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Commit 1b70405e authored by nightfox's avatar nightfox
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When displaying the menu items, rather than directly referring to the list of...

When displaying the menu items, rather than directly referring to the list of menu item objects, there are now a couple of functions (mainly for internal use), NumItems() (which returns the number of items) and GetItem() (which returns a specific menu item object).  The intent is that calling code can replace these two functions in the DDLightbarMenu object to have the DDLightbarMenu effectively access a different list of items rather than its own list of items.  This can be more efficient, for instance, in scripts that are working with a Synchronet messagebase, to avoid calling DDLightbarMenu's Add() function to add/copy a bunch of data, which can take significant time (i.e., if a messagebase contains a lot of messages).

The colors.itemColor and colors.selectedItemColor properties in a DDLightbarMenu object can now be either a string (with Synchronet color/attribute codes for the item text) or an array with objects specifying color/attribute codes for different parts of an item's text string displayed on the menu.
Item color arrays: Currently, colors.itemColor and colors.seletedItemColor within a DDLightbarMenu object can be either a string (containing color/attribute codes) or an array with color/attribute codes for different sections of the item strings to display in the menu.  The array is to contain objects with the following properties:
 start: The index of the first character in the item string to apply the colors to
 end: One past the last character index in the string to apply the colors to
 attrs: The Synchronet attribute codes to apply to the section of the item string
For the last item, the 'end' property can be -1, 0, or greater than the length of the item to apply the color/attribute codes to the rest of the string.
parent ca0db262
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......@@ -27,19 +27,41 @@ SetPos()
To change the colors used for displaying the items, you can change the values
in the colors object within the DDLightbarMenu object. These are the current
supported colors:
itemColor: The color to use for non-selected items (current default is white
on blue)
on blue). This can be a string (with the color/attribute values)
or an array to specify colors for different sections of the item
text to display in the menu. See the note on item color arrays
selectedItemColor: The color to use for selected items (current default is blue
on white)
on white). This can be a string (with the color/attribute values)
or an array to specify colors for different sections of the item
text to display in the menu. See the note on item color arrays
itemTextCharHighlightColor: The color of a highlighted non-space character in an
item text (specified by having a & in the item text).
It's important not to specify a "\1n" in here in case
the item text should have a background color.
borderColor: The color for the borders (if borders are enabled)
You can also call SetColors() and pass in a JS object with any or all of the
above properties to set the colors internally in the DDLightbarMenu object.
Item color arrays: Currently, colors.itemColor and colors.seletedItemColor within
a DDLightbarMenu object can be either a string (containing color/attribute codes)
or an array with color/attribute codes for different sections of the item strings
to display in the menu. The array is to contain objects with the following
start: The index of the first character in the item string to apply the colors to
end: One past the last character index in the string to apply the colors to
attrs: The Synchronet attribute codes to apply to the section of the item string
For the last item, the 'end' property can be -1, 0, or greater than the length
of the item to apply the color/attribute codes to the rest of the string.
By default, the menu selection will wrap around to the beginning/end when using
the down/up arrows. That behavior can be disabled by setting the wrapNavigation
......@@ -158,19 +180,55 @@ setting the following properties of the borderChars object:
right: The character to use for the right border
For example:
lbMenu.borderChars.upperLeft = "\xDA"; // Single-line upper-left character
Alternately, you can call the SetBorderChars() function and pass in a JS object
with any or all of the above properties to set those values internally in the
DDLightbarMenu object.
If you want hotkeys to be case-sensitive, you can set the hotkeyCaseSensitive
property to true (it is false by default). For example:
lbMenu.hotkeyCaseSensitive = true;
To add additional key characters as quit keys (in addition to ESC), call
AddAdditionalQuitKeys() with an array of keys as strings. For example:
lbMenu.AddAdditionalQuitKeys(["q", "Q"]);
AddAdditionalQuitKeys() with a string of characters. For example:
To enable the border and set top and bottom border text:
lbMenu.borderEnabled = true;
lbMenu.topBorderText = "Options";
lbMenu.bottomBorderText = "Enter = Select";
For a more advanced usage, if you have another large list of items you want
to use in the menu instead of the menu's own list of items, you can replace
the NumItems and GetItem functions in the menu object and write your own
versions that access a different list of items. This can be useful, for instance,
if you're working with a Synchronet messagebase (which may include a large number
of messages), so you can avoid the time taken to add those items to a DDLightbarMenu.
