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echocfg.c 114 KiB
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 * 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
 * @format.use-tabs true	(see		*
 *																			*
 * Copyright Rob Swindell -			*
 *																			*
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*

/* Portions written by Allen Christiansen 1994-1996 						*/

#include <stdio.h>
/* XPDEV Headers */
#include "gen_defs.h"

#define __COLORS
#include "ciolib.h"
#include "uifc.h"
#include "scfgdefs.h"
#include "sockwrap.h"
#include "str_util.h"
#include "git_branch.h"
#include "git_hash.h"
sbbsecho_cfg_t  cfg;
uifcapi_t       uifc;
int             ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_AUTO;
enum text_modes video_mode = LCD80X25;
	if (uifc.bail != NULL)
/* These correlate with the LOG_* definitions in syslog.h/gen_defs.h */
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static char* logLevelStringList[]
    = {"Emergency", "Alert", "Critical", "Error", "Warning", "Notice", "Informational", "Debugging", NULL};
		"`Type-2  ` packets are defined in FTS-0001.16 (Stone Age)\n" \
		"`Type-2e ` packets are defined in FSC-0039.04 (Sometimes called 2+)\n" \
		"`Type-2+ ` packets are defined in FSC-0048.02 (4D address support)\n" \
		"`Type-2.2` packets are defined in FSC-0045.01 (5D address support)\n" \
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void global_settings(void)
	static int global_opt;
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	static int global_bar;
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	while (1) {
		int  i = 0;
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		char str[128];
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		char duration[64];
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "Mailer Type"
		        , cfg.flo_mailer ? "Binkley/FLO":"ArcMail/Attach");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "Log Level", logLevelStringList[cfg.log_level]);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "Log Timestamp Format", cfg.logtime);
		if (cfg.max_log_size) {
			SAFEPRINTF2(str, "%s bytes, keep %lu"
			            , byte_count_to_str(cfg.max_log_size, tmp, sizeof(tmp))
			            , cfg.max_logs_kept);
		} else {
			SAFECOPY(str, "Unlimited");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "Maximum Log File Size", str);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "Strict Packet Passwords", cfg.strict_packet_passwords ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %u", "Config File Backups", cfg.cfgfile_backups);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s bytes", "Minimum Free Disk Space"
		        , byte_count_to_str(cfg.min_free_diskspace, str, sizeof(str)));

