- Sep 25, 2019
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Add some paranoia.
deuce authored
can go into it. Add support for (some) extended keys with the local console.
rswindell authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
can certainly highlight bugs quickly...
deuce authored
@DO FRONTPAD is broken... break it. @READSPECIAL prints the selected character.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
Close TIME.DAT after opening it. If the variable arg to @DO .. IS, @DO .. ADD, and @IF ... IS is a string, do not expand bare numeric variables (like X and Y).
rswindell authored
The js_finalize_queue() is eventually called when garbage is collected and js_finalize_queue() calls msgQueueDetach(), so bg-load()s did not "leak" semaphores and this "fix" actually introduced a problem where the queue was detached too many times, leaving the ref count 0 while there was actually a lingering reference (in the parent), leading to a crash as reported by echto (thanks, echto!).
deuce authored
Random offset can be a variable. Now that `* is the node number use `r4`^ If game.dat doesn't exist or is zero bytes, create it. In local mode, load FONTS/LORD2.FNT which just happens to be the same format conio supports. SyncTERM users should get this font for free. lord2.js can now bootstrap Complete New World.
deuce authored
deuce authored
deuce authored
oldest first. While this will bloat the trader.dat, it will keep from reusing records too quickly unless the game really is full.
- Sep 24, 2019
deuce authored
Set lastsave to the current minute number. This may be used for update.tmp or something?
rswindell authored
deuce authored
rswindell authored
Created sysop documentation (.txt file) If you were a lucky "early adopter" and had rev 1.7 running on your BBS you probably noticed the following important changes introduced in rev 1.8: * exec/minesweeper.js was moved to xtrn/minesweeper/minesweeper.js * text/minesweeper.hlp was moved to xtrn/minesweeper/minesweeper.hlp * data/minesweeper.json was moved to xtrn/minesweeper/winners.jsonl If you already had game winners and want to retain them in the list, copy or rename the data/minesweeper.jsonl to xtrn/minesweeper/winners.jsonl. If you don't care, the game will run fine and new winners will be added to the new/correct filename.
deuce authored
deuce authored
All that's left is: lordrank rank whoison overheadmap chooseplayer
deuce authored
rswindell authored
deuce authored
the obvious things there as well as train to a higher level. This also uses UPPERCASE for filenames for the nonce since it allows A/B testing with the last released version of LORD 2.
rswindell authored
with a pipe (|) symbol, rather than a '-'. This accomplishes 2 things: - code:args can be used again with format-modifiers as pipe (|) is an illegal filename char in all supported OSes. - multiple format modifers can be specified for some may (now) be combined. * New format modifier 'T' (for thousands separated), adds separator (,) between thousands in numeric expanded @-codes. May be combined with other format modifiers when using the pipe-syntax (not the dash).
rswindell authored
(unsigned-long to ASCII with commas) in rev 1.68 (addressing warnings). A size_t (i) can't go negative. Duh.
rswindell authored
A little prettier.
rswindell authored
If the script crashes with an unhandled exception, posts a message to me in syncdata with the details, automatically. Use lower intensity colors for most of the indicators. When a cell with a digit is selected, highlight the surrounding cells with high-intensity colors (very helpful for the game play!). Guarantee that the first cell uncovered won't be a mine (thanks, Nelgin!) Winner syncdata messages now include an MD5 sum so it's not so trivial for sysops to edit their messages and "cheat" the scoring/ranking parameters. Strip control codes (including Ctrl-A sequences) from syncdata msgs before trying to JSON.parse() them, thanks Nelgin! Allow the 'F' key to start the game. Start with the selected cell being the center of the board. The '5' key (middle of numpad) will move to center of board. Don't abort game on Ctrl-C press. When [N]ew Game is selected a game is in progress, prompt "New Game (Y/N)"? When [Q]uit Game is selected a game is in progress, prompt user. Added support for "nocls" cmdline option. Added support for number of winners to be specified on cmdline when the "winners" cmd is used. Thanks to Nelgin for many of his suggestions and test results. Need more testers and feedback!
deuce authored
This was the last major piece for basic game functionality. Next up is the multi-player features like mail, chat, online battles, then it's down to finishing up all the keywords.
- Sep 23, 2019
rswindell authored
*nix systems).
deuce authored
rswindell authored
defined these variable names and if they load('sbbsdefs.js'), which load()'s this file, then those scripts fail with errors like: !JavaScript .../key_defs.js line 7: TypeError: redeclaration of var KEY_ESC
deuce authored
Makes fast movement actually work.
deuce authored
deuce authored
Add support for 'B' and 'F' hotkeys.
rswindell authored
The level is recomputed / displayed based on the target number of cells for the level, so depending on the terminal size, a level 5 game board could actually be a level 4.8 (for example). You'll need a big terminal to get the maximum difficulty level for levels 3+. The revision of the game used is now stored/shared and listed in the winners rankings. Passing a cmd-line argument of "winners" will just show the top winners/ranking and exit (e.g. used as logon event or maybe clean-up event). Timelimit is now imposed (player loses if clock runs out). New modopts.ini [minesweeper] settings: timelimit (in minutes), default: 60 winners (top ranked winners to show), default: 20 An exploded mine is shown as '*' (red, blinking) Tighter game boards are now used when needed for large boards / smaller terminals. Better cursor management. Better PETSCII compatibilty (include 40 and 80 cols) Display elapsed time when game is won. Deduct the number of flags from "Mines:" value shown. Shown the computed difficulty level where the "Flags" value used to be. Better colors (thanks Emma!) Game clock doesn't starting counting down until the first cell is revealed. Requires update load/key_defs.js and sbbsdefs.js files.
deuce authored
Just a couple things in here since we don't care about registration.
deuce authored