- Aug 13, 2022
Rob Swindell authored
The "Events" log messages will now be logged to a disk file in data/events*.log by default (unless this option is disabled). If the "First node" is > 1, then the base filename will be "events<first-node>", otherwise, it's just "events". This is because you would not want multiple instances of sbbs writing to the same events.log file - that would be chaos. These log files are subject the log rotation/retention policy defined in SCFG. This should resolve the FAQ for Windows sysops about what log file to which their event log messages are being written.
- Apr 18, 2021
Rob Swindell authored
This would cause all relative file paths to fail after exporting settings to .ini file in another directory. Long time bug.
- Dec 30, 2020
Rob Swindell authored
Also, disable the QWK packet creation timeout edit when QWK packet download support is disabled.
- Apr 17, 2020
- Mar 17, 2020
rswindell authored
Allows sysop to select the .js file from the exec directory, but does not yet allow them to specify/add any command-line options.
rswindell authored
run by a point-and-click sysop. :-) I have the beginnings of a run-any-JS-mod sub-menu item, but still need to work on the prompt/selection of the filename to exec. Native sbbs cmdline utils could be invoked via this menu option too (in the future). First COVID-19 deaths reported today in my home county. :-(
- Mar 15, 2020
rswindell authored
addresses configured in SCFG. Added "Poll" sub-menu item to the Fidonet menu for convenient method of forcing the BINKPOLL timed event to run.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- echocfg (executing) - binkstats.ini (viewing) - echostats.ini (viewing) - sbbsecho.log (viewing) - sbbsecho.ini (editing) - badareas.lst (viewing) - areas.bbs (editing)
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
I don't recall why I added this or what usefulness it has, but I'm gonna play with it.
- Jul 19, 2019
rswindell authored
was just a an outline of the Window? Apparently I set the MainForm's DragKind = dkDock at some point, forever ago, and didn't realize it. I thought all this time it was C++Builder's fault. :-(
- Feb 15, 2019
rswindell authored
- Mar 20, 2018
rswindell authored
collate more (repeated/duplicate) log messages into a single line of the visible log.
- Nov 28, 2016
rswindell authored
SBBSCTRL:BBS->Filters sub-menu.
- May 27, 2016
rswindell authored
- "Configure" menus (not working since the IPv6 commit) - both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses may be specified (comma-separated), or multiple IPv4 addresses! - Added new "Temp Ban" settings to Properites->Security tab. - Added context (tab) sensitive "Help" button to Properties page (links to section on relevant wiki page). - Every log window has a new right-click pop-up menu with 2 options: 1. Copy Selected 2. Copy All Hopefully it's obvious what these menu options do. :-)
- Nov 30, 2015
rswindell authored
- Aug 14, 2015
rswindell authored
Added Help->Donate menu item.
- Jan 04, 2014
rswindell authored
undockable form's DefaultMonitor property to dmPrimary (rather than dmActiveForm) and save/restore the value from the registry (and export-to import-from .ini file) allowing over-ride of default monitor for undocked windows to be customized on a per-form basis (very advanced use). For sysops not using undockable forms in the control panel (the vast majority), this enhancement has no effect.
- Sep 01, 2011
- Jul 14, 2011
rswindell authored
- Feb 25, 2010
rswindell authored
- Oct 25, 2009
rswindell authored
- Feb 15, 2009
rswindell authored
- Feb 13, 2009
rswindell authored
supports RLogin and SSH in addition to Telnet).
- Feb 12, 2009
rswindell authored
- Feb 11, 2009
rswindell authored
Store the actual time of the logged event in the link list, so if the log is paused (for example), the displayed time stamps remain correct.
rswindell authored
may be different than the cbdata pointer for the other bbs_startup_t callbacks. NT services now include the log level in log messages (allowing SBBSCTRL to filter/colorize as appropriate). Now use asynchronous logging (to linked lists) which improves performance considerably (BBS/server threads are not waiting for GUI updates) and allows the log to be completely paused (no updates) without losing any log messages. NT services and integrated servers should have the same log functionality now (log files, filtering, colorization).
- Jan 26, 2009
rswindell authored
- Jan 24, 2009
rswindell authored
Support colorization of logs (using RichEdit instead of Memo controls) based on log level - allow customization of color/font style for each log level. Still need to add controls for adjusting log level for mail/ftp/services/web server log output.
- Feb 12, 2008
rswindell authored
- Mar 14, 2006
rswindell authored
semaphore files so: 1. SCFG will touch ctrl/recycle causing sbbsctrl to reload its copy of the config files resolving the FAQ about why users appear to be running the wrong external program in the node window after adding/removing external programs in SCFG. 2. the control panel can now be gracefully shutdown by touching ctrl/shutdown.
- Jan 27, 2006
rswindell authored
New splash screen image (from Mike). New help menu item to see tech support web page.
- Jan 10, 2006
rswindell authored
Changed "Hello Message" to "Welcome Message".
- Dec 22, 2005
rswindell authored
- Apr 26, 2005
rswindell authored
- Dec 22, 2004
rswindell authored
- Dec 20, 2004