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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Apr 11, 2016
  2. Apr 06, 2016
  3. Mar 09, 2016
  4. Feb 26, 2016
  5. Feb 03, 2016
  6. Jan 26, 2016
  7. Jan 21, 2016
  8. Jan 13, 2016
  9. Jan 11, 2016
  10. Jan 10, 2016
  11. Jan 07, 2016
  12. Jan 06, 2016
  13. Jan 03, 2016
  14. Jan 02, 2016
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added support for .bsy lock files when in BSO/FLO mailer mode · 91acd352
      rswindell authored
      (based on FTS-5005 description) - both detection (won't pack/bundle outgoing
      mail for a node that is "busy" with a mailer session) and exclusive-creation
      (to inform the mailer not to allow a session for this node while outgoing mail
      is being processed).
      - Uses strListFind() from updated xpdev.
      Debug-level log message for all file deletions.
      Some log message update (more detail in some, removal of others).
      Bug-fix: outbound FREQ netmail messages would not be deleted after being
      converted to BSO *.req files. It appears no one has yet tested this feature?
      Cleaned-up sbbsecho.h: use of C99-types, defined SBBSECHO_ARCTYPE_NONE magic
      number macro.
      Incremented version to 2.32.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Clear the console-abort flag upon return from executing a JS or Baja module. · c22063f9
      rswindell authored
      This solves the problem of a JS-external program (e.g. SyncWX) being aborted
      at a pause prompt with Ctrl-C or Q and that abort status propagating back to
      the external program's menu. If there is a module which needs to propagate
      the console-abort status up to the parent(s), then this could introduce a
      problem. We'll see.
  15. Jan 01, 2016
  16. Dec 30, 2015
  17. Dec 19, 2015
  18. Dec 16, 2015
    • deuce's avatar
      Clamp the initial paragraph allocation size to 4k rather than whatever the · ec0a804a
      deuce authored
      old line length was.  Some usage specifies a huge old line length (such as
      1<<30) to indicate that it's already one line perparagraph.  In thise case,
      word_unwrap() would allocate oldlen+1 bytes to store the paragraph data in
      regardless of it never really being that long.
      Also, check the return value of word_unwrap().  Not checking it caused a `
      crash with triggered finding the above mentioned bug.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fix bug reported by KenDB3: · 2d9f13ba
      rswindell authored
      The JS-modeled user object's ip_address and host_name property values did not
      reflect the current connection during logon events (JS modules executed during
      logon, e.g. logon.js). Moved the initialization of the current user
      (sbbs_t::useron) ipaddr and comp field to sbbs_t::logon() rather than when
      control returns to sbbs_t::answer(). Removed the (now) redundant saves of these
      user fields from answer().
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fix bug introduced in rev 1.74 of this file (Aug-22-2015, by Deuce): · 8dd15799
      rswindell authored
      The "Start with message number" prompt for the [F]ind text command would
      always start searching at message #64 due to typo (i=64 rather than i=i64).
      Maybe 'i64' isn't a good variable name.
  19. Dec 14, 2015
  20. Dec 10, 2015
    • rswindell's avatar
      Change TO_NET and FROM_NET @-code logic and revert last change to show_msghdr() · 9b5374c4
      rswindell authored
      - it actually *is* an expected condition that a to_net.addr or from_net.addr
      msg header field is populated with a valid address (string) even though the
      to_net.type or from_net.type value is NET_NONE.
      The nntpservice.js and newslink.js modules rely on this behavior to display
      and export local NNTP-posters' email addresses in message headers, but still be
      able to identify newslink-imported messages as *not* local (the from_net.type =
      NET_INTERNET) and thus not export them back to the network.
      This was not the original intention behind these header fields in SMB, but it
      was retrofitted to support this condition 10+ years ago and I forgot.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fix crash in create_netmail(() introduced in last commit, when processing · de7dbd0a
      rswindell authored
      area-fix requests or generating any netmail not from the mail base.
  21. Dec 07, 2015
    • rswindell's avatar
      Fixed problem observed on Vertrauen (Win32), but possibly nowhere else: · 5ea5ca05
      rswindell authored
      When using the SBBSCTRL:User->List menu option, it would take minutes for the
      form to fully populate and display (1457 users). It turned out this was due to
      a 200ms delay for each open of the data/user.dat file.
      I never noticed this problem before, but I went ahead and optimized for this
      situation since it was a bit silly to be opening
      and closing the user.dat almost 1500 times to get a list of users. This made a
      huge difference and the user list appears in about 4 seconds now.
      Oddly, this problem does not happen when listing users in the terminal server
      or when iterating through them in JavaSciprt (e.g. userlist.js).
    • rswindell's avatar
      Split getuserdat() into 3 functions: · fb441e4e
      rswindell authored
      - openuserdat()
      - readuserdat()
      - parseuserdat()
      getuserdat() still exists and just calls those 3 functions. This allows other
      code (e.g. the control panel) to optimize iterative calls to getuserdat() by
      opening the file just once or even reading the entire contents at once and then
      parsing each user record from memory.
      Updated style of arguments in userdat.h (i.e. remove argument name if obvious
      from the type).
    • rswindell's avatar
      Address a couple of concerns from Accession: · fb7ff33b
      rswindell authored
      Don't add TZUTC kludge lines to exported netmail and echomail messages when
      there is already a TZUTC FidoNet control line in the message header (unexpected
      but apparently, GoldEd+ does this).
      If there are other duplicate FTN control/kludge lines created by SBBSecho
      exporting messages added to SMBs by GoldEd+, we should address those too, even
      though I believe in most cases, you should configure the editor to *not* add
      these header fields in the first place.
      Do not convert exisiting Origin Line's to effectively comments (replacing *
      with # in " * Origin") if the current sub-board has been configured to not add
      network tag/origin-lines.