NumItems() needs to return the number of items in the list. GetItem() takes an item
index as a parameter and needs to return an item object that is compatible with
DDLightbarMenu. You can get a default item object by calling MakeItemWithRetval()
or MakeItemWithTextAndRetval(), then change its text and retval properties as
needed, then return the item object. In the item object, the 'text' property
is the text to display in the menu, and the 'retval' proprety is the value to return
when the user chooses that item.
An example (assuming the lightbar menu object is called lbMenu):
lbMenu.NumItems = function() {
// Do your own thing to get the number of items in your list.
// ...
// Assuming myNumItems is the number of items in your list:
return myNumItems;
lbMenu.GetItem = function(pItemIndex) {
// Get a default item object from the menu with an initial return value of -1
var menuItemObj = this.MakeItemWithRetval(-1);
// Do your own thing to get the item text and return value for the menu.
// ...
// Assuming itemText is the text to display in the menu and itemRetval is
// the return value to return from the menu:
menuItemObj.text = itemText;
menuItemObj.retval = itemRetval;
return menuItemObj; // The DDLightbarMenu object will use this when displaying the menu
if (typeof(require) === "function")
......@@ -260,8 +318,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.borderEnabled = false;
this.drawnAlready = false;
this.colors = {
itemColor: "\1n\1w\1" + "4",
selectedItemColor: "\1n\1b\1" + "7",
itemColor: "\1n\1w\1" + "4", // Can be either a string or an array specifying colors within the item
selectedItemColor: "\1n\1b\1" + "7", // Can be either a string or an array specifying colors within the item
itemTextCharHighlightColor: "\1y\1h",
borderColor: "\1n\1b",
scrollbarScrollBlockColor: "\1h\1w",
......@@ -307,6 +365,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.Add = DDLightbarMenu_Add;
this.Remove = DDLightbarMenu_Remove;
this.RemoveAllItems = DDLightbarMenu_RemoveAllItems;
this.NumItems = DDLightbarMenu_NumItems;
this.GetItem = DDLightbarMenu_GetItem;
this.SetPos = DDLightbarMenu_SetPos;
this.SetSize = DDLightbarMenu_SetSize;
this.SetWidth = DDLightbarMenu_SetWidth;
......@@ -322,6 +382,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.RemoveAllItemHotkeys = DDLightbarMenu_RemoveAllItemHotkeys;
this.GetVal = DDLightbarMenu_GetVal;
this.SetBorderChars = DDLightbarMenu_SetBorderChars;
this.SetColors = DDLightbarMenu_SetColors;
this.GetNumItemsPerPage = DDLightbarMenu_GetNumItemsPerPage;
this.GetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage = DDLightbarMenu_GetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage;
this.SetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage = DDLightbarMenu_SetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage;
......@@ -337,6 +398,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight)
this.CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow = DDLightbarMenu_CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow;
this.UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem = DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem;
this.CanShowAllItemsInWindow = DDLightbarMenu_CanShowAllItemsInWindow;
this.MakeItemWithTextAndRetval = DDLightbarMenu_MakeItemWithTextAndRetval;
this.MakeItemWithRetval = DDLightbarMenu_MakeItemWithRetval;
// Set some things based on the parameters passed in
if ((typeof(pX) == "number") && (typeof(pY) == "number"))
......@@ -418,6 +481,25 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_RemoveAllItems()
this.topItemIdx = 0;
// Returns the number of items in the menu
function DDLightbarMenu_NumItems()
return this.items.length;
// Returns an item from the list
// Parameters:
// pItemIndex: The index of the item to get
// Return value: The item (or null if pItemIndex is invalid)
function DDLightbarMenu_GetItem(pItemIndex)
if ((pItemIndex < 0) || (pItemIndex >= this.items.length))
return null;
return this.items[pItemIndex];
// Sets the menu's upper-left corner position
// Parameters:
......@@ -526,7 +608,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_Draw(pSelectedItemIndexes, pDrawBorders, pDrawScrollbar)
// so that we can use that space to display the item numbers.