		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Strip Incoming Soft CRs "
		         , cfg.strip_soft_cr ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Strip Outgoing Line Feeds "
		         , cfg.strip_lf ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Auto-detect UTF-8 Messages "
		         , cfg.auto_utf8 ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Use Outboxes for Mail Files "
		         , cfg.use_outboxes ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Sort Linked Node List  "
		         , cfg.sort_nodelist ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %-3.3s", "Delete Processed Packets"
		         , cfg.delete_packets ? "Yes":"No");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %s", "Incoming Bad Packets"
		         , cfg.delete_bad_packets ? "Deleted" : cfg.verbose_bad_packet_names ? "Renamed *.reason.bad" : "Renamed *.bad");
		snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30s %s", "Default Packet Type", pktTypeStringList[cfg.default_packet_type]);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BSY Mutex File Timeout", duration_to_vstr(cfg.bsy_timeout, duration, sizeof(duration)));
		if (cfg.flo_mailer) {
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BSO Lock Attempt Delay", duration_to_vstr(cfg.bso_lock_delay, duration, sizeof(duration)));
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %lu", "BSO Lock Attempt Limit", cfg.bso_lock_attempts);
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BinkP Capabilities", cfg.binkp_caps);
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BinkP Sysop Name", cfg.binkp_sysop);
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BinkP Authentication", cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly ? "Plain Only" : "Plain or CRAM-MD5");
			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s %s", "BinkP Encryption", !cfg.binkp_plainTextOnly && !cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly ? "Supported" : "Unsupported");
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		opt[i][0] = 0;
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			"~ Global Settings ~\n"
			"`Mailer Type` should normally be set to `Binkley/FLO` to enable SBBSecho's\n"
			"    \"Binkley-Style Outbound\" operating mode (a.k.a. `BSO` or `FLO` mode).\n"
			"    If you are using an `Attach`, `ArcMail`, or `FrontDoor` style FidoNet\n"
			"    mailer, then set this setting to `ArcMail/Attach`, but know that most\n"
			"    modern FidoNet mailers are Binkley-Style and therefore that mode of\n"
			"    operation in SBBSecho is much more widely tested and supported.\n"
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			"`Log Level` should normally be set to `Informational` but if you're\n"
			"    experiencing problems with SBBSecho and would like more verbose log\n"
			"    output, set this to `Debugging`. If you want less verbose logging,\n"
			"    set to higher-severity levels to reduce the number of log messages.\n"
			"`Log Timestamp Format` defines the format of the date/time-stamps added\n"
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			"    along with each log message to the log file (e.g. sbbsecho.log).\n"
			"    The timestamp format is defined using standard C `strftime` notation.\n"
			"    The default format is: `" DEFAULT_LOG_TIME_FMT "`\n"
			"    For SBBSecho v2 timestamp format, use `%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S`\n"
			"`Strict Packet Passwords`, when enabled, requires that Packet Passwords\n"
			"    must match the password for the linked node from which the packet\n"
			"    was received, even if that linked node has no password configured.\n"
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			"    If you wish to revert to the SBBSecho v2 behavior with less strict\n"
			"    enforcement of matching packet passwords, disable this option.\n"
			"    Default: Enabled\n"
			"`Config File Backups` determines the number of automatic backups of your\n"
			"    SBBSecho configuration file (e.g. `sbbsecho.ini`) that will be\n"
			"    maintained by FidoNet Config (`echocfg`) and SBBSecho AreaManager.\n"
			"`Minimum Free Disk Space` determines the minimum amount of free disk\n"
			"    space for SBBSecho to run.  SBBSecho will just exit with an error\n"
			"    message (and an error level of 1) if the minimum amount of free\n"
			"    space is not found in directories into which SBBSecho may write.\n"
			"`Strip Incoming Soft CRs` instructs SBBSecho to remove any \"Soft\"\n"
			"    Carriage Return (ASCII 141) characters from the text of `imported`\n"
			"    EchoMail and NetMail messages.\n"
			"`Strip Outgoing Line Feeds` instructs SBBSecho to remove any Line Feed\n"
			"    (ASCII 10) characters from the body text of `exported` EchoMail and\n"
			"    NetMail messages.\n"
			"`Auto-detect UTF-8 Messages` instructs SBBSecho to treat incoming\n"
			"    messages which lack a CHRS/CHARSET control line and contain valid\n"
			"    UTF-8 character sequences in the message text, as UTF-8 encoded\n"
			"    messages.\n"
			"`Use Outboxes for Mail Files` instructs SBBSecho to place outbound\n"
			"    NetMail and EchoMail files into the configured `Outbox Directory`\n"
			"    of the relevant linked node. If the linked node has no configured\n"
			"    outbox, then outbound mail files for that node are placed in the\n"
			"    normal outbound directory hierarchy.  The BinkIT mailer will\n"
			"    send files from configured outboxes in addition to the normal\n"
			"    outbound directories, even when this option is set to `No`.\n"
			"`Sort Linked Node List` instructs SBBSecho to sort the list of linked\n"
			"    nodes (in sbbsecho.ini) both when reading and writing the file.\n"
			"`Delete Processed Packets` instructs SBBSecho to delete packet files\n"
			"    after they've been imported (as one would normally expect).\n"
			"`Incoming Bad Packets` can be `Deleted` or `Renamed` (*.bad) and optionally\n"
			"    include the `reason` in the renamed packet filename (the default).\n"
			"`Default Packet Type` is the type of packets that SBBSecho will generate\n"
			"    by default (i.e. for newly created and un-linked destination nodes).\n"
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			"`BSY Mutex File Timeout` determines the maximum age of an existing\n"
			"    mutex file (`*.bsy`) before SBBSecho will act as though the mutex\n"
			"    file was not present.  This setting applies to the global\n"
			"    `sbbsecho.bsy` file as well as the BSO lock (`*.bsy`) files for\n"
			"    individual nodes.\n"
			"    Default: 12 hours\n"
			"`BSO Lock Attempt Delay` determines the amount of time between BSO\n"
			"    node lock attempts (via `*.bsy` files in the relevant outbound\n"
			"    directory).\n"
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			"    Default: 10 seconds\n"
			"`BSO Lock Attempt Limit` determines the maximum number of BSO node lock\n"
			"    attempts before SBBSecho will give-up and move on to another node\n"
			"    to process mail.  This value multiplied by the `BSO Lock Attempt\n"
			"    Delay` should be much less than the `BSY Mutex File Timeout` value.\n"
			"    Default: 60 attempts\n"
			"`BinkP Capabilities` may be used to over-ride the default BinkP node\n"
			"    capabilities sent during a `BinkIT` mailer session (via the NDL\n"
			"    command). Default capabilities value is '115200,TCP,BINKP'\n"
			"`BinkP Sysop` may be used to over-ride the default BinkP sysop name\n"
			"    sent during a `BinkIT` mailer session (via the ZYZ command).\n"
			"    Default sysop name is that set in `SCFG->System->Operator`\n"
			"`BinkP Authentication` may be set to `Plain Only` if you wish to disable\n"
			"    CRAM-MD5 authentication for both inbound and outbound sessions.\n"
			"    Note: CRAM-MD5 authentication is required for encrypted sessions.\n"
			"`BinkP Encryption` may be set to `Supported` (the default) only when\n"
			"    BinkP Authentication is set to Plain or CRAM-MD5.\n"
			"    Default: Supported\n"
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		int key = uifc.list(WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &global_opt, &global_bar, "Global Settings", opt);
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			case -1:

			case 0:
				cfg.flo_mailer = !cfg.flo_mailer;

			case 1:
				uifc.helpbuf =
					"~ Log Level ~\n"
					"Select the minimum severity of log entries to be logged to the log file.\n"
					"The default/normal setting is `Informational`.";
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				int i = cfg.log_level;
				i = uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "Log Level", logLevelStringList);
				if (i >= 0 && i <= LOG_DEBUG)
					cfg.log_level = i;
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			case 2:
				uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				           , "Log Timestamp Format", cfg.logtime, sizeof(cfg.logtime) - 1, K_EDIT);
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			case 3:
				byte_count_to_str(cfg.max_log_size, str, sizeof(str));
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum Log File Size (in bytes, 0=unlimited)", str, 10, K_EDIT | K_UPPER) > 0) {
					cfg.max_log_size = parse_byte_count(str, 1);
					if (cfg.max_log_size) {
						SAFEPRINTF(str, "%lu", cfg.max_logs_kept);
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum Number of old Log Files to Keep", str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) > 0)
							cfg.max_logs_kept = strtoul(str, NULL, 10);
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			case 4:
				cfg.strict_packet_passwords = !cfg.strict_packet_passwords;

			case 5:
				sprintf(str, "%u", cfg.cfgfile_backups);
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Configuration File Backups", str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) > 0)
				byte_count_to_str(cfg.min_free_diskspace, str, sizeof(str));
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Minimum Free Disk Space (in bytes)", str, 10, K_EDIT | K_UPPER) > 0)
					cfg.min_free_diskspace = parse_byte_count(str, 1);

