- Feb 15, 2016
nightfox authored
Added notes about the message written dates to say that they will be adjusted to the BBS's local time zone so that the message written dates are all consistent that way.
nightfox authored
Updated so that when using the message written dates for the latest message dates, the written dates will be adjusted to the BBS's local time zone so that they are consistent. Also changed the default option for the showImportDates in the configuration file to false so that it will show the when-written dates of the latest message.
nightfox authored
echicken authored
Now you can include your door game score files at the top of the list, or whatever thrilling .ans or .txt files you wish to showcase. Improved scrolling. Added horizontal scrolling for score files that may be slightly wider than the 'window'. There's also some web junk that I added earlier for, uh ... Drakahn99, who requested it. If you're already using a previous version, the config file has been changed and you'll need to change with it.
echicken authored
Sample web v4 bulletin page. (999-bullshit.xjs)
nightfox authored
Updated so that when using message written times in the message list & area chooser, the message written time will be adjusted to local BBS time so that they're all in the same time zone. Also, changed the default options for msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_time and msgListDisplayTime in the configuration file to written instead of imported.
nightfox authored
Added the ability to display a custom header file above the area lists in the area choosers. Added the configuration options areaChooserHdrFilenameBase and areaChooserHdrMaxLines to specify the filename (without the extension) and maximum number of lines from the header file to use. These are still beta versions, but these should be ready for an official release soon.
nightfox authored
Fixed a possible screen refresh issue when writing the area chooser header - Now it clears the header rows on the screen before writing the header, to clear away any text that might have been there before (such as from the help screen).
- Feb 14, 2016
nightfox authored
Fixed a bug in the method that displays the header file for the message area chooser - It no longer sets the color code back to normal at the end of each line, so that for .asc files (Synchronet color codes) it doesn't reset any color codes that might still need to be used.
- Feb 13, 2016
nightfox authored
Updated so that ANSI header files for the message and area chooser are displayed in their original ANSI format without being converted to Synchronet color codes first (if the user's terminal supports ANSI). If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then the header files will be converted to Synchronet color codes first (as was done previously).
- Feb 10, 2016
deuce authored
Now tested with real traffic!
- Feb 07, 2016
nightfox authored
Fixed a bug when returning from the help screen for the lightbar message area chooser - It wasn't displaying the header again when returning to the area list.
nightfox authored
Refactored some code related to loading the header files for the reader interface and area chooser list.
nightfox authored
Bug fix: The new postOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext was affecting the behavior for searching & scanning, which I don't think is desirable. Now it only affects behavior when doing a normal read (not when doing a search or newscan, etc.). Renamed the postOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext configuration option to readingPostOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext to more reflect what that setting is for.
- Feb 06, 2016
deuce authored
nightfox authored
- Added a new configuration option, postOnSubBoardInsteadOfGoToNext, that affects what happens after the user reads the last message on a sub-board: If this is set to true, then the reader will prompt the user if they want to post on the sub-board, then exit (this is the stock Synchronet behavior). If this is set to false, then the reader will prompt the user whether to go to the next sub-board after reading the last message on a sub-board. Also, added the postOnSubBoard text configuration parameter for the theme filename, which specifies the text to use for prompting the user if they want to post on the sub-board after reading the last message. - Added new configuration options areaChooserHdrFilenameBase and areaChooserHdrMaxLines. These options specify the filename base for a header file to use for the message area chooser list and the maximum number of lines to use from the area chooser header file. The filaname is without the extension - The reader will first look for an .ans version, then an .asc version. Additionally, multiple header files can be used for different terminal widths - For example, chooserMsgHdr-80.ans for an 80-column terminal, choosrMsgHdr-140.ans for a 140-column terminal, etc.
- Feb 04, 2016
- Feb 03, 2016
- Jan 29, 2016
- Jan 28, 2016
deuce authored
deuce authored
Some better polyfill method should be worked out at some point...
deuce authored
SysOps with symlink hacks will have extra chatter in their logs.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
1) Correctly truncate/delete files per the FLO instructions. 2) If we can't add a file to the queue, we still need to track it in the flo status to know if we can delete the flow file. 3) Don't truncate the first character of a flow line that doesn't have a know prefix (is supposed to be a send and don't delete) 4) Fix exception when calling an unconfigured node. 5) Fix error when detecting the session is done in BinkP 1.1 mode. If BinkIT was connecting to itself, and infinite loop would occur with both ends continuously sending empty batches. 6) When calling the tx_callback, pass the filename, not the pending_ack entry. Additional features: Call fullpath() in the outbound directory so that symlinks used to work around sbbsecho's lack of 5D support work correctly. Fix rx/tx_callback documentation.
- Jan 27, 2016
rswindell authored
common prefix.
- Jan 26, 2016
- Jan 25, 2016
deuce authored
'NDL' line that is sent. There doesn't seem to be a spcification for what goes here though.
- Jan 24, 2016