if (this.numberedMode)
this.itemNumLen = this.items.length.toString().length;
this.itemNumLen = this.NumItems().toString().length;
itemLen -= this.itemNumLen;
--itemLen; // Have a space for separation between the numbers and items
......@@ -534,7 +616,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_Draw(pSelectedItemIndexes, pDrawBorders, pDrawScrollbar)
// Write the menu items, only up to the height of the menu
var numPossibleItems = (this.borderEnabled ? this.size.height - 2 : this.size.height);
var numItemsWritten = 0;
for (var idx = this.topItemIdx; (idx < this.items.length) && (numItemsWritten < numPossibleItems); ++idx)
for (var idx = this.topItemIdx; (idx < this.NumItems()) && (numItemsWritten < numPossibleItems); ++idx)
console.gotoxy(curPos.x, curPos.y++);
var showMultiSelectMark = (this.multiSelect && (typeof(pSelectedItemIndexes) == "object") && pSelectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(idx));
......@@ -650,7 +732,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_DrawBorder()
// at the end of the item's text.
function DDLightbarMenu_WriteItem(pIdx, pItemLen, pHighlight, pSelected)
if ((pIdx >= 0) && (pIdx < this.items.length))
var numItems = this.NumItems();
if ((pIdx >= 0) && (pIdx < numItems))
var itemLen = 0;
if (typeof(pItemLen) == "number")
......@@ -670,7 +753,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_WriteItem(pIdx, pItemLen, pHighlight, pSelected)
// so that we can use that space to display the item numbers.
if (this.numberedMode)
this.itemNumLen = this.items.length.toString().length;
this.itemNumLen = numItems.toString().length;
itemLen -= this.itemNumLen;
--itemLen; // Have a space for separation between the numbers and items
......@@ -684,11 +767,11 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_WriteItem(pIdx, pItemLen, pHighlight, pSelected)
var selected = (typeof(pSelected) == "boolean" ? pSelected : false);
// Get the item text, and truncate it to the displayable item width
var itemText = this.items[pIdx].text;
var itemText = this.GetItem(pIdx).text;
if (itemTextDisplayableLen(itemText, this.ampersandHotkeysInItems) > itemLen)
itemText = itemText.substr(0, itemLen);
// Add the item color to the text
itemText = itemColor + itemText;
itemText = addAttrsToString(itemText, itemColor);
// If ampersandHotkeysInItems is true, see if there's an ampersand in
// the item text. If so, we'll want to highlight the next character
// with a different color.
......@@ -822,7 +905,8 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
this.lastUserInput = null;
if (this.items.length == 0)
var numItems = this.NumItems();
if (numItems == 0)
return null;
var draw = (typeof(pDraw) == "boolean" ? pDraw : true);
......@@ -885,10 +969,10 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
// Go to the last item and scroll to the bottom if necessary
this.selectedItemIdx = this.items.length - 1;
this.selectedItemIdx = numItems - 1;
var oldTopItemIdx = this.topItemIdx;
var numItemsPerPage = (this.borderEnabled ? this.size.height - 2 : this.size.height);
this.topItemIdx = this.items.length - numItemsPerPage;
this.topItemIdx = numItems - numItemsPerPage;
if (this.topItemIdx < 0)
this.topItemIdx = 0;
if (this.topItemIdx != oldTopItemIdx)
......@@ -907,7 +991,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
else if ((this.lastUserInput == KEY_DOWN) || (this.lastUserInput == KEY_RIGHT))
if (this.selectedItemIdx < this.items.length-1)
if (this.selectedItemIdx < numItems-1)
// Draw the current item in regular colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
......@@ -980,19 +1064,36 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
this.selectedItemIdx = 0;
// The top index is the top index for the last page.
// If wrapping is enabled, then go back to the first page.
if (this.wrapNavigation)
var topIndexForLastPage = numItems - numItemsPerPage;
if (topIndexForLastPage < 0)
topIndexForLastPage = 0;
else if (topIndexForLastPage >= numItems)
topIndexForLastPage = numItems - 1;
this.topItemIdx = topIndexForLastPage;
this.selectedItemIdx = topIndexForLastPage;
else if (this.lastUserInput == KEY_PAGE_DOWN)
var numItemsPerPage = (this.borderEnabled ? this.size.height - 2 : this.size.height);
// Figure out how many pages are needed to list all the items
//var numPages = Math.ceil(this.items.length / this.size.height);
//var numPages = Math.ceil(numItems / this.size.height);
// Figure out the top index for the last page.
