- Mar 24, 2019
rswindell authored
argument which specifies that the avatar should be drawn at the top of the screen.
- Mar 23, 2019
nightfox authored
Added the AddAdditionalQuitKeys() method, to add additional key characters to quit out of the meu in addition to ESC. It takes an array of key characters as strings. For example: lbMenu.AddAdditionalQuitKeys(["q", "Q"]);
- Mar 22, 2019
rswindell authored
- Mar 20, 2019
rswindell authored
the list database (sbbslist.json) for external processing/modification. When run via jsexec (as intended), jsexec will return 0 if the lock/unlock operation was successful, -1 otherwise. It would be wise to check the errorlevel/return value of jsexec for successful lock before operating on the list file.
rswindell authored
If the list is not sorted and the (capital) 'S' key is used (in browse mode), sort by the last column instead of the first.
rswindell authored
from corruption during concurrent operations. Although the list file is not open shareable, I was observing corruption on Vertrauen when multiple sbbslist tasks (e.g. verification and maintenance) were running concurrently on different systems. The .lock file method is crude, but is working to protect the list from concurrent opens of any kind (read or write).
- Feb 28, 2019
rswindell authored
when using features that support avatars (e.g. reading msgs, listing files, listing BBSes in the BBS list). When used in the terminal server, the cache is located in bbs.mods.avatar_cache otherwise it's located in the scope of the load()'d library. Applications must use the lib's read() method to take advantage of the cache. The other lower level functions (e.g. read_localuser, read_netuser) by-pass the cache on read but do update the cache with the result. So, generally, avatars should be only loaded from disk one time during a session/logon.
- Feb 21, 2019
rswindell authored
- Feb 19, 2019
rswindell authored
set avatar_show = false to disable the avatar display completely (during logon) set avatar_draw_right = false to display the avatar in left screen columns set avatar_draw_above = true to display the avatar above the current screen row
- Feb 18, 2019
rswindell authored
- Feb 17, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
If confirm_email_address = false in the [login] section of modopts.ini, do not ask the user to confirm their email address before sending password. Do not display the email address back to the user (in case they did not already know it). Send the user a telegram for each failed login attempt (using user alias, not number). Send the user a telegram when their account info (password) was requested.
- Feb 15, 2019
rswindell authored
Use more verbose names for global msgs.cnf properties (don't mimic the scfgdefs.h names).
rswindell authored
file-prots file-extrs file-comps file-viewers file-testers file-dlevents ... using cfglib.js (wow, that was easy!)
rswindell authored
locally on your BBS without using X/Y/ZMODEM (or other) actual file transfer protocols? Well, now you can. Install this simple script (using 'jsexec localcopy install') and you (sysops only) will get a new transfer protocol option for "local" file transfers, which are really just file copies between different locations on your BBS/server's file system(s) quickly and without any special terminal capabilities (e.g. X/Y/ZMODEM).
rswindell authored
- Feb 05, 2019
- Feb 04, 2019
- Feb 02, 2019
rswindell authored
Warn if DOVE-Net subs are configured to disallow voting or they are not configured for QWK networking.
- Feb 01, 2019
rswindell authored
- check there are 22 sub-boards - confirm each sub-board is configured to *NOT* gate between net-types
- Jan 31, 2019
rswindell authored
- Jan 30, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
better invalid destination address detection.
rswindell authored
address (if valid), for use with sbbsimsg.js. Added 'include_self' parameter to read_sys_list() to control whether or not the local bbs is excluded from the returned list (for chksetup.js use).
rswindell authored
Some objectification of the edit_area() and edit_globals() functions, these 2 functions really should be merged since they appear to be mostly just a copy/paste of one another. :-(
rswindell authored
(tickit.ini) rather than the internal code. Thanks for the report, Ragnarok.
- Jan 29, 2019
rswindell authored
ctrl/modopts.ini file. Used by scripts performing frequent node activity / user presence actions. Thanks Ragnark for pointing out that I had forgot to add this file to CVS.
rswindell authored
(in bbs.mods).
rswindell authored
Implemented the "active" special sort order. Added support to the remove_dupes() method for the verbose option.
rswindell authored
Added the 'active' command (show last active date for all entries) The 'dedupe' command now supports the -v (verbose) option.
rswindell authored
specific BBS entry on this page, e.g. http://synchro.net/sbbslist.html#your_bbs
rswindell authored
- uses the sbbslist_lib.remove_inactive() method - uses the (new) max_inactivity (days) value from modopts.ini [sbbslist] (default: 180 days) - supports the -v (verbose) option to display details about entries being removed due to inactivity (if desired)
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Include service descriptions in the html output, if/when they exist.
rswindell authored
- cosmetic fixes (extra CRLFs removed) - save/use the last 10 telegram recipients (using the getstr() history feature)
rswindell authored
(which is updated by sbbsimsg_lib.send_msg() now).
rswindell authored
property file (data/user/*.ini), like sbbsimsg.js used to before rev 1.30 when I moved the send_msg() functionality to this lib but failed to add the property file update logic. Fixed.
- Jan 28, 2019
rswindell authored
removed unused "var tmp2". moved Global Options to own sub-menu edit_globals(). makes cleaner menus. renamed edit_sourceaddress(obj) to select_sourceaddress(obj). select a source address from system.fido_addr_list instead of typing anything you wanted in the sourceaddress field. when in the source address selection list window: ESC for no changes to the source address. ENTER on first option in list to remove existing source address. ENTER on an address to use it for the source address in generated TICs.