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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 20, 2019
  2. May 16, 2019
  3. May 15, 2019
  4. May 13, 2019
  5. May 11, 2019
  6. May 09, 2019
    • rswindell's avatar
      Include useredit.exe in build. · b00938f6
      rswindell authored
      Send failure emails with high-prioirty.
      Use require() instead of load().
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added SMB_PRIORITY_* definitions. · 6166d703
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
    • rswindell's avatar
      Cosmetic improvement, highlight the filename · bd8ec302
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
      If user has ICE_COLOR terminal, send the SyncTERM/CTerm escape sequence to · df3194f5
      rswindell authored
      enable bright-background support (and disable blink).
      Use require() instead of load(), where applicable.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added new/missing P_mode flag defines: · 44b58db6
      rswindell authored
      - P_NOERROR
      - P_PETSCII
      - P_WRAP
    • rswindell's avatar
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added bright_background(enable) method, to easily enable/disable · bc99ce45
      rswindell authored
      bright-background (iCE color) support in SyncTERM/CTerm ANSI terminals.
    • rswindell's avatar
      New text.dat strings: · 0f4479f9
      rswindell authored
      - PetTerminalDetected (renamed from PetTermDetected)
      - PetTerminalQ
      - TerminalAutoDetect
      - TerminalColumns
      - TerminalRows
      - TerminalMonochrome
      - TerminalColor
      - TerminalIceColor
      - IceColorTerminalQ
      This also moved the MsgCarbonCopyList definition to the end of the file
    • rswindell's avatar
      ICE_COLOR definition. · 7019409f
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added ^AE (bright background) · c494d599
      rswindell authored
    • rswindell's avatar
      Use bright-background for string-input inverse colors - much more readable · 9e397189
      rswindell authored
      on PETSCII terminals.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Handle abort (^C) better - immediately return. · 9add72d7
      rswindell authored
      Replaced embedded ^A chars with \x01.
      Use bright-background (\x01e) for selected answer, much more readable on
      PETSCII terminals.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Updates to the terminal-type selection strings. · 273b210c
      rswindell authored
      New text.dat strings:
      - PetTerminalDetected (renamed from PetTermDetected)
      - PetTerminalQ
      - TerminalAutoDetect
      - TerminalColumns
      - TerminalRows
      - TerminalMonochrome
      - TerminalColor
      - TerminalIceColor
      - IceColorTerminalQ
      This also moved the MsgCarbonCopyList definition to the end of the file
      for now.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Support bright background colors: · 48e7520e
      rswindell authored
      - for PETSCII, this is automatic and you don't lose blink, but you do lose
        colored foreground when enabling a bright background ("reverse video")
      - for ANSI, this mode is typically referred to as "iCE colors" and disables
        blinking-text support
      - Ctrl-AE (^AE) is the new attribute code to enable bright-background
        (will have no effect on ANSI terminals that are not iCE color enabled)
        "E" is now valid in the ctrl/attr.cfg file and string values for JS
        console.attributes assignments, as well
      - Ctrl-AI (^AI) - blink - now does nothing for ANSI/ICE color terminals
        (blinking is not supported in combination with bright-background)
      - Using a new/non-standard CGA attribute bit-flag to indicate the selection of
        bright-background colors (BG_BRIGHT, bit 10), separate from BLINK.
        This change required all/most char/uchar attribute representations to be
        converted to int/uint.
      New text.dat strings:
      - PetTerminalDetected (renamed from PetTermDetected)
      - PetTerminalQ
      - TerminalAutoDetect
      - TerminalColumns
      - TerminalRows
      - TerminalMonochrome
      - TerminalColor
      - TerminalIceColor
      - IceColorTerminalQ
      This also moved the MsgCarbonCopyList definition to the end of the file
      for now.
      PETSCII reverse-video attribute fix:
      When a CR is sent to the terminal, the reverse-video attibute is auto-disabled
      so update our "current attribute" (curatr) value to match the remote.
      Support new printfile/putmsg mode flag: P_WRAP to force an ungraceful
      line-wrap (splitting) to the specified column width. If no column width is
      specified (0), then this mode will force an ungraceful wrap before the last
      terminal column where some terminals *may* auto-wrap.
      JS console.printfile() and printtail() methods now support an optional
      "orig_columns" argument, similar to console.putmsg(). Must specify P_WORDWRAP
      or P_WRAP for this argument to have any effect.
      Much improved terminal-type selection/configuration in the user defaults
      menu and abort (^C) at any of the yes/no prompts is now detected/handled much
      better (to answers to the prompted questions are not saved to the user
    • rswindell's avatar
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added todo comment about require() behavior which is unexpected when the · 6305d447
      rswindell authored
      passesd filename is not found - function reports the symbol was not
      defined rather than file not found or something similar.
    • rswindell's avatar
      if sbbs_t::exec_bin() is called with a blank or NULL module name, just · 0d69795a
      rswindell authored
      return an error value (-33, it's the magic number).
    • rswindell's avatar
      Work-around for issue with the old implib version: · 43176e34
      rswindell authored
      Borland Implib Version 3.0.22 Copyright (c) 1991, 2000 Inprise Corporation
      and MSVC-generated DLLs with exported functions using _cdecl calling convention
      ... sometimes or with some verisons of some DLLs, implib won't add the
      underscore prefix to the exported function name which caused the build error:
      Error: Unresolved external '_total_users' ...
      Using coff2omf instead to convert the MSVC-generated import library (sbbs.lib)
      to the Borland/OMF flavor works, however. I'd seen this issue before but it
      went away when the number of symbols in the source DLL changes. Newer versions
      of implib appear to *not* have this issue so when we upgrade to a newer
      C++Builder, this work-around will no longer be necessary.
    • rswindell's avatar
      Added command-line options / load arguments: · b6ca9a84
      rswindell authored
       -clear        Clear the screen (if possible) before list
       -home       Home the cursor (if possible) before list
       -loop [n]    Loop the list, delaying n seconds (default: 2.0 seconds)
    • rswindell's avatar