				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Strip Soft Carriage Returns from Incoming Messages", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.strip_soft_cr = true;   break;
					case 1: cfg.strip_soft_cr = false;  break;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Strip Line Feeds from Outgoing Messages", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.strip_lf = true;    break;
					case 1: cfg.strip_lf = false;   break;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Auto-detect incoming UTF-8 encoded messages", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.auto_utf8 = true;   break;
					case 1: cfg.auto_utf8 = false;  break;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Use Outboxes for Outbound NetMail and EchoMail", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.use_outboxes = true;    break;
					case 1: cfg.use_outboxes = false;   break;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Sort List of Linked Nodes", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.sort_nodelist = true;   break;
					case 1: cfg.sort_nodelist = false;  break;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Delete Incoming Processed Packets (.pkt files)", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.delete_packets = true;  break;
					case 1: cfg.delete_packets = false; break;
				int k = !cfg.delete_bad_packets;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Delete Bad Incoming Packets (.pkt files) When Detected", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: cfg.delete_bad_packets = true;
					case 1: cfg.delete_bad_packets = false;
						int k = !cfg.verbose_bad_packet_names;
						switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
						                  , "Include Reason in Renamed Bad Packet Filenames", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
							case 0: cfg.verbose_bad_packet_names = true;    break;
							case 1: cfg.verbose_bad_packet_names = false;   break;
					"~ Default Packet Type ~\n\n"
					"This is the packet header type that will be used in mail packets\n"
					"by default (for newly created and un-linked nodes).\n"
					"The suggested default packet type is `Type-2+`.\n"
				int k = cfg.default_packet_type;
				k = uifc.list(WIN_RHT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0, "Packet Type", pktTypeStringList);
				if (k < 0)
				cfg.default_packet_type = k;
				uifc.changes = TRUE;
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				duration_to_vstr(cfg.bsy_timeout, duration, sizeof(duration));
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "BSY Mutex File Timeout", duration, 10, K_EDIT) > 0)
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					cfg.bsy_timeout = (ulong)parse_duration(duration);

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				duration_to_vstr(cfg.bso_lock_delay, duration, sizeof(duration));
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Delay Between BSO Lock Attempts", duration, 10, K_EDIT) > 0)
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					cfg.bso_lock_delay = (ulong)parse_duration(duration);

				sprintf(str, "%lu", cfg.bso_lock_attempts);
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum BSO Lock Attempts", str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) > 0)
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					cfg.bso_lock_attempts = atoi(str);

				uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				           , "BinkP Capabilities (BinkIT)", cfg.binkp_caps, sizeof(cfg.binkp_caps) - 1, K_EDIT);
				uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				           , "BinkP Sysop Name (BinkIT)", cfg.binkp_sysop, sizeof(cfg.binkp_sysop) - 1, K_EDIT);
				int k = !cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly;
				strcpy(opt[0], "Plain-Password Only");
				strcpy(opt[1], "Plain-Password or CRAM-MD5");
				opt[2][0] = 0;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "BinkP Authentication", opt)) {
					case 0:
						cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly = true;
					case 1:
						cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly = false;
				if (cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly) {
					uifc.msg("CRAM-MD5 authentication/encryption has been disabled globally");
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "BinkP Encryption Supported", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
static bool new_node(unsigned new_nodenum)
	nodecfg_t* nodecfg = realloc(cfg.nodecfg, sizeof(nodecfg_t) * (cfg.nodecfgs + 1));
	if (nodecfg == NULL)
	for (unsigned int i = cfg.nodecfgs; i > new_nodenum; i--)
		memcpy(&cfg.nodecfg[i], &cfg.nodecfg[i - 1], sizeof(nodecfg_t));

	memset(&cfg.nodecfg[new_nodenum], 0, sizeof(nodecfg_t));
	cfg.nodecfg[new_nodenum].binkp_allowPlainText = true;
	cfg.nodecfg[new_nodenum].binkp_port = IPPORT_BINKP;
	cfg.nodecfg[new_nodenum].pkt_type = cfg.default_packet_type;
	return true;

static bool new_arcdef(unsigned new_arcnum)
	arcdef_t * arcdef = realloc(cfg.arcdef, sizeof(arcdef_t) * (cfg.arcdefs + 1));
	if (arcdef == NULL)
	for (unsigned j = cfg.arcdefs; j > new_arcnum; j--)
		memcpy(&cfg.arcdef[j], &cfg.arcdef[j - 1], sizeof(arcdef_t));
	memset(&cfg.arcdef[new_arcnum], 0, sizeof(arcdef_t));
	return true;

static bool new_list(unsigned new_listnum)
	echolist_t *listcfg = realloc(cfg.listcfg, sizeof(echolist_t) * (cfg.listcfgs + 1));
	if (listcfg == NULL)
	for (unsigned j = cfg.listcfgs; j > new_listnum; j--)
		memcpy(&cfg.listcfg[j], &cfg.listcfg[j - 1], sizeof(echolist_t));
	memset(&cfg.listcfg[new_listnum], 0, sizeof(echolist_t));
static bool new_domain(unsigned new_domnum)
	struct fido_domain* new_list = realloc(cfg.domain_list, sizeof(struct fido_domain) * (cfg.domain_count + 1));
	if (new_list == NULL)
		return false;
	cfg.domain_list = new_list;
	for (unsigned i = cfg.domain_count; i > new_domnum; i--)
		memcpy(&cfg.domain_list[i], &cfg.domain_list[i - 1], sizeof(struct fido_domain));
	memset(&cfg.domain_list[new_domnum], 0, sizeof(struct fido_domain));
	return true;

