- Aug 03, 2019
rswindell authored
flag in the message header. When displaying message header fields containing UTF-8 using show_msghdr() with text.dat string or with msghdr.asc and @-codes, do the "dance" to be sure it's displayed correctly depending on the user's terminal (UTF-8 or not).
rswindell authored
Advertise STARTTLS support (in EHLO response) when *not* already using a TLS connection.
- Aug 02, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
a message is posted to a different conference than the original sub-board with completely different header information. I suspect this has something to do HEADERS.DAT creation or import - not sure. So I added a "Conference" headers.dat field for *messages* (it already existed for votes) and use that value to confirm that the message header at the associated offset value in the QWK packet has the same conference number as the section in the headers.dat file. This is really just a sanity check and will only catch messages that were mistakening cross-posted (to a different conference) - *but* it log errors and save the bad QWK or REP file for me to examine more closely and see what's going on - and the message won't be imported (just "lost", which is also bad). So added more QWK import success/error checking and logging (especially for QWK packets since REP importing already had a lot of stats covered). Another check would be to store the original message number in the headers.dat file as well and use that to confirm that the headers.dat section is the correct match for the QWK message at that offset. I did not implement this check, yet. The conference number check seems like it'll catch most of the bad msgs and lead me to the root-cause.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
pointer type mismatch in conditional expression format '%s' expects argument of type 'char *', but argument 5 has type 'void *'
rswindell authored
(in addition to the auto-ZMODEM upload detection). Using an evil "goto" for code reuse.
rswindell authored
Discards any previously quoted/typed text, but remains in the editor with the uploaded text available for append or edit.
rswindell authored
(defauls to enabled, for backward compatibility). Added new autohang args to bbs.send_file() and bbs.receive_file() (default:true) Added support for "description" argument to bbs.send_file() as well.
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
auxattr flag since we normally want the attach file to be deleted automatically when the message is delivered. SBBSecho now won't be deleting the file attachment unless this flag (or the .msg \1FLAGS "KFS" equivalent flag) is set.
rswindell authored
file-attachment deletion in write_flofile() - not the KILLSENT attribute flag. Export the SMB MSG_KILLSENT auxattr from SMB mail to FTN netmail \1FLAGS KFS.
rswindell authored
"UTF-8", set the msg's auxattr MSG_HFIELDS_UTF8 flag because FTS-5003 states: "The character set identifier applies to all parts of the message, including the header information and the control lines like origin and tear line."
rswindell authored
MIME-encoded. If any RFC822* header field is a MIME-encoded UTF-8 string, then set the (new) auxattr MSG_HFIELDS_UTF8 flag. This will be used (soon, hopefully) to display UTF-8 encoded header fields to users. There's a gotchas here: - MIME-encoded header fields with other non-ASCII/8-bit charsets (e.g. CP437, ISO-8859) are still stored "as decoded", though the MSG_HFIELDS_UTF8 flag may be set *later* (which would be weird), resulting in a mixture of valid and invalid UTF-8 header fields. One solution would be to UTF-8-transcode all the non-UTF-8 header fields if *any* of them are UTF-8, but we wouldn't know which charset to translate *from*. Assuming CP437 isn't going to be correct 100% of the time - so punt for now and deal with it at display time. e.g. if the MSG_HFIELD_UTF8 auxattr flag is set, but an hfield contains invalid UTF-8 data, don't display as UTF-8 (e.g. treat as CP437). We don't have translations for other charsets (e.g. ISO-8859) setup yet anyway.
- Aug 01, 2019
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
to putmg() when displaying messages in the sub on the terminal server. E.g. to disable word-wrap for *all* messages displayed in a sub, set P_WORDWRAP in sub_t.n_pmode.
rswindell authored
mail -> netmail forwarding for a specific invocation.
rswindell authored
This should solve the problem of non-UTF-8 messages posted on non-up-to-date systems (no UTF-8 support), yet the message has a "charset=utf-8" in a MIME content-type header.
- Jul 30, 2019
rswindell authored
during *display* in the terminal server, so this option would help, say, the web server).
rswindell authored
of UTF-8 message text). Remember the "bar" position of sub toggle options (now that they scroll).
rswindell authored
When writing non-bundle file paths/names to BSO/FLO files, don't use the delete (^) prefix unless the message has the "Kill Sent" attribute set. This seems kind of wrong to me. The KFS "Kill File Sent" flag has been defined in FSC-0053 since 1992, that seems more likely the appropriate flag to determine if a message attachment should be deleted (or not) after being sent. But parsing/using the "Flags" control line flags isn't already in SBBSecho, so I'll just punt for now and do what Mark asked for. <shrug>
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
use mixed or upper-case for their Transfer File Paths.
- Jul 29, 2019
rswindell authored
transfers. These should *not* be included in message text.
- Jul 27, 2019
rswindell authored
be called as console.print(string, number), the number will be interpretted as the P_* mode flags value. Otherwise, all arguments are converted to strings and printed (as before). If anyone was calling console.print(string, number), they will get different behavior now. I couldn't find any evidence of anyone using this syntax for console.print(), so I think this should be okay. Only a limited set of P_* flags are supported (e.g. P_PETSCII, P_UTF8) - far fewer than console.putmsg(), but console.putmsg() is much more heavy weight and supports a lot more "features" likely to interfere with the expected user output. In general, try to use console.putmsg() only when printing multi-line text strings or when @-code expansion is needed. Otherwise, console.print() is usually better.
- Jul 26, 2019
rswindell authored
printing messages in this sub via putmsg, etc.
rswindell authored
Remember the currently selected option on variable-length menus that might scroll (using the "bar" var/pointer thing for uifc.list).
rswindell authored
support in putmsg/printfile, etc. on per-use basis. Add per-sub-board P-mode flags (so "Extra Attribute Codes" can be disabled on a per-sub-board basis).
rswindell authored
(e.g. [ and ]).
rswindell authored
rswindell authored
Ctrl-A codes over QWK - excluding Ctrl-A P (pause), L (CLS), and comma (delay) which were also previously allowed. These other codes can be problematic for viewers and aren't well-suited to non-scrolling/full-screen message viewing environments.
rswindell authored
the Ctrl-A codes: L (CLS), < (backspace), [ (CR), or ] (LF).
rswindell authored
Correctly support CR-terminated FTN-kludge lines (per spec, no LF is required). Save the revision of this source file as the editor details for raw (writemsg) and internal (msgeditor) created messages.
rswindell authored
@-codes are also supported (i.e. displaying sysop-controlled content).