//var topIndexForLastPage = (this.size.height * numPages) - this.size.height;
var topIndexForLastPage = this.items.length - numItemsPerPage;
var topIndexForLastPage = numItems - numItemsPerPage;
if (topIndexForLastPage < 0)
topIndexForLastPage = 0;
else if (topIndexForLastPage >= this.items.length)
topIndexForLastPage = this.items.length - 1;
else if (topIndexForLastPage >= numItems)
topIndexForLastPage = numItems - 1;
if (topIndexForLastPage != this.topItemIdx)
// Update the selected & top item indexes
......@@ -1004,6 +1105,17 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
this.topItemIdx = topIndexForLastPage;
// The top index is the top index for the last page.
// If wrapping is enabled, then go back to the first page.
if (this.wrapNavigation)
this.topItemIdx = 0;
this.selectedItemIdx = 0;
else if (this.lastUserInput == KEY_HOME)
......@@ -1044,12 +1156,12 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// Go to the last item in the list
var numItemsPerPage = this.GetNumItemsPerPage();
if (this.selectedItemIdx < this.items.length-1)
if (this.selectedItemIdx < numItems-1)
var lastPossibleTop = this.items.length - numItemsPerPage;
var lastPossibleTop = numItems - numItemsPerPage;
if (lastPossibleTop < 0)
lastPossibleTop = 0;
var lastItemIdx = this.items.length - 1;
var lastItemIdx = numItems - 1;
// If the last item index is below the current page, then scroll.
// Otherwise, draw more efficiently by drawing the current item in
// regular colors and the last item in highlighted colors.
......@@ -1070,7 +1182,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
console.gotoxy(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.selectedItemIdx-this.topItemIdx);
this.WriteItem(this.selectedItemIdx, null, false, selectedItemIndexes.hasOwnProperty(this.selectedItemIdx));
this.selectedItemIdx = this.topItemIdx + numItemsPerPage - 1;
if (this.selectedItemIdx >= this.items.length)
if (this.selectedItemIdx >= numItems)
this.selectedItemIdx = lastItemIdx;
// Draw the new current item in selected colors
if (this.borderEnabled)
......@@ -1093,7 +1205,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
selectedItemIndexes[this.selectedItemIdx] = true;
retVal = this.items[this.selectedItemIdx].retval;
retVal = this.GetItem(this.selectedItemIdx).retval;
continueOn = false;
else if (this.lastUserInput == " ")
......@@ -1135,8 +1247,9 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// If any of the item text is right at the end, then display it. Otherwise,
// display 2 spaces.
var textToPrint = " ";
if (this.items[this.selectedItemIdx].text.length >= this.size.width)
textToPrint = this.items[this.selectedItemIdx].text.substr(this.size.width-2, 2);
var theItem = this.GetItem(this.selectedItemIdx);
if (theItem.text.length >= this.size.width)
textToPrint = theItem.text.substr(this.size.width-2, 2);
console.print(this.colors.selectedItemColor + textToPrint + "\1n");
......@@ -1167,7 +1280,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
printf("\1n%" + this.size.width + "s", ""); // Blank out what might be on the screen already
console.gotoxy(promptX, promptY);
console.print("\1cItem #: \1h");
var userEnteredItemNum = console.getnum(this.items.length);
var userEnteredItemNum = console.getnum(numItems);
// Blank out the input prompt
console.gotoxy(promptX, promptY);
printf("\1n%" + this.size.width + "s", "");
......@@ -1193,7 +1306,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
retVal = this.items[this.selectedItemIdx].retval;
retVal = this.GetItem(this.selectedItemIdx).retval;
continueOn = false;
......@@ -1204,15 +1317,16 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
// See if the user pressed a hotkey set for one of the items. If so,
// then choose that item.