static bool new_robot(unsigned new_botnum)
	struct robot* new_list = realloc(cfg.robot_list, sizeof(struct robot) * (cfg.robot_count + 1));
	if (new_list == NULL)
		return false;
	cfg.robot_list = new_list;
	for (unsigned i = cfg.robot_count; i > new_botnum; i--)
		memcpy(&cfg.robot_list[i], &cfg.robot_list[i - 1], sizeof(struct robot));
	memset(&cfg.robot_list[new_botnum], 0, sizeof(struct robot));
	return true;

static char* int_list(int* list, unsigned count)
	static char str[128];

	str[0] = 0;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		if (i)
			sprintf(str + strlen(str), ",%d", *(list + i));
			sprintf(str, "%d", *list);

	return str;

void binkp_settings(nodecfg_t* node)
	static int cur;
	while (1) {
		char  str[128];
		int   i = 0;
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Host", node->binkp_host);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %u", "Port", node->binkp_port);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Poll", node->binkp_poll ? "Yes" : "No");
		char* auth = "Plain Only";
		char* crypt = "Unsupported";
		if (!cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly && !node->binkp_plainAuthOnly) {
			if (!cfg.binkp_plainTextOnly)
				crypt = node->binkp_allowPlainText ? "Supported" : "Required";
			if (node->binkp_allowPlainAuth)
				auth = "Plain or CRAM-MD5";
				auth = "CRAM-MD5 Only";
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Authentication", auth);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Encryption", crypt);
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Implicit TLS", node->binkp_tls ? "Yes" : "No");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-20s %s", "Source Address", node->binkp_src);
		char title[128];
		SAFEPRINTF(title, "%s BinkP Settings", faddrtoa(&node->addr));
			"~ BinkP Settings ~\n"
			"\nThese settings are used by the Synchronet `BinkIT` BinkP/BSO mailer.\n"
			"`Host` defines the TCP/IP address or host name with which to connect for\n"
			"    sessions with this linked node.  If the host is not set, then a\n"
			"    DNS-based look-up will be attempted (e.g. the IP address for\n"
			"    `1:103/705` would be looked-up via host name ``).\n"
			"    Nodelist-based look-ups are also supported.\n"
			"`Port` defines the TCP port used by this linked node for BinkP sessions.\n"
			"    The default BinkP TCP port is `24554`.\n"
			"`Poll` defines whether or not to periodically poll this linked node.\n"
			"`Authentication` determines what types of authentication will be supported\n"
			"    during both inbound and outbound sessions with this linked node.\n"
			"    The supported BinkP-auth methods are `Plain-Password` and `CRAM-MD5`.\n"
			"    Note: For `incoming` connections, CRAM-MD5 will be supported unless\n"
			"    CRAM-MD5 authentication has been `globally` disabled.\n"
			"`Encryption` determines whether unencrypted data transfers will be\n"
			"    supported or required when communicating with this linked node.\n"
			"    With this setting set to `Required`, ~only~ BinkD-style-encrypted BinkP\n"
			"    sessions will be supported.\n"
			"    CRAM-MD5 authentication `must` be used when encrypting BinkP sessions.\n"
			"`Implicit TLS` defines whether or not to use `BINKPS` when connecting\n"
			"    (outbound) with this linked node.\n"
			"`Source Address` allows you to override the source FTN address used\n"
			"    with outgoing BinkP mailer sessions with this linked node.\n"
			"    Normally, this setting is left blank (not set).\n"
		int k = uifc.list(WIN_RHT | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV | WIN_ACT, 0, 0, 0, &cur, 0, title, opt);
		if (k < 0)
				uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				           , "Host name or IP address", node->binkp_host, sizeof(node->binkp_host) - 1, K_EDIT);
			case 1:
				sprintf(str, "%u", node->binkp_port);
				if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				               , "TCP Port Number (e.g. 24554)", str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) > 0) {
					node->binkp_port = atoi(str);
					uifc.changes = TRUE;
			case 2:
				k = !node->binkp_poll;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Poll This Node Periodically for Inbound Files/Mail", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: node->binkp_poll = true;    uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
					case 1: node->binkp_poll = false;   uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
				if (cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly) {
					uifc.msg("CRAM-MD5 authentication/ has been disabled globally");
				k = node->binkp_plainAuthOnly ? 0 : (1 + !node->binkp_allowPlainAuth);
				strcpy(opt[0], "Plain-Password Only");
				strcpy(opt[1], "Plain-Password or CRAM-MD5");
				strcpy(opt[2], "CRAM-MD5 Only");
				opt[3][0] = 0;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Authentication", opt)) {
						node->binkp_plainAuthOnly = true;
						node->binkp_allowPlainAuth = true;
						node->binkp_allowPlainText = true;
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
					case 1:
						node->binkp_allowPlainAuth = true;
						node->binkp_plainAuthOnly = false;
						node->binkp_allowPlainText = true;
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
					case 2:
						node->binkp_allowPlainAuth = false;
						node->binkp_plainAuthOnly = false;
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
				if (cfg.binkp_plainTextOnly) {
					uifc.msg("BinkP encryption has been disabled globally");
				if (cfg.binkp_plainAuthOnly) {
					uifc.msg("CRAM-MD5 authentication/encryption has been disabled globally");
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Allow Plain-Text (Unencrypted) Sessions", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0:
						node->binkp_allowPlainText = true;
						node->binkp_allowPlainAuth = true;
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
					case 1:
						node->binkp_allowPlainText = false;
						node->binkp_allowPlainAuth = false;
						node->binkp_plainAuthOnly = false;
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
				switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
				                  , "Use BINKPS (Implicit TLS) Connections with This Node", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
					case 0: node->binkp_tls = true;     uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
					case 1: node->binkp_tls = false;    uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
				uifc.helpbuf =
					"~ Source Address ~\n\n"
					"This is the FidoNet style address to use as the source address when\n"
					"conducting BinkP sessions with this linked node.";
				uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
				           , "Source Node Address (optional)"
				           , node->binkp_src
				           , sizeof(node->binkp_src) - 1, K_EDIT);
#ifdef _WIN32
	#define printf cprintf

