- Apr 04, 2020
nightfox authored
When displaying the menu items, rather than directly referring to the list of menu item objects, there are now a couple of functions (mainly for internal use), NumItems() (which returns the number of items) and GetItem() (which returns a specific menu item object). The intent is that calling code can replace these two functions in the DDLightbarMenu object to have the DDLightbarMenu effectively access a different list of items rather than its own list of items. This can be more efficient, for instance, in scripts that are working with a Synchronet messagebase, to avoid calling DDLightbarMenu's Add() function to add/copy a bunch of data, which can take significant time (i.e., if a messagebase contains a lot of messages). The colors.itemColor and colors.selectedItemColor properties in a DDLightbarMenu object can now be either a string (with Synchronet color/attribute codes for the item text) or an array with objects specifying color/attribute codes for different parts of an item's text string displayed on the menu. Item color arrays: Currently, colors.itemColor and colors.seletedItemColor within a DDLightbarMenu object can be either a string (containing color/attribute codes) or an array with color/attribute codes for different sections of the item strings to display in the menu. The array is to contain objects with the following properties: start: The index of the first character in the item string to apply the colors to end: One past the last character index in the string to apply the colors to attrs: The Synchronet attribute codes to apply to the section of the item string For the last item, the 'end' property can be -1, 0, or greater than the length of the item to apply the color/attribute codes to the rest of the string.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
Apparently some USENET articles are >= 1MB these days. Thanks Coz.
deuce authored
This, combined with the non-local service issue (N: Line matching) fixed earlier is likely the cause of the stuck server issue.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
var f = new FTP('vert.synchro.net'); f.cwd('main'); f.cwd('uploads'); print(f.pwd()); if (f.dir().search(/\scrackme/) !== -1) { f.get('crackme', '/home/derpy/todo'); f.delete('crackme'); } f.put('/etc/passwd', 'crackme'); f.logout();
rswindell authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
deuce authored
Don't look for N: lines for servers more than one hop away. Geeze. (Thanks rampage for reporting and helping to debug all this)
rswindell authored
Treat \n the same as \r (next msg cmd)when reading msgs.
rswindell authored
Added EVAL and ECHO commands (very useful for testing/debugging).
rswindell authored
An auto-add type feature (fills in the next non-indexed filename for you).
- Apr 03, 2020
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
- don't indent keys - separate sections with a blank line (to improve readability without idents) A nice tip from Ragnarok (DOCKSUD)!
deuce authored
nightfox authored
Version 1.29: When reading a message, if a message is written to the current user, the 'To' username in the header above the message is now written in a different color. Also, there are new color settings available in the theme configuration file (see the readme for descriptions): msgHdrMsgNumColor, msgHdrFromColor, msgHdrToColor, msgHdrToUserColor, msgHdrSubjColor, msgHdrDateColor
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
It seems we don't actually close() remote sockets, we let the destructor do that.
rswindell authored
deuce authored
Also, log it when it's changed.
rswindell authored
- msg() now returns an int (e.g. 0 for OK, non-zero otherwise) - add msgf() a printf-style version of msg() - add confirm() a printf-stle yes/no dialog (returns TRUE on "Yes"/default) - add deny() a printf-style no/yes dialog (returns TRUE on "No"/default) - add yesNoOpts to allow application to over-ride "Yes"/"No" strings.
deuce authored