- May 07, 2015
- May 06, 2015
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
run different ecweb configs.
nightfox authored
rswindell authored
when posting.
nightfox authored
Digital Distortion Message Reader update: Added support for the various options passed into the 'Read Mail' loadable module script. Updated the DDReadPersonalEmail.js script to fully support the options that Synchronet can pass to that script - It will run Digital Distortion Message Reader with the appropriate options.
deuce authored
Add missing newline.
deuce authored
nightfox authored
Updated the thread-ID navigation keys to be only ( and ) (I had added support for , and . to also work for that). Updated to look for the configuration & theme config files in sbbs/mods first (and then in sbbs/ctrl, then the same directory as DDMsgReader.js, as before).
deuce authored
deuce authored
nightfox authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Currently uses modopts.ini, but this is likely to change in the future.
deuce authored
Add Head method to do a HEAD request.
deuce authored
for HEAD requests.
deuce authored
Content-Length header for static files.
- May 05, 2015
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Synchronet was updated to pass in the sub-board internal code rather than the sub-board number, so I've updated this script as such. My reader makes use of the sub-board code, and this change lets my reader not have to loop through one of Synchronet's arrays to look up the sub-board code based on the sub-board number.
rswindell authored
'subnum' as the first command-line argument. Also, set the current sub-board value used for ARS comparisons before passing control to a Scan Msgs mod (if there is one), just in case the mod uses ARS (e.g. bbs.compare_ars) to check for access.
nightfox authored
Renamed the reverseOrder configuration setting to reverseListOrder. Added the enter key as a key to advance to the next message in reader mode. Added the -subBoard command-line option, which can be used to specify a sub-board to read (by internal code or by number). Fixed the msgReaderPath variable in DDScanMsgs.js and DDScanSubs.js to contain ../xtrn/DDMsgReader. Updated the readme to reflect the change in the reverseListOrder configuration setting name, and also re-arranged the installation section of the readme.
rswindell authored
Display the "No messages found" text when attempting to thread up or down and there is no corresponding message.
rswindell authored
deuce authored
- May 04, 2015
rswindell authored
- May 03, 2015
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Updated the logic for following a message's thread_back/thread_next & thread_id matching (using the ( and ) keys): Now first checks to see if thread_id is available (it checks to see if running Synchronet 3.16 and thread_id exists in the headers), and uses thread_id if available; if thread_id is not available, then it falls back on using the thread_back & thread_next fields.
- May 02, 2015
nightfox authored
nightfox authored
Added by-title, by-author, and by to-user thread navigation as in Synchronet's stock message reader. Also, added the ability to change to another message sub-board from the message list (using the C key). Note that the ability to change to another sub-board is not enabled when doing a newscan or new-to-you message scan, since a scan is a more controlled flow.
rswindell authored
for sbbs_t::loadposts().
rswindell authored
- thread forward and backward by thread-id (, and .) - list your unread messages (U) - list new messages (N)
rswindell authored
Removed extra smb_freemsgmem() stuff in listmsgs() loop (leftover?).
rswindell authored
Fixed the name of the YNQP text.dat item.