void banner()


	printf("\nSynchronet FidoNet Configuration  Version %u.%02u  " COPYRIGHT_NOTICE
	printf("Compiled %s/%s %s with %s\n", GIT_BRANCH, GIT_HASH, GIT_DATE, compiler);
void read_echocfg_ini()
	char path[MAX_PATH + 1];

	snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/echocfg.ini", get_ctrl_dir(/* warn: */ false));
	if (!fexist(path))
		snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/uifc.ini", get_ctrl_dir(/* warn: */ false));
	read_uifc_ini(path, &uifc, &ciolib_mode, &video_mode);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char               str[256], *p;
	int                i, j, k, x, dflt, nodeop = 0, nodeopbar = 0, packop = 0, listop = 0;
	echolist_t         savlistcfg;
	nodecfg_t          savnodecfg;
	arcdef_t           savarcdef;
	struct robot       saverobot = {
Deucе's avatar
Deucе committed
		.name = ""
	BOOL               door_mode = FALSE;
	unsigned int       u;
	char               sysop_aliases[256];
	sbbsecho_cfg_t     orig_cfg;
#if defined(_WIN32)
	cio_api.options |= CONIO_OPT_DISABLE_CLOSE;
	memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
	str[0] = 0;
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcmp(argv[i], "-insert") == 0) {
		if (argv[i][0] == '-')
			switch (toupper(argv[i][1])) {
				case 'D':
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					printf("NOTICE: The -d option is deprecated, use -id instead\n");
					door_mode = TRUE;
				case 'L':
					uifc.scrn_len = atoi(argv[i] + 2);
				case 'E':
					uifc.esc_delay = atoi(argv[i] + 2);
					switch (toupper(argv[i][2])) {
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_ANSI;
#if defined __unix__
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_CURSES;
						case 0:
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							printf("NOTICE: The -i option is deprecated, use -if instead\n");
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_CURSES_IBM;
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_CURSES_ASCII;
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_X;
#elif defined _WIN32
							ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_CONIO;
						case 'G':
							switch (toupper(argv[i][3])) {
								case 0:
								case 'W':
									ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_GDI;
								case 'F':
									ciolib_mode = CIOLIB_MODE_GDI_FULLSCREEN;
							door_mode = TRUE;
							goto USAGE;
				case 'K':   /* Keyboard-only mode (no mouse support) */
				case 'M':   /* Monochrome mode */
					uifc.mode |= UIFC_MONO;
				case 'C':
					uifc.mode |= UIFC_COLOR;
				case 'V':
					video_mode = atoi(argv[i] + 2);
					ciolib_initial_scaling = strtod(argv[i] + 2, NULL);
#ifdef _WIN32
					uifc.size = sizeof(uifc);
					uifc.mode |= UIFC_NOMOUSE;
					printf("\nusage: echocfg [path/to/sbbsecho.ini] [options]"
					       "-k     keyboard mode only (no mouse support)\n"
					       "-c     force color mode\n"
					       "-m     force monochrome mode\n"
					       "-e#    set escape delay to #msec\n"
					       "-iX    set interface mode to X (default=auto) where X is one of:\n"
#ifdef __unix__
					       "        X  = X11 mode\n"
					       "        C  = Curses mode\n"
					       "        F  = Curses mode with forced IBM charset\n"
					       "        I  = Curses mode with forced ASCII charset\n"
					       "        W  = Win32 console mode\n"
#if defined(WITH_GDI)
					       "        G  = Win32 graphics mode\n"
					       "        GF = Win32 graphics mode, full screen\n"
#endif // WITH_GDI
					       "        A  = ANSI mode\n"
					       "        D  = standard input/output/door mode\n"
					       "-v#    set video mode to # (default=%u)\n"
					       "-l#    set window lines to # (default=auto-detect)\n"
					       "-s#    set window scaling factor to # (default=1.0)\n"
					       , video_mode
#ifdef _WIN32
					printf("\nHit a key to close...");
#undef printf
			SAFECOPY(str, argv[i]);
	if (str[0] == 0) {
		SAFECOPY(cfg.cfgfile, get_ctrl_dir(/* warn: */ true));
		SAFECAT(cfg.cfgfile, "sbbsecho.ini");
	} else {
		SAFECOPY(cfg.cfgfile, str);
	if (!sbbsecho_read_ini(&cfg)) {
rswindell's avatar
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		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %d (%s) reading %s\n", errno, strerror(errno), cfg.cfgfile);
	orig_cfg = cfg;
	if ((opt = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * 1000)) == NULL) {
		puts("memory allocation error\n");
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
		if ((opt[i] = (char *)malloc(MAX_OPLN + 1)) == NULL) {
			puts("memory allocation error\n");
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	uifc.size = sizeof(uifc);
	if (!door_mode) {
		ciolib_initial_mode = video_mode;
		i = initciolib(ciolib_mode);
		if (i != 0) {
			printf("ciolib library init returned error %d\n", i);
