- Oct 13, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
- Oct 12, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
<nelgin> Oct 12 16:05:41 bbs synchronet: srvc 0099 IMAPv4-TLS RECV: a UID SEARCH FROM "Michiel" <nelgin> Oct 12 16:05:41 bbs synchronet: srvc 0099 IMAPv4-TLS !JavaScript /sbbs/exec/imapservice.js line 1867: SyntaxError: missing ; before statement <nelgin> I got a different type of error
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
New bug, reported by Melkor (STARFRON).
http://[1234:1234::]Deon George authored
The host portion contains ":" after split_port_part(), resulting in a 400 error. Renaming is_legal_hostname() to is_legal_host(), since requests to webservers are to "hosts" not "hostnames".
Rob Swindell authored
As poinsted out by Mlong, these constant names got out of sync with uifc.h over the years. WIN_HLP isn't used UIFC in jsexec (js_uifc.c).
- Oct 11, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
MSVC Error D8016. Just disable "edit and continue" support.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Also added a .gitignore file.
Rob Swindell authored
The directory list is catpured *before* the lock file is "taken", so it can happen that another process (e.g. instance of binkit) has dealt with one or more of the files by the time we take the lock and attempt to open the file. Also, updated error log messages a bit.
Rob Swindell authored
Have msgtoqwk() return a negative number upon error (e.g. blank message, failed to read to body text), which means *no* message header was written to the messages.dat file, so don't increment the record (block) counter used to create the index (NDX) file. If msgtoqwk() returns 0, that means that a header was written, but no body text (e.g. a vote message) and that is different than an error.
echicken authored
echicken authored
- Oct 10, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
When both Indexes (NDX files) and vote messages are included in a QWK packet (an unexpected, but valid combination), the "Record number" stored in NDX files for subs with votes would be incorrect as it did not increment when a vote message (with no body text) was added to the messages.dat file. Reported by user that was trying to use MultiMail to read a QWK packet that included both votes and indexes and "IgnoreNDX: No" in their .mmailrc file.
- Oct 09, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
putmsg(), used to display messages and display/menu files, will no longer pass-through the ANSI sequence ESC[c (found in some corrupted ANSI posts to fsxNet->FSX_BOT echo) to the client terminal since this will stimulate a (unwanted) response from the client. I do wonder if the outchar_esc value check should be == here instead of >=, but I'm not familiar with the string and SOS states. I wonder if any display files sent from the BBS would ever include those sequences.
Rob Swindell authored
No functional change with regard to the ANSI output state, just making the code easier to read. Removed the conversion of `[ and \xFA[ to \x1b[ in putmsg(). This unexplained output translation has been supported since at least v2.xx and I have no recollection of exactly why it was added. If I recall correctly, some BBS software at some point in time sent ANSI-encoded messages into message networks by translating the ESC (\x1b) character in the ANSI sequences to either ` or \xFA in the process. This "feature" seems like it would still work, but it's completely undocumented and I have no idea why it was added (and seriously doubt anyone relies on this behavior), so I'm removing it. If anyone misses this feature, I'll happily add it back, but I'm skeptical that'll happen.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
When reading messages, circumvent ANSI-encoded messages by replacing the ESC character (ASCII 27) with '.'. This could be made an optional behavior if someone really wants ANSI-encoded messages to be read via smbutil. Also, allow continuous reading of 1 or more consecutive messages using the -<digit> option (no prompting).
- Oct 08, 2020
echicken authored
echicken authored
viable best-guess settings ({web_directory: '../webv4}). This gives lib/init.js a chance to set further defaults.
echicken authored
Altered some formatting.
echicken authored
echicken authored
echicken authored
getMailBody data. Use xjs_eval() to render said button. Added addTwit method. Nothing fancy, just adds your string to twitlist.cfg and assumes you were really careful about producing said string and that it won't destroy the universe.
echicken authored
echicken authored
Added xjs_eval(filename, str) - notionally for evaluating XJS without immediate write - if str, returns the evaluated script as a string - if !str, returns the filename that the script was dumped to - was a fun idea, but doesn't play well with other scripts - best used with simple and self-contained xjs
echicken authored
echicken authored
echicken authored
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
<nelgin> However, dm should probably maintain it at the source. <nelgin> DigitalMan, I've uploaded gtkuseredit_glade.c which also widens "Sex" to 5 chars <nelgin> I've also uploaded my .glade file for comparison <nelgin> and I've uploaded my convert perl script. <DigitalMan> the sex/gender field is a single character <nelgin> Yes, but it doesn't display properly unless I widen it to 5. <DigitalMan> ah
- Oct 07, 2020
echicken authored
echicken authored
Added libHasFiles(lib); returns true as soon as it encounters a dir in a lib that has any files in it. listLibraries() only returns libs that have populated dirs.
echicken authored
echicken authored
maybe that'll do something.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
Same as while in list mode, offers download of message source or any attachments. Fix extraneous PAUSE prompt from Operator menu '?' command by using P_NOCRLF mode argument to bbs.menu().