- Aug 31, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
A follow-up to commit 81d4575e Although I was not able to successfully reproduce the problem that Ree reported with his commit (even when changing the SCFG->Networks->MQTT->Publish QOS to 1: At least once) on Windows, I do see how this problem could theoretically happen. And like Ree said in the follow-up comment on the MR "maybe these two lines should have stayed in mqtt_startup", they don't really belong in the connection callback. The "client" topics only needs to be cleared upon startup or recycle (by publishing a null message) and it would be bad to clear these topics whenever the broker was reconnected (the server's clients didn't magically disconnect). So these "client" topic-clearing publishes are now only done during startup (again). The "recycle" topics don't really need to be published to here at all. I think I only did this for cases where someone published a non-null message to the topic and its stale message would remain afterward, appearing in MQTT browsers (like MQTT explorer) long after the server had recycled. The real solution to this cosmetic issue is to only publish null (0-length) messages to the "recycle" topics in the first place.
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: Bug fix for going to a specific message in the message list... See merge request !323
Rob Swindell authored
Wasn't opening the sbbs.ini file for modify access. As reported via DOVE-Net by Accession (PHARCYDE)
- Aug 27, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the headers, the date is now included See merge request !322
- Aug 26, 2023
Eric Oulashin authored
DDMsgReader: When saving a message on the local BBS PC without all the headers, the date is now included
- Aug 20, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
DD Message Reader: Including all message headers when saving a message (sysop... See merge request !319
Rob Swindell authored
Add a connect callback handler. See merge request !320
- Aug 18, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: Fix for "Message header has 'expanded fields'" error when updating message header attributes in certain conditions See merge request !317
Eric Oulashin authored
DDMsgReader: Fix for "Message header has 'expanded fields'" error when updating message header attributes in certain conditions
Rob Swindell authored
Defeats local auto-screen-pausing Fixes issue #603 reported by Nelgin
- Aug 17, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
This appears to just be a miss from the initial commit (bd97c9d8) of the directory default configuration (per lib) feature, so a file lib's directory default "data dir" wouldn't be read from file.ini. This fixes issue #602 reported by Nelgin.
Rob Swindell authored
SlyEdit: More small tweaks for quote line wrapping to determine ideal places to append a CRLF See merge request !316
Eric Oulashin authored
- Aug 16, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
DDMsgReader: Allows kwyeord searching of personal email with command-line arguments See merge request !315
Eric Oulashin authored
Rob Swindell authored
Refactor the node spy page See merge request !314
- Aug 15, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
SlyEdit: For quote lines, a small tweak for long line (>120 character) adding a CRLF for paragraph formatting See merge request !313
SlyEdit: For quote lines, a small tweak for long line (>120 character) adding a CRLF for paragraph formatting
Rob Swindell authored
SlyEdit: Improvement to paragraph/line breaks in quote line wrapping. The version is now 1.87 See merge request !312
- Aug 14, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
Add a node spy to the web interface See merge request !308
Rob Swindell authored
DDFileLister: Traditional UI - Fixes for qutiting certain actions. Prints selected actions. Up & down arrow keys. See merge request !311
DDFileLister: Traditional UI - Fixes for qutiting certain actions. Prints selected actions. Up & down arrow keys.
- Aug 13, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
ddfilelister now has its own implementation of a traditional (non-lightbar) UI. Its version is now 2.12 See merge request !309
ddfilelister now has its own implementation of a traditional (non-lightbar) UI. Its version is now 2.12
- Aug 11, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
- sbbs/BBSID/exec (publish the timed event's internal code) - sbbs/BBSID/call (publish the QWKnet hub's ID) The message contents are not case-sensitive.
- Aug 10, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
e.g. publishing "0" to node/#/set/intr will clear the node-interrupt flag. Any non-zero message value will "set" the flag. Same is true for the lock, down, and rerun topics/flags. These node attributes (misc) flags could be cleared previously by setting the 'misc' topic (e.g. to 0), but since that's not an atomic read/modify/write operation, other set misc flags could be lost clearing flags in that manner.
Rob Swindell authored
<nelgin> can I push an intr instruction to a node with mqtt? node/#/set/status - set the node status value (to an integer) node/#/set/errors - set the node error counter (to an integer, e.g. "0") node/#/set/misc - set the node's miscellaneous attributes/flags value (hexadecimal values can be set by including "0x" prefix) The message (payload) doesn't matter for the following topics: node/#/set/lock - lock a node (no one but sysop can login) node/#/set/intr - interrupt a node (disconnect a user) node/#/set/down - down a node (not available for connections) node/#/set/rerun - rerun a node (reload config upon next connection)
Rob Swindell authored
Rob Swindell authored
These should probably be moved (along with other node functions in this file) to nodedat.* some day.
Rob Swindell authored
- Aug 09, 2023
Rob Swindell authored
Just fall-through to display help output for unrecognized options.
Rob Swindell authored
Remove unnecessary call to JSON.stringify() in non-JSON mode
Rob Swindell authored
This allows command-lines to be more cross-platform/host As requested by Nelgin