		ciolib_settitle("Synchronet FidoNet Configuration");
		i = uifcini32(&uifc);  /* curses/conio/X/ANSI */
		i = uifcinix(&uifc); /* stdio */
	if (i != 0) {
		printf("uifc library init returned error %d\n", i);
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	uifc.timedisplay = NULL;
	sprintf(str, "Synchronet FidoNet Config v%u.%02u", SBBSECHO_VERSION_MAJOR, SBBSECHO_VERSION_MINOR);
	p = cfg.cfgfile;
	if (strlen(p) + strlen(str) + 4 > uifc.scrn_width)
		p = getfname(cfg.cfgfile);
	uifc.printf(uifc.scrn_width - (strlen(p) + 1), 1, uifc.bclr | (uifc.cclr << 4), p);
	if (cfg.used_include && uifc.deny("%s uses !include, continue read only", getfname(p))) {
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	/* Remember current menu item selections using these vars: */
	int netmail_opt = 0;
	int echomail_opt = 0;
	int path_opt = 0;
	int node_opt = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	int archive_opt = 0;
	int archive_bar = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	int echolist_opt = 0;
	int echolist_bar = 0;
	int domain_bar = 0;
	int robot_opt = 0;
	int robot_bar = 0;
	dflt = 0;
	while (1) {
		if (memcmp(&cfg, &orig_cfg, sizeof(cfg)) != 0)
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
			uifc.changes = TRUE;
		uifc.helpbuf =
			"~ FidoNet Configuration ~\n\n"
			"This program allows you to easily configure the Synchronet BBS\n"
			"FidoNet-style EchoMail program known as `SBBSecho` and the FidoNet/BinkP\n"
			"mailer known as `BinkIT`.  Alternatively, you may edit the configuration\n"
			"file (e.g. `ctrl/sbbsecho.ini`) using an ASCII/plain-text editor.\n"
			"For detailed documentation, see ``\n"
			"                            and ``\n"
			"The `Global Settings` sub-menu is where FidoNet configuration settings\n"
			"are located which are neither NetMail nor EchoMail specific, but more\n"
			"general to the operation of the tosser (SBBSecho) and mailer (BinkIT).\n"
			"The `Linked Nodes` sub-menu is where you configure your FidoNet-style\n"
			"links: other FidoNet-style nodes/systems you regularly connect with\n"
			"to exchange mail/files.\n"
			"The `Archive Types` sub-menu is where you configure your archive\n"
			"programs (a.k.a. \"packers\") used for the packing and unpacking of\n"
			"EchoMail bundle files (usually in 'PKZIP' format).\n"
			"The `NetMail Settings` sub-menu is where you configure settings specific\n"
			"to NetMail (private one-on-one networked mail).\n"
			"The `EchoMail Settings` sub-menu is where you configure settings specific\n"
			"to EchoMail (public group discussions in topical message areas, echoes).\n"
			"The `Paths and Filenames` sub-menu is where you configure your system's\n"
			"directory and file paths used by SBBSecho.\n"
			"The `Robots` sub-menu is where NetMail Robots (e.g. TickFix) are\n"
			"The `Domains` sub-menu is where FidoNet-style domains (the '@domain'\n"
			"of 5D FTN addresses) are mapped to zone numbers, DNS suffixes, NodeLists\n"
			"and BSO root directories for use by the BinkIT mailer.\n"
			"The `EchoLists` sub-menu is for configuring additional (optional)\n"
			"lists of FidoNet-style message areas (echoes) in `BACKBONE.NA` file\n"
			"format.  These lists, if configured, are used in addition to your main\n"
			"`Area File` (e.g. areas.bbs) for advanced AreaManager/AreaFix operations."
		i = 0;
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Global Settings");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Linked Nodes");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Archive Types");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "NetMail Settings");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "EchoMail Settings");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Paths and Filenames");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Robots");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "Domains");
		sprintf(opt[i++], "EchoLists");
		if (uifc.changes && !cfg.used_include)
			snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "Save Changes to %s", getfname(cfg.cfgfile));
		opt[i][0] = 0;
		switch (uifc.list(WIN_ORG | WIN_MID | WIN_ACT | WIN_ESC, 0, 0, 0, &dflt, 0
		                  , "Configure FidoNet", opt)) {
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
				i = 0;
				while (1) {
					uifc.helpbuf =
						"~ Linked Nodes ~\n\n"
						"From this menu you can configure the settings for your linked\n"
						"FidoNet-style nodes (uplinks and downlinks).\n"
						"A single node configuration can represent one node or a collection\n"
						"of nodes, by using the `ALL` wildcard word.\n"
						"The hexadecimal numbers in parentheses are provided as an aide when\n"
						"correlating FidoNet files and BSO directories with node numbers.\n"
						"An exclamation mark denotes passive (inactive) nodes.\n";