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i)
for (var i = 0; i < numItems; ++i)
for (var h = 0; h < this.items[i].hotkeys.length; ++h)
var theItem = this.GetItem(i);
for (var h = 0; h < theItem.hotkeys.length; ++h)
var userPressedHotkey = false;
if (this.hotkeyCaseSensitive)
userPressedHotkey = (this.lastUserInput == this.items[i].hotkeys[h]);
userPressedHotkey = (this.lastUserInput == theItem.hotkeys[h]);
userPressedHotkey = (this.lastUserInput.toUpperCase() == this.items[i].hotkeys[h].toUpperCase());
userPressedHotkey = (this.lastUserInput.toUpperCase() == theItem.hotkeys[h].toUpperCase());
if (userPressedHotkey)
if (this.multiSelect)
......@@ -1231,7 +1345,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
retVal = this.items[i].retval;
retVal = theItem.retval;
this.selectedItemIdx = i;
continueOn = false;
......@@ -1252,13 +1366,15 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
userChoices = [];
for (var prop in selectedItemIndexes)
return (this.multiSelect ? userChoices : retVal);
// Sets the characters to use for drawing the border
// Sets the characters to use for drawing the border. Takes an object specifying
// the values to set, but does not overwrite the whole borderChars object in the
// menu object.
// Parameters:
// pBorderChars: An object with the following properties:
......@@ -1284,6 +1400,37 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_SetBorderChars(pBorderChars)
// Sets the colors to use with the menu. Takes an object specifying the values
// to set, but does not overwrite the whole colors object in the menu object.
// Parameters:
// pColors: An object with the following properties:
// itemColor: The color to use for non-highlighted items
// selectedItemColor: The color to use for selected items
// itemTextCharHighlightColor: The color to use for a highlighted
// non-space character in an item text
// (specified by having a & in the item
// text).
// It's important not to specify a "\1n"
// in here in case the item text should
// have a background color.
// borderColor: The color to use for the border
// scrollbarScrollBlockColor: The color to use for the scrollbar block
// scrollbarBGColor: The color to use for the scrollbar background
function DDLightbarMenu_SetColors(pColors)
if (typeof(pColors) != "object")
var colorPropNames = [ "itemColor", "selectedItemColor", "itemTextCharHighlightColor",
"borderColor", "scrollbarScrollBlockColor", "scrollbarBGColor" ];
for (var i = 0; i < colorPropNames.length; ++i)
if (pColors.hasOwnProperty(colorPropNames[i]))
this.colors[colorPropNames[i]] = pColors[colorPropNames[i]];
// Returns the number of (possible) items per page
function DDLightbarMenu_GetNumItemsPerPage()
......@@ -1299,7 +1446,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage()
var numItemsPerPage = this.size.height;
if (this.borderEnabled)
numItemsPerPage -= 2;
var topItemIndex = this.items.length - numItemsPerPage;
var topItemIndex = this.NumItems() - numItemsPerPage;
if (topItemIndex < 0)
topItemIndex = 0;
return topItemIndex;
......@@ -1311,7 +1458,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_SetTopItemIdxToTopOfLastPage()
var numItemsPerPage = this.size.height;
if (this.borderEnabled)
numItemsPerPage -= 2;
this.topItemIdx = this.items.length - numItemsPerPage;
this.topItemIdx = this.NumItems() - numItemsPerPage;
if (this.topItemIdx < 0)
this.topItemIdx = 0;
......@@ -1423,51 +1570,6 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_DisplayInitialScrollbar(pSolidBlockStartRow, pNumSolidBl
// Calculates the starting row for the solid blocks on the scrollbar
// Return value: The starting row for the solid blocks on the scrollbar
function DDLightbarMenu_CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow()
var scrollbarStartY = this.pos.y;
var scrollbarHeight = this.size.height;
if (this.borderEnabled)
scrollbarHeight -= 2;
var scrollbarBottomY = scrollbarStartY + scrollbarHeight - 1;
var solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartY;
if (this.items.length > 0)
var scrollbarFraction = this.selectedItemIdx / this.items.length;
var scrollbarStartRow = scrollbarStartY + Math.floor(scrollbarHeight * scrollbarFraction);
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartRow - Math.floor(this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks / 2);
// Don't let the solid blocks go above the starting screen row or below the ending
// screen row of the scrollbar
if (solidBlockStartRow < scrollbarStartY)
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartY;
else if (solidBlockStartRow + this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks > scrollbarBottomY)
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarBottomY - this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks + 1;
return solidBlockStartRow;
// Updates the scrollbar position based on the currently-selected
// item index, this.selectedItemIdx.
function DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem()
var solidBlockStartRow = this.CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow();
if (solidBlockStartRow != this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow)
this.UpdateScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks);
this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow = solidBlockStartRow;
function DDLightbarMenu_CanShowAllItemsInWindow()
var pageHeight = (this.borderEnabled ? this.size.height - 2 : this.size.height);
return (this.items.length <= pageHeight);
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Updates the scrollbar for a message, for use
// in enhanced reader mode. This does only the necessary character updates to
// minimize the number of characters that need to be updated on the screen.
......@@ -1581,6 +1683,85 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbar(pNewStartRow, pOldStartRow, pNumSolidBlo
// Calculates the starting row for the solid blocks on the scrollbar
// Return value: The starting row for the solid blocks on the scrollbar
function DDLightbarMenu_CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow()
var scrollbarStartY = this.pos.y;
var scrollbarHeight = this.size.height;
if (this.borderEnabled)
scrollbarHeight -= 2;
var scrollbarBottomY = scrollbarStartY + scrollbarHeight - 1;
var solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartY;
var numMenuItems = this.NumItems();
if (numMenuItems > 0)
var scrollbarFraction = this.selectedItemIdx / numMenuItems;
var scrollbarStartRow = scrollbarStartY + Math.floor(scrollbarHeight * scrollbarFraction);
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartRow - Math.floor(this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks / 2);
// Don't let the solid blocks go above the starting screen row or below the ending
// screen row of the scrollbar
if (solidBlockStartRow < scrollbarStartY)
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarStartY;
else if (solidBlockStartRow + this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks > scrollbarBottomY)
solidBlockStartRow = scrollbarBottomY - this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks + 1;
return solidBlockStartRow;
// Updates the scrollbar position based on the currently-selected
// item index, this.selectedItemIdx.
function DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem()
var solidBlockStartRow = this.CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow();
if (solidBlockStartRow != this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow)
this.UpdateScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks);
this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow = solidBlockStartRow;
function DDLightbarMenu_CanShowAllItemsInWindow()
var pageHeight = (this.borderEnabled ? this.size.height - 2 : this.size.height);
return (this.NumItems() <= pageHeight);
// Makes an item object that is compatible with DDLightbarMenu, with a given
// item text and return value.
// Parameters:
// pText: The text to show in the menu for the item
// pRetval: The return value of the item when the user selects it from the menu
// Return value: An object with the given text & return value compatible with DDLightbarMenu
function DDLightbarMenu_MakeItemWithTextAndRetval(pText, pRetval)
return {
text: pText,
retval: pRetval,
hotkeys: []
// Makes an item object that is compatible with DDLightbarMenu, with a given
// return value.
// Parameters:
// pRetval: The return value of the item when the user selects it from the menu
// Return value: An object with the given return value compatible with DDLightbarMenu
function DDLightbarMenu_MakeItemWithRetval(pRetval)
return {
text: "",
retval: pRetval,
hotkeys: []
// Calculates the number of solid scrollbar blocks & non-solid scrollbar blocks
// to use. Saves the information in this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks and
// this.scrollbarInfo.numNonSolidScrollBlocks.
