revision[16];
static char root_dir[MAX_PATH+1];
static char error_dir[MAX_PATH+1];
static char temp_dir[MAX_PATH+1];
static time_t uptime=0;
static DWORD served=0;
static web_startup_t* startup=NULL;
static js_server_props_t js_server_props;
static str_list_t recycle_semfiles;
static str_list_t shutdown_semfiles;
static named_string_t** mime_types;
static named_string_t** cgi_handlers;
static named_string_t** xjs_handlers;
/* Logging stuff */
sem_t log_sem;
link_list_t log_list;
struct log_data {
char *hostname;
char *ident;
char *user;
char *request;
char *referrer;
char *agent;
char *vhost;
int status;
unsigned int size;
struct tm completed;
typedef struct {
char virtual_path[MAX_PATH+1];
char physical_path[MAX_PATH+1];
BOOL expect_go_ahead;
time_t if_modified_since;
BOOL keep_alive;
char ars[256];
char auth[128]; /* UserID:Password */
char host[128]; /* The requested host. (as used for self-referencing URLs) */
char vhost[128]; /* The requested host. (virtual host) */
int send_location;
const char* mime_type;
str_list_t headers;
char status[MAX_REQUEST_LINE+1];
char * post_data;
size_t post_len;
int dynamic;
char xjs_handler[MAX_PATH+1];
struct log_data *ld;
char request_line[MAX_REQUEST_LINE+1];
BOOL finished; /* Done processing request. */
BOOL read_chunked;
BOOL write_chunked;
/* CGI parameters */
char query_str[MAX_REQUEST_LINE+1];
char extra_path_info[MAX_REQUEST_LINE+1];
str_list_t cgi_env;
str_list_t dynamic_heads;
/* Dynamically (sever-side JS) generated HTML parameters */
FILE* fp;
BOOL sent_headers;
BOOL prev_write;
/* webconfig.ini overrides */
char *error_dir;
char *cgi_dir;
char *realm;
} http_request_t;
typedef struct {
SOCKET socket;
http_request_t req;
char host_ip[64];
char host_name[128]; /* Resolved remote host */
int http_ver; /* HTTP version. 0 = HTTP/0.9, 1=HTTP/1.0, 2=HTTP/1.1 */
BOOL finished; /* Do not accept any more imput from client */
user_t user;
int last_user_num;
time_t logon_time;
int last_js_user_num;
/* JavaScript parameters */
JSRuntime* js_runtime;
JSContext* js_cx;
JSObject* js_glob;
JSObject* js_query;
JSObject* js_header;
JSObject* js_request;
js_branch_t js_branch;
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