					for (u = 0; u < cfg.nodecfgs; u++) {
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rswindell committed
						char hexaddr[16] = "";
						if (cfg.nodecfg[u] != 0xffff) {
							if (!faddr_contains_wildcard(&cfg.nodecfg[u].addr))
								sprintf(hexaddr, "(%04hx%04hx)", cfg.nodecfg[u], cfg.nodecfg[u].addr.node);
								sprintf(hexaddr, "(.%03X)", cfg.nodecfg[u];
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-16s %-10s %c%s"
						         , faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[u].addr), hexaddr
						         , cfg.nodecfg[u].passive ? '!' : ' '
						         , cfg.nodecfg[u].name[0] ? cfg.nodecfg[u].name : cfg.nodecfg[u].comment);
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
					           | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_XTR;
					if (cfg.nodecfgs)
					i = uifc.list(mode, 0, 0, 0, &node_opt, &node_bar, "Linked Nodes", opt);
					if (i == -1)
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
						str[0] = 0;
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"~ Address ~\n\n"
							"This is the FidoNet style address of the node you wish to add (3D or 4D).\n"
							"The `ALL` wildcard may be usd for portions of the address.\n"
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
						               , "Node Address (ALL wildcard allowed)", str
						               , 25, K_EDIT) < 1)
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
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						cfg.nodecfg[i].addr = atofaddr(str);
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
							memcpy(&savnodecfg, &cfg.nodecfg[i], sizeof(nodecfg_t));
						if (cfg.nodecfgs <= 0) {
							cfg.nodecfgs = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						for (u = i; u < cfg.nodecfgs; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.nodecfg[u], &cfg.nodecfg[u + 1]
							       , sizeof(nodecfg_t));
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&savnodecfg, &cfg.nodecfg[i], sizeof(nodecfg_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&cfg.nodecfg[i], &savnodecfg, sizeof(nodecfg_t));
						uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					while (1) {
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"~ Linked Node Settings ~\n"
							"`Address` is the FidoNet-style address in the Zone:Net/Node (3D) or\n"
							"    Zone:Net/Node.Point (4D) format. The wildcard word '`ALL`' may be used\n"
							"    in place of one of the fields to create a node configuration which\n"
							"    will apply to *all* nodes matching that address pattern.\n"
							"    e.g. '`1:ALL`' matches all nodes within FidoNet Zone 1.\n"
							"`Name` is name of the system operator of the configured node. This is used\n"
							"    as the destination name for AreaMgr Notification NetMail messages.\n"
							"`Comment` is a note to yourself about this node. Setting this to the\n"
							"    BBS name or official FidoNet title corresponding with the configured\n"
							"    node can be a helpful reminder to yourself later.\n"
							"`Archive Type` is the name of an archive type corresponding with one of\n"
							"    your configured archive types or '`None`'.  This archive type will\n"
							"    be used when creating EchoMail bundles or if `None`, raw/uncompressed\n"
							"    EchoMail packets will be sent to this node.\n"
							"    This setting may be managed by the node using AreaMgr requests.\n"
							"`Packet Type` is the type of outbound packet generated for this node.\n"
							"    Incoming packet types are automatically detected from among the list\n"
							"    of supported packet types (`2`, `2.2`, `2e`, and `2+`).\n"
							"    The default outbound packet type is `2+`.\n"
							"`Packet Password` is an optional password that may be added to outbound\n"
							"    packets for this node.  Incoming packet passwords are compared with\n"
							"    this password value.  If this password is blank/empty and `Strict\n"
							"    Packet Passwords` are enabled, then incoming packets from this node\n"
							"    must also have no password.  Packet passwords are case insensitive.\n"
							"    This setting may be managed by the node using AreaMgr requests.\n"
							"`Session Password` is the password that will be used for authenticated\n"
							"    BinkP sessions with this node. Session passwords are case sensitive.\n"
							"    This password is only used by BinkIT (if you choose to use it).\n"
							"`TIC File Password` is an optional password that may be configured here\n"
							"    (and in your `sbbsecho.ini` file) for use by `tickit.js` when creating\n"
							"    or authenticating `.TIC` files.\n"
							"    This setting may be managed by the node using AreaMgr requests.\n"
							"`AreaMgr Support` is a toggle that determines whether or not this node\n"
							"    may send AreaMgr NetMail requests to your system to perform remote\n"
							"    area and account management (e.g. addressed to '`AreaFix`').\n"
							"`AreaMgr Password` is an optional password used to authenticate inbound\n"
							"    AreaMgr NetMail requests (Remote Area Management) from this node.\n"
							"    AreaMgr Passwords are case insensitive.\n"
							"    This setting may be managed by the node using AreaMgr requests.\n"
							"`EchoList Keys` is a list of keys which enable AreaMgr access to one or\n"
							"    more additional EchoLists.\n"
							"`Status` is the default mode for sending mail to this node: `Normal`, `Hold`\n"
							"    (wait for pickup) or `Crash` (immediate).\n"
							"`Direct` determines whether to connect to this node directly (whenever\n"
							"    possible) when sending mail to this node.\n"
							"`Passive` is used to temporarily disable (pause) the packing and sending\n"
							"    of EchoMail for this node.  The opposite of Passive is `Active`.\n"
							"    This setting may be managed by the node using AreaMgr requests.\n"
							"`Send Notify List` is used to flag nodes that you want notified via\n"
							"    NetMail of their current AreaMgr settings whenever SBBSecho is run\n"
							"    with the '`G`' option.\n"
							"`Uplink for Message Groups` is an optional list of Message Groups (short\n"
							"    names) for which this node is a hub/uplink for your system.  This\n"
							"    setting is used in combination with the `Auto Add Sub-boards` feature\n"
							"    to auto-link hubs with the newly added areas in your Area File.\n"
							"`Local Address` is an optional local system address (AKA) to use when\n"
							"    sending packets to this node.  When a Local Address is not specified\n"
							"    SBBSecho will automatically choose the local address that matches\n"
							"    the destination address (zone and net number) the closest\n"
							"    (Best Match).\n"
							"`Route To` is only used in Binkley-Style Outbound (BSO/FLO) operating\n"
							"    mode and is used to set the FTN address to route mail for this node.\n"
							"`Inbox Directory` is only used in BSO operating mode and is an optional\n"
							"    alternate directory to search for incoming files from this node\n"
							"    (e.g. used in combination with BinkD's ibox setting).\n"
							"`Outbox Directory` is only used in BSO operating mode and is an optional\n"
							"    alternate directory to place outbound files for this node (e.g. used\n"
							"    in combination with BinkD's obox setting).\n"
							"`BinkP Settings` are settings specific to BinkP/BinkIT mailer operation.\n"
						j = 0;
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Address"
						         , faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].addr));
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Domain"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].domain);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Name"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].name);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Comment"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].comment);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Archive Type"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].archive ==  SBBSECHO_ARCHIVE_NONE ?
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Packet Type"