......@@ -1589,15 +1770,24 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_CalcScrollbarBlocks()
var menuDisplayHeight = this.size.height;
if (this.borderEnabled)
menuDisplayHeight -= 2;
var menuListFractionShown = menuDisplayHeight / this.items.length;
if (menuListFractionShown > 1)
menuListFractionShown = 1.0;
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = Math.floor(menuDisplayHeight * menuListFractionShown);
if (this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks <= 0)
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = 1;
else if (this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks > menuDisplayHeight)
var numMenuItems = this.NumItems();
if (numMenuItems > 0)
var menuListFractionShown = menuDisplayHeight / numMenuItems;
if (menuListFractionShown > 1)
menuListFractionShown = 1.0;
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = Math.floor(menuDisplayHeight * menuListFractionShown);
if (this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks <= 0)
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = 1;
else if (this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks > menuDisplayHeight)
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = menuDisplayHeight;
this.scrollbarInfo.numNonSolidScrollBlocks = menuDisplayHeight - this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks;
this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks = menuDisplayHeight;
this.scrollbarInfo.numNonSolidScrollBlocks = menuDisplayHeight - this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks;
this.scrollbarInfo.numNonSolidScrollBlocks = 0;
......@@ -1743,4 +1933,86 @@ function shortenStrWithAttrCodes(pStr, pNewLength, pFromLeft)
return strCopy;
\ No newline at end of file
// Adds color/attribute codes to a string.
// Parameters:
// pStr: The string to add attribute codes to
// pAttrs: This can be either a string containing attribute codes or an array
// of objects with start, end, and color properties, for applying attribute
// codes to different parts of the string. These are the properties of
// each object in the string (note: for the last one, end can be 0 or -1
// to apply the attributes to the rest of the string):
// start: The start index in the string to apply the attributes to
// end: One past the last index in the part of the string to apply the attributes to
// attrs: The attributes to apply to that part of the string
// Return value: A copy of the string with attributes applied
function addAttrsToString(pStr, pAttrs)
if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
return "";
else if (pStr.length == 0)
return "";
var str;
if (Array.isArray(pAttrs))
if (pAttrs.length > 0)
// Ensure each element of the array has start, end, and attrs properties
var allElementsHaveCorrectProps = true;
for (var i = 0; (i < pAttrs.length) && allElementsHaveCorrectProps; ++i)
allElementsHaveCorrectProps = ((typeof(pAttrs[i]) == "object") &&
pAttrs[i].hasOwnProperty("start") &&
pAttrs[i].hasOwnProperty("end") &&
pAttrs[i].hasOwnProperty("attrs") &&
(typeof(pAttrs[i].start) == "number") &&
(typeof(pAttrs[i].end) == "number") &&
(typeof(pAttrs[i].attrs) == "string"));
if (!allElementsHaveCorrectProps)
return pStr;
// Colorize the string with the object in pAttrs.
// Don't do the last object in this loop, because for the last object,
// we'll want to check if its end index is valid.
str = "";
var lastEnd = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < pAttrs.length; ++i)
// If the current object's start is more than 1 character after
// the last's end, then append the gap in the string with the
// normal attribute
if ((i > 0) && (pAttrs[i].start > pAttrs[i-1].end))
str += "\1n" + pStr.substring(pAttrs[i-1].end, pAttrs[i].start);
// If the properties for the current attrib object are all valid, append
// the current part of the string with the given attributes
if ((pAttrs[i].start >= lastEnd) && (pAttrs[i].start >= 0) && (pAttrs[i].start < pStr.length) && (pAttrs[i].end > pAttrs[i].start) && (pAttrs[i].end <= pStr.length))
str += "\1n" + pAttrs[i].attrs + pStr.substring(pAttrs[i].start, pAttrs[i].end);
// For the last attribute object, allow the end index to be <= 0 or
// more than the length of the string to apply the attributes to the
// rest of the string.
//else if ((i == pAttrs.length-1) && (pAttrs[i].start >= lastEnd) && (pAttrs[i].start >= 0) && (pAttrs[i].start < pStr.length) && (pAttrs[i].end <= 0))
else if ((i == pAttrs.length-1) && (pAttrs[i].start >= lastEnd) && (pAttrs[i].start >= 0) && (pAttrs[i].start < pStr.length) && ((pAttrs[i].end <= 0) || (pAttrs[i].end > pStr.length)))
str += "\1n" + pAttrs[i].attrs + pStr.substring(pAttrs[i].start);
lastEnd = pAttrs[i].end;
// If str is shorter than the passed-in string, then append the rest of the string
// with the normal attribute.
var theStrLen = console.strlen(str);
if (theStrLen < pStr.length)
str += "\1n" + pStr.substring(theStrLen);
str = pStr;
else if (typeof(pAttrs) == "string")
str = "\1n" + pAttrs + pStr;
str = pStr;
return str;
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