- Jul 17, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
... in strftime format (https://cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/) If you (sysop) have last_few_callers_fmt set to a custom value in your modopts.ini, you'll need to update that format as a result of this change: the number and type of arguments have now changed: instead of the logon time be passed as hours and minutes (integers), it's now passed as a single a string. That string is the result of a call to strftime() with the time_fmt or (by default), "%H:%M". This change was made to accommodate request by NeoArata (THEREALM)
- Jul 16, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
If -p (or -P) is the last option given with no argument following, then no password would be sent to the server (via PASS message). For Odusseus71
Rob Swindell authored
... for non-sysops
- Jul 12, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
looks better, more consistent with the log messages before/after it.
Rob Swindell authored
We removed the large-scope 'i', but didn't update the Unix-only blocks of code (dealing with UNIX domain spy sockets).
Rob Swindell authored
This is just a code quality (readability) improvement. No functional change.
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
The other server stats (e.g. error_count, served) are zeroed upon startup, so the highwater mark should be zeroed too.
Rob Swindell authored
Like the other servers. A sysop likely would want to know which services/protocols had what utilization (as a portion of the total highwater mark), so that'll have to be added later.
Rob Swindell authored
We don't log highwater valeus of 1, though those are published to MQTT. Not dealing with 'services' server yet, cause that's kind of tricky with the sysop likely wanting to know per-service stats (served counter, highwater mark, etc.)
Rob Swindell authored
- Jul 11, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
Only log the hightwater mark when it's > 1. :-)
- Jul 10, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
... for (soon) reuse in fileman.js
- Jul 02, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
Also updated log output format, avoid redundancy
Rob Swindell authored
... since that messes up the bulletin->file numbering which is often hard-coded in bullseye.asc
Rob Swindell authored
Use console.uselect() to list the bulletin files, if the menu file (e.g. bullseye.asc) doesn't exist. For Amessyroom. Don't replace the Pause (hit a key) prompt, since that messes up localizaton support (reverts to the text.dat Pause prompt, instead of the text.*.ini translated Pause prompt). The replace/revert text buffers should really be a stack for a full fix for this. Missing bulletin files are automatically excluded from the bulletin list. The rest is just clean-up from the conversion from Baja. This is still a very old/basic script, but at least it's not quite as hideous and outdated as before. Increment the version to 3.00.
Rob Swindell authored
- Jun 30, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: When listing messages via lightbar, check if the subject is UTF-8, which now helps the lightbar menu display the line properly, particularly for UTF-8 terminals See merge request !442
DDMsgReader: When listing messages via lightbar, check if the subject is UTF-8, which now helps the lightbar menu display the line properly, particularly for UTF-8 terminals
Rob Swindell authored
dd_lightbar_menu.js: Fixed text truncation issue when displaying item text when we know it's UTF-8 See merge request !441
- Jun 29, 2024
Eric Oulashin authored
Rob Swindell authored
... as reported by Mike Powell, and amessroom and root-caused by Nightfox A '-' is a valid QWK-ID character since it is a valid DOS filename character.
- Jun 27, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
dd_lightbar_menu: str_is_utf8() seems to return true sometimes when a string doesn't have UTF-8, so that is now commented out for now See merge request !440
- Jun 25, 2024
Eric Oulashin authored
dd_lightbar_menu: str_is_utf8() seems to return true sometimes when a string doesn't have UTF-8, so that is now commented out for now
- Jun 23, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: Fix for msgText being undefined when doing a message search See merge request !439
Eric Oulashin authored
Rob Swindell authored
dd_ligbtar_menu.js: Fix for behavior with the item color when printing the last portion of an item. Also, UTF8 detection improvement. See merge request !438
dd_ligbtar_menu.js: Fix for behavior with the item color when printing the last portion of an item. Also, UTF8 detection improvement.
- Jun 21, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
Fix CID 497098
Rob Swindell authored
If a file descriptor is passed to getnodedat() and the lock retry counter was reached, the file would be closed, but the passed file descriptor reference would not be set to -1. This could result in exceptions (from subsequent read attempts on the referenced file descriptor) in cases where the node.dab could not be locked or read by getnodedat() and was thus closed. The set/get_node_* helper functions (used by MQTT) were not initializing the node.dab file descriptor (i.e. to -1), so it's possible getnodedat() could try to read from and close an invalid/wrong open file descriptor. If the local variable happened to be initialized to a value <= 0, then, no problem, but this is undefined behavior (UB).
Rob Swindell authored
Sort of the opposite of the "Offline Files" search, find files copied into the directory storage paths but not yet added to the filebase, with a "Add File..." option (and tagging support) along with DELete files option. Auto-ignore listing files (e.g. FILES.BBS, etc.) when searchign for new files to add to a directory's filebase. If an argument is passed to fileman.js, use that as the UIFC mode (for testing purposes only). Fix case-sensitive file compares (on *nix OSes) when adding files (now case-insensitive). Fix issue with get file paths for files not yet in a filebase (using FileBath.get_path unnecessarily). Display virtual paths to files in many place, when available (> SBBS v3.19).
Rob Swindell authored
This is the proper way to manually-restore the most recently saved window (via the WIN_SAV mode flag to the list() method). I wanted something that was backward comaptible with earlier builds of SBBS, so just doing a magic thing when decrementing the save_num rather than adding a new method seemed the seamless way to do it.
Rob Swindell authored
This allows for menu options on an "active" list (with both WIN_SAVE and WIN_ACT mode flags) to close the window and restore the most recently saved window. Also, for the range check on the save buffer count in ulist(), if we've hit the bounds, don't *just* beep (though, that was useful), but turn off the WIN_SAV mode flag so we don't overflow the sav[] array and corrupt the heap!
Rob Swindell authored
... for UIFC apps/scripts that have screen-width dependant behavior.
Rob Swindell authored
caught by valgrind
- Jun 20, 2024
Rob Swindell authored
(instead of file name), which would have issues in SBBS v3.19 for filenames > 64 chars in length. Also, remove extraneous calls to format().
Rob Swindell authored
We need to read the file header (not just index) entry to get the actual full filename. Also, removed some extraneous calls to getfilepath() that served no purposed.
Rob Swindell authored
Don't actually truncate the string, just the display length
Rob Swindell authored
to work around recently-fixed bug with > 64 char filenames parsed from file-meta-objects. Although this bug was fixed in [lib]sbbs[.so|.dll] might as well use the backward-compatible method to set a better example that works as expected with SBBS v3.19.
Rob Swindell authored