						         , pktTypeStringList[cfg.nodecfg[i].pkt_type]);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Packet Password"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].pktpwd);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Session Password"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].sesspwd);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "TIC File Password"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].ticpwd);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "AreaMgr Support"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].areamgr ? "Yes" : "No");
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "AreaMgr Password"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].password);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "EchoList Keys"
						         , strListCombine(cfg.nodecfg[i].keys, str, sizeof(str), ","));
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Status"
						         , mailStatusStringList[cfg.nodecfg[i].status]);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Direct"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].direct ? "Yes":"No");
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Passive"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].passive ? "Yes":"No");
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Send Notify List"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify ? "Yes" : "No");
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Uplink for Message Groups"
						         , strListCombine(cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, str, sizeof(str), ","));
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Local Address (AKA)"
						         , cfg.nodecfg[i]
						    ? faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].local_addr) : "Best Match");
						if (cfg.flo_mailer) {
							snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Route To"
							         , cfg.nodecfg[i]
							    ? faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].route) : "Disabled");
							if (!faddr_contains_wildcard(&cfg.nodecfg[i].addr)) {
								snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Inbox Directory", cfg.nodecfg[i].inbox);
								snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Outbox Directory", cfg.nodecfg[i].outbox);
								strcpy(opt[j++], "BinkP Settings...");
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						SAFEPRINTF(str, "Linked Node - %s"
						           , cfg.nodecfg[i].name[0] ? cfg.nodecfg[i].name : faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].addr));
						uifc_winmode_t wmode = WIN_MID | WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV | WIN_EXTKEYS;
						if (i > 0)
						if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.nodecfgs)
						k = uifc.list(wmode, 0, 0, 72, &nodeop, &nodeopbar, str, opt);
						if (k == -1)
						switch (k) {
							case -CIO_KEY_LEFT - 2:
								if (i > 0)
							case -CIO_KEY_RIGHT - 2:
								if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.nodecfgs)
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Address ~\n\n"
									"This is the FidoNet style address of this linked node.\n";
								SAFECOPY(str, faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].addr));
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "Node Address (ALL wildcard allowed)", str
								               , 25, K_EDIT | K_UPPER) > 0)
									cfg.nodecfg[i].addr = atofaddr(str);
rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Domain ~\n\n"
									"This is the domain portion of the 5D FTN address of this linked node\n"
									"(e.g. '`fidonet`').  FTN domains are limited to 8 characters and must not\n"
									"contain the characters '@' or '.'.\n"
									"This setting is currently not used by SBBSecho but is available and\n"
									"managed here for 5D address use by BinkIT.";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Domain"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].domain, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].domain) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Name ~\n\n"
									"This is an optional NetMail destination name for the node (e.g. the sysop's name).\n"
									"This is used for AreaManager Notification NetMail messages.\n";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Name"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].name, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].name) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Comment ~\n\n"
									"This is an optional comment for the node (e.g. the sysop's name).\n"
									"This is used for informational purposes only.\n";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Comment"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].comment, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].comment) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Archive Type ~\n\n"
									"This is the archive type that will be used for compressing packets\n"
									"into archive bundles for this node.\n";
								int cur = cfg.arcdefs;
								for (u = 0; u < cfg.arcdefs; u++) {
									if (cfg.nodecfg[i].archive == &cfg.arcdef[u])
										cur = u;
									strcpy(opt[u], cfg.arcdef[u].name);
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								strcpy(opt[u++], "None");
								opt[u][0] = 0;
								k = uifc.list(WIN_RHT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, 0
								              , "Archive Type", opt);
								if (k == -1)
								if ((unsigned)k >= cfg.arcdefs)
rswindell's avatar
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									cfg.nodecfg[i].archive = SBBSECHO_ARCHIVE_NONE;
rswindell's avatar
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									cfg.nodecfg[i].archive = &cfg.arcdef[k];
								uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Packet Type ~\n\n"
									"This is the packet header type that will be used in mail packets\n"
									"created for this node.  SBBSecho defaults to creating `Type-2+` packets.\n"
								j = cfg.nodecfg[i].pkt_type;
								k = uifc.list(WIN_RHT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &j, 0, "Packet Type"
								              , pktTypeStringList);
								if (k == -1)
								cfg.nodecfg[i].pkt_type = k;
								uifc.changes = TRUE;
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Packet Password ~\n\n"
									"This is an optional password that SBBSecho will place into packets\n"
									"destined for this node.\n"
									"Packet passwords are `case-insensitive`";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Packet Password (optional)"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].pktpwd, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].pktpwd) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Session Password ~\n\n"
									"This is an optional password that BinkIT will use for authenticated\n"
									"BinkP sessions with this node.\n"
									"Session passwords are `case-sensitive`";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Session Password"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].sesspwd, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].sesspwd) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ TIC File Password ~\n\n"
									"This is an optional password that tickit.js will use for creating\n"
									"and authenticating `.TIC` files to/from this node.\n";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "TIC File Password (optional)"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].ticpwd, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].ticpwd) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ AreaManager Support ~\n\n"
									"If you wish for this node to be able to remotely query or change their\n"
									"configuration via `AreaManager` (AreaFix) NetMail messages, set to option to `Yes`.\n";
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].areamgr;
								switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
								                  , "AreaManager Support", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0: cfg.nodecfg[i].areamgr = true;  uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
									case 1: cfg.nodecfg[i].areamgr = false; uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ AreaFix Password ~\n\n"
									"This is the password that will be used by this node when doing remote\n"
									"AreaManager / AreaFix functions.\n";