- May 11, 2020
rswindell authored
Revert the previous commit, gonna use Ctrl-A codes in the text.dat strings to achieve this hotspot (click for next) and the '?' hotspot for menu.
rswindell authored
Now that pause() can set a hot-spot, don't inject a Ctrl-C (abort) into the keyboard buffer if it had.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
yes/no or no/yes prompt is displayed.
- May 10, 2020
rswindell authored
Delete the old hard-coded External Program Section (xtrn_sec) implementation. The system must use an external program module (e.g. xtrn_sec.js) now or this function will just display/log an error and exit.
rswindell authored
Auto-terminal detection (e.g. of ANSI or PETSCII) assumes COLOR support. You need to disable auto-detection to also disable color ANSI/PETSCII.
rswindell authored
The 3rd step of the hungry hot-spot matching algo now looks for the left-most possible match in reverse creation order. This solves the problem with clicking left of "Yes" in a yes/no prompt registering as a "No'.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
- May 09, 2020
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
By default, single-char hot-spots do not extend to the end of the row (use the "hungry" attribute to control behavior).
rswindell authored
If ^A~or ^A` is followed by a ctrl charcter, don't treat as a hot-spot. This helps to insure that if there are any .asc/.msg files "in the wild" that have a sequence of ^A`^AL (home-cursor, clear-screen), they'll still render as before the introduction fo the strict hot-spot ^A` sequence.
rswindell authored
Changed the "home cursor" Ctrl-A code from ` (backtick) to ' (single-quote) to make room for strict hot-spots. Hopefully nothing was actually using this Ctrl-A code. I did some searches and couldn't find anything.
rswindell authored
Both hungry/liberal hot-spots and strict hot-spots can be defined now, at the same time. For Nelgin. Use ^A` to define a single-char strict hot-spot using Ctrl-A codes. Unfortunately, this usurps the "home" Ctrl-A code which nothing seems to use but has now been changed to ^A'. Use ` instead of ~ in mnemonics to define strict single-char hot-spots (also displays the cmd key in [] instead () on non ANSI/PETSCII terms). Use @` instead of @~ codes to define strict hot-keys. Use HOT:STRICT @-code to declare a strict hot-key color. Use HOT:HUNGRY @-code to toggle back to hungry color-defined hot-keys (the default). New optional boolean argument to JS console.add_hotkey(), hungry = true by default.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
One more method of creating a (single-character) mouse hot-spot since @-codes are not universally supported everywhere or always convenient: Ctrl-A~ The character immediately following a ^A~ will be added as a single-char mouse hot-spot.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
echicken authored
rswindell authored
non-PETSCII (.seq) display files are assumed to retain their attributes between lines, but PETSCII terminals reset the inverse attribute upon CR's, so restore the attribute if it changes unexpectedly. We could make this check only when outputting CR's (rather than all characters), if it's a problem later.
- May 08, 2020
rswindell authored
- "HOT" by itself will set the hot-spot attribute to the *current* attribute (just colorize the @-code in your editor the same as you do your cmd keys no need to memorize color-code mnemonics) - "HOT:OFF" will turn off the hot-spot attribute through the end of the text or util re-enabled - Use a more greedy/liberal hot-spot matching algoirthm so that hot spots can overlap and the "best" one will be chosen. No way to opt-out of this algorithm (e.g. to use a conservative matching algo) currently. - Earlier parse of @~ codes to keep text prestine (no parsing of |* or -*)
rswindell authored
- "HOT" by itself will set the hot-spot attribute to the *current* attribute (just colorize the @-code in your editor the same as you do your cmd keys no need to memorize color-code mnemonics) - "HOT:OFF" will turn off the hot-spot attribute through the end of the text or util re-enabled - Use a more greedy/liberal hot-spot matching algoirthm so that hot spots can overlap and the "best" one will be chosen. No way to opt-out of this algorithm (e.g. to use a conservative matching algo) currently. - Earlier parse of @~ codes to keep text prestine
rswindell authored
Mmore use of K_TRIM getstr() mode to prevent prepended and trailing white-space on user data fields that are input by the user. Also fixed a pretty funny bug that would occur if a user hit Ctrl-C at the password modification (W) passowrd confirmation prmopt: all subsequen text was converted to X's. The console ECHO_X mode really should go away.
rswindell authored
A more convenient method of creating mouse hot spots in a display (e.g. menu) file: New "HOT:<attr>" @-code allows you to define a specific combination of attributes (colors) that will be used to exclusively create clickable command keys or words in a file. Every set of charcters in the display file that uses that specific combination of attributes will become an automatic mouse hot spot. The <attr> is specified using a set of attribte mnemonics (e.g. "YH" for high-intensity yellow), the same set used in attr.cfg and other places in sbbs. This allows more WYSIWYG style menu editing (e.g. use PabloDraw), you just need to be careful with your choice of colors. You cannot send white-space or control characters with this method and the clickable text is the exact text that will be put in the keyboard buffer.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Also make e-mail menu 40-column happy. Rename to .msg to make PabloDraw play nice.
rswindell authored
- User Defaults menu mousified - When all hot spots have scrolled off the screen, clear the hot spot list - Insert new hot spots in the front of the list so they will take precedence over any previously defined duplicate hot spots - Numeric hot spot commands end in a carriage-return - No auto-acceptence of numbers when there are keys in the keyboard buffer - Baja UNGETKEY function now inserts keys into the "front" of the keyboard buffer (next to be consumed) - Hot key @-code command text supports C-style escape sequences (allows encoding of ctrl chars, spaces, etc.)
rswindell authored
- InternetMailing - AddTextFileBeforeWhich - InvalidNetMailAddr - XtrnProgLstHdr - IceColorTerminalQ
rswindell authored
Put the example text in parens for IceColorTerminalQ.
rswindell authored
and JS console.keyboard_buffer_space() and keyboard_buffer_level() ... for tracking the number of character spaces used and available in the the (unget)keyboard input buffer.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Resolve GCC warning: format '%u' expects argument of type 'unsigned int', but argument 4 has type 'long int'