- Jun 19, 2018
rswindell authored
(messages which contain the RESCANNED control line) to downlinks. Also renamed pkt_to_pkt() to write_to_pkts().
- Jun 18, 2018
rswindell authored
"Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" Thanks, Nelgin.
- Jun 17, 2018
rswindell authored
If there's no zone in the specified path, the default_zone is used and that zone is a decimal number, not a hexadecimal string, so running parseInt(...,16) on it errorneously generates an incorrect outbound/FLO dir. This should fix the problem reported by Al @ TRMB.
- Jun 12, 2018
rswindell authored
If the ctrl/ssl.cert file did not exist, the various TLS/SSL services would fail to create it and (sometimes) log the "creating SSL context" error. This problem was introduced with rev 1.30 (Mar-9) and the fix/patch provided by Deuce via irc. Thanks to Psi-Jack for the bug report.
- Jun 11, 2018
rswindell authored
(previuosly) silently fail - in the sendmail_negotiate() and pop3_thread(). If get_ssl_cert() can return -1 withOUT setting the estr argument to a non-NULL value, then we could still have silent failures (TBD).
- Jun 10, 2018
rswindell authored
shells: default, wwiv, wildcat, pcboard). - Added (U)n-read messages only command. - Renamed (U)pload file to (A)ttach file.
rswindell authored
shells with a new single/unified JS module (email_sec.js): - New (U)n-read mail read command ('A' is now for sending file attachments) - I didn't update to the renegade shell since it has a custom menu file - This module will work with older Synchronet builds, without netmail file attachments - The old Baja code still works, however... less Baja = rounder Earth
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
(out of disk space?).
rswindell authored
properties to msg_area object. See NMAIL_* in sbbsdefs.js for the bit values.
rswindell authored
- finduser() method no longer prints "Unknown user" upon failure (the calling script can do this if/when it wants). - read_mail() method now accepts an optional 3rd argumnet (loadmail_mode) which may be used to load *only* un-read mail (for example), see LM_* in sbbsdefs.js Pass the lm_mode as a 4th argument to any readmail mod (if one is installed) - this correlates with the LM_* mode flag values (0 is normal/usual). File attachments can also be in a file/####.out directory (e.g. outbound Internet email attachments), so try deleting from there too when deleting mail with attachments.
rswindell authored
- similar to what we do in netmail() with the WM_NETMAIL flag. If you call writemsg() without WM_EMAIL set, it tries to use the subnum as an index into the sub-board array and will crash.
rswindell authored
var text = load({}, 'text.js');
rswindell authored
(stored in data/user/*.ini) easy.
rswindell authored
text.js now ends in "this;" allowing cool load usage like this: var text = load({}, 'text.js');
rswindell authored
Added loadmail mode (LM_*) definitions for new bbs.read_mail() argument (optional).
- Jun 09, 2018
- Jun 08, 2018
rswindell authored
Change the 'Edit Author's user account' command to '!' (for now).
- Jun 07, 2018
- Jun 06, 2018
- Jun 05, 2018
rswindell authored
- Jun 04, 2018
rswindell authored
made their display conditional on mailer-type being set to FLO/BSO. Added a help menu to the BinkP Settings menu (under Linked Nodes).
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
more control over SBBS-initiated netmail source/origin addresses.
rswindell authored
user choose which address to use as the source address when composing a netmail message (the default being the most appropriate for the dest zone/net). This change only works with SBBSecho v3.05 or later. Some other incremental and safety improvements to sbbs_t::netmail() too. FTN netmail file attachments needs some more work however (the "FA:" subject prefix trick) - just remove it?
rswindell authored
If the SMB header contains a source FTN address, use that as the origin address of the netmail and do not look-up a local AKA match for the destination address. Also, fix what appears to have been a (currently harmless) bug in smsg_to_echostat_msg(): the msg.from_net.addr is not an ASCIIZ string when net.type == NET_FIDO. Currently, source FTN addresses aren't set in echomail message headers, where the echostats come from. Could just remove these 2 lines.
rswindell authored
When the local system has multiple AKAs for the same zone and we are picking a origin/source address suitable for the destination address, pick the AKA that matches both the zone and net of the destination address first (if there is such a local AKA). It's the same logic used in sbbs_t::netmail() to display the originating address, so the AKA picking logic now matches what is shown to the netmail author and what SBBSecho will actually use.
- May 23, 2018
rswindell authored
(apparently this is a pseudo-standard supported by fastecho and other "old-school" tossers) - per mark lewis' request.
- May 22, 2018
rswindell authored
existing tear/origin lines and don't add a new origin line.
- May 15, 2018
rswindell authored
"expand fields" could be misinterpretted (e.g. as 'false') if less than 3 args were passed to the function. Apparently you can NOT assume that argv[argc] is undefined and would fail a JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN test. In the reported problem, MsgBase.get_msg_header() was being called with 2 arguments (from newslink.js) and the if(JSVAL_IS_BOOLEAN(argv[n])) test, when n was 2, would eval to true and then argv[n] evalulated as false, which would cause a message with no message ID to not have one dynamically created, which would then cause the message to fail to post to an NNTP server due to malformed Message-ID (a missing message "id" property would end up being included in the newsgropu article header as "Message-ID: undefined"). get_msg_index() had a similar potential issue, also fixed.
- May 14, 2018
- May 10, 2018
rswindell authored
grow into something that could be used in lieu of smbutil for at least some message base admin functions. Committing in its current form for Bill McGarrity to use to help diagnose a Message-ID issue (w/newslink.js)
- May 09, 2018
rswindell authored
Removed support for the long-deprecated .snl import/export pointer files (uses the long-supported .ini file now only, [NewsLink] section). Added more debug output (enabled with the -d switch) when skipping (not exporting) any locally posted messages to help debug Bill McGarrity's reported problem.