- May 13, 2020
- May 12, 2020
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
As part of the rev 1.147 (add mouse hot sport support) commit, I made what I thought was a harmless change to the JS console.clear() implementation, I changed the call to sbbs->CLS to sbbs->clearscreen(). The sbbs->CLS macro calls outchar(FF) which check the line-counter and does the auto-pause before screen-clear. A direct call to sbbs->clearscreen() does not. Just in case someone actually wants the new (but unexpected behavior), I added an optional boolean parameter to console.clear(), autopause (default to true). Pass false if you want to defeat the autopause functionality. This should be effectively the same as setting the console.line_counter = 0 before calling console.clear(), but it also totally bypasses sbbs_t::outchar, so there could be other differences I'm not thinking of. Anyway, this fixes the lack of auto-screen pauses in JS mods recently introduced.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Use Synchronet mouse hotspots to mouse-enable all the menu keys. Uses the new CON_MOUSE_PASSTHRU console status. Also fixed a place or two where the mouse could be left disabled after a command or a text input a prompt. Use the cached ansiterm_lib.js.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Support a "mouse pass-through" console status flag to allow the pass-through of uncaptured mouse reports (e.g. for hot-spots) to other tasks/scripts. When there are no active hot-spots, this is the normal behavior. This commit leaves the legacy X10 mouse report handling/pass-through logic in. But I'll likely be removing that soon.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
this should allow the import of a bare filename list (no descriptions or white-space after each filename required).
nightfox authored
Version 1.34: The message list mode now honors anonymous posts, showing the 'from' name as "Anonymous" (for non-sysops). The sysop can still see the real name of the poster. The reader mode already honored the 'anonymous' flag.
rswindell authored
Add missing break between Robots and Domains menus. Reported via #synchronet on irc.synchro.net by wkitty42
- May 11, 2020
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
If a ~ is present just before a ctrl char or the end of a mnemonics string, create a hungry hotspot for the line that sends CR when clicked (similar to ^A~).
rswindell authored
If Ctrl-A~ is followed by a control character (e.g. CR or LF) or the end of the string/file, then create a hungry hotspot for the line that sends CR when clicked.
rswindell authored
Revert the previous commit, gonna use Ctrl-A codes in the text.dat strings to achieve this hotspot (click for next) and the '?' hotspot for menu.
rswindell authored
Now that pause() can set a hot-spot, don't inject a Ctrl-C (abort) into the keyboard buffer if it had.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
yes/no or no/yes prompt is displayed.
- May 10, 2020
rswindell authored
Delete the old hard-coded External Program Section (xtrn_sec) implementation. The system must use an external program module (e.g. xtrn_sec.js) now or this function will just display/log an error and exit.
rswindell authored
Auto-terminal detection (e.g. of ANSI or PETSCII) assumes COLOR support. You need to disable auto-detection to also disable color ANSI/PETSCII.
rswindell authored
The 3rd step of the hungry hot-spot matching algo now looks for the left-most possible match in reverse creation order. This solves the problem with clicking left of "Yes" in a yes/no prompt registering as a "No'.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- May 09, 2020
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
By default, single-char hot-spots do not extend to the end of the row (use the "hungry" attribute to control behavior).
rswindell authored
If ^A~or ^A` is followed by a ctrl charcter, don't treat as a hot-spot. This helps to insure that if there are any .asc/.msg files "in the wild" that have a sequence of ^A`^AL (home-cursor, clear-screen), they'll still render as before the introduction fo the strict hot-spot ^A` sequence.
rswindell authored
Changed the "home cursor" Ctrl-A code from ` (backtick) to ' (single-quote) to make room for strict hot-spots. Hopefully nothing was actually using this Ctrl-A code. I did some searches and couldn't find anything.
rswindell authored
Both hungry/liberal hot-spots and strict hot-spots can be defined now, at the same time. For Nelgin. Use ^A` to define a single-char strict hot-spot using Ctrl-A codes. Unfortunately, this usurps the "home" Ctrl-A code which nothing seems to use but has now been changed to ^A'. Use ` instead of ~ in mnemonics to define strict single-char hot-spots (also displays the cmd key in [] instead () on non ANSI/PETSCII terms). Use @` instead of @~ codes to define strict hot-keys. Use HOT:STRICT @-code to declare a strict hot-key color. Use HOT:HUNGRY @-code to toggle back to hungry color-defined hot-keys (the default). New optional boolean argument to JS console.add_hotkey(), hungry = true by default.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
One more method of creating a (single-character) mouse hot-spot since @-codes are not universally supported everywhere or always convenient: Ctrl-A~ The character immediately following a ^A~ will be added as a single-char mouse hot-spot.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
echicken authored