- Jan 12, 2008
- Jan 11, 2008
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Fix bug in generation of field_list array.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Fix DLLCALL usage.
deuce authored
deuce authored
requested or all the properties are enumerated. This approximately halves the time that get_msg_header() takes. Doing the same thing with other objects should provide significant speedups. It is MUST easier to do if getter/setters are defined.
- Jan 09, 2008
- Jan 08, 2008
rswindell authored
configuration "Advanced" tab.
rswindell authored
Changed copyright date to 2008.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Documented ALLOW_SYSOP_ALIASES [mail] option.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Incoming email is now scaned for To: headers in the format <name>#<tag>@host Tag is extracted, and if it is not found in data/user/%04d.smtptags it is sent to the user. If it DOES match a line in the smtptags file, the email is rejected with a no such user error. Using this allows you to easily create "temporary" email addresses. Once you start recieving spam on one tag, just disable it. TODO: Make the separator characters configurable.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
- Jan 07, 2008
deuce authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
identically to the SMTP transfer port (e.g. TCP port 25).
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Display table ante/bet details in table listing.
rswindell authored
correctly. Note: the dpoker.plr file really should be converted to a text file.
- Jan 06, 2008
- Jan 05, 2008
deuce authored