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Commit 6d1e6239 authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
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Merge branch 'dd_msg_reader_145_scan_fix' into 'master'

DDMsgReader v1.45: Fixed message scanning & searching issues introduced in the previous version.

Closes #344

See merge request !145
parents 764630cf cf621bf8
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2 merge requests!463MRC mods by Codefenix (2024-10-20),!145DDMsgReader v1.45: Fixed message scanning & searching issues introduced in the previous version.
......@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@
* to ensure they only have Synchronet attribute codes.
* 2022-02-19 Eric Oulashin Version 1.44
* Releasing this version.
* 2022-02-24 Eric Oulashin Version 1.45
* Fixed message scanning & searching issue introduced in the
* previous version.
......@@ -232,8 +235,8 @@ if (system.version_num < 31500)
// Reader version information
var READER_VERSION = "1.44";
var READER_DATE = "2022-02-19";
var READER_VERSION = "1.45";
var READER_DATE = "2022-02-24";
// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
......@@ -1817,6 +1820,13 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SearchMessages(pSearchModeStr, pSubBoardCode, pScanSco
var continueScan = true;
var userAborted = false;
this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = (subBoardsToScan.length > 1);
// If the sub-board's access requirements allows the user to read it
// and it's enabled in the user's message scan configuration, then go
// ahead with this sub-board.
// Note: Used to use this to determine whether the user could access the
// sub-board:
// Now using the can_read property.
for (var subCodeIdx = 0; (subCodeIdx < subBoardsToScan.length) && continueScan; ++subCodeIdx)
subCode = subBoardsToScan[subCodeIdx];
......@@ -1828,16 +1838,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SearchMessages(pSearchModeStr, pSubBoardCode, pScanSco
// when the "Searching ..." and "No messages were found" text is
// displayed repeatedly
console.line_counter = 0;
// If the sub-board's access requirements allows the user to read it
// and it's enabled in the user's message scan configuration, then go
// ahead with this sub-board.
// Note: Used to use this to determine whether the user could access the
// sub-board:
// Now using the can_read property.
// TODO: It seems ReadOrListSubBoard() does its own loop through
// the sub-boards if the user chooses to go to the next one
var readOrListRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(subCode, null, true, false, false, false);
// let the user read the sub-board (and toggle betweeen reading and
// listing)
var readOrListRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(subCode, null, true, true, false, true, READER_MODE_READ);
//if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
......@@ -1848,6 +1851,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_SearchMessages(pSearchModeStr, pSubBoardCode, pScanSco
this.subBoardCode = subBoardCodeBackup;
......@@ -1927,6 +1931,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ClearSearchData()
// pPromptToGoNextIfNoResults: Optional boolean - Whether or not to prompt the user
// to go onto the next/previous sub-board if there are no
// search results in the current sub-board. Defaults to true.
// pInitialModeOverride: Optional (numeric) to override the initial mode in this
// function (READER_MODE_READ or READER_MODE_LIST). If not
// specified, defaults to this.startMode.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
// stoppedReading: Boolean - Whether or not the user stopped reading.
......@@ -1934,7 +1941,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ClearSearchData()
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset,
pAllowChgArea, pReturnOnNextAreaNav,
var retObj = {
stoppedReading: false
......@@ -2002,6 +2010,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset,
// Determine whether to start in list or reader mode, depending
// on the value of this.startMode.
var readerMode = this.startMode;
// If an initial mode override was specified and is valid, then use it.
if (typeof(pInitialModeOverride) === "number" && (pInitialModeOverride == READER_MODE_READ || pInitialModeOverride == READER_MODE_LIST))
readerMode = pInitialModeOverride;
// User input loop
var selectedMessageOffset = 0;
if (typeof(pStartingMsgOffset) == "number")
......@@ -2061,6 +2072,7 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset,
else if (otherRetObj.messageListReturn)
readerMode = READER_MODE_LIST;
// Note: Doing the message list is also handled in this.ReadMessages().
// This code is here in case the reader is configured to start up
......@@ -2883,7 +2895,6 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessages(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset, pRetur
if (allowChgMsgArea && !pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
console.print("\1nHere!!!! \1p"); // Temporary
var goToNextRetval = this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults);
retObj.stoppedReading = goToNextRetval.shouldStopReading;
if (retObj.stoppedReading)
......@@ -3827,16 +3838,6 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard)
// S: Sorting options
else if (lastUserInputUpper == "S")
if (user.is_sysop) // Temporary
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
// Refresh the help line
......@@ -6984,9 +6985,9 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader()
// Figure out the message group name & sub-board name
// For the message group name, we can also use msgbase.cfg.grp_name in
// Synchronet 3.12 and higher.
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
var msgGroupName = msg_area.grp_list[msgbase.cfg.grp_number].description;
var subBoardName = "Unspecified";
var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
if (
if (msgbase.cfg != null)
......@@ -10536,13 +10537,13 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PromptAndDeleteSelectedMessages(pPromptLoc, pClearProm
if (promptLocValid)
var delMsgsPromptText = replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.delSelectedMsgsConfirmText);
// If the caller wants to clear the remainder of the row where the prompt
// text will be, then do it.
if (pClearPromptRowAtFirstUse)
// Adding 5 to the prompt text to account for the ? and "[X] " that
// will be added when console.noyes() is called
var delMsgsPromptText = replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.delSelectedMsgsConfirmText);
var promptTxtLen = console.strlen(delMsgsPromptText) + 5;
var numCharsRemaining = 0;
if (typeof(pPromptRowWidth) == "number")
......@@ -10556,8 +10557,8 @@ function DigDistMsgReader_PromptAndDeleteSelectedMessages(pPromptLoc, pClearProm
// Move the cursor to the prompt location
deleteMsgs = !console.noyes(delMsgsPromptText);
deleteMsgs = !console.noyes(delMsgsPromptText);
// If we are to delete the messages, then delete it.
if (deleteMsgs)
Digital Distortion Message Reader
Version 1.44
Release date: 2022-02-19
Version 1.45
Release date: 2022-02-24
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
1.45 2022-02-24 Fixed message scanning & searching issue introduced in the
previous version.
1.44 2022-02-19 Removed the scanScopePromptText text line and used the
SubGroupOrAll line (621) from text.dat instead. Also, the
reader now supports @-code expansion in configured text
  • Contributor

    This closes issue 347.

    Issue 344 should reopen, as this doesn't fully address it. Either DDMsgReader needs to properly bring in curgrp and cursub, or it needs to gracefully fail if it can't figure out those items. This can be reproduced by trying to list email.

  • Andre Robitaille @andreMKE

    mentioned in issue #347 (closed)


    mentioned in issue #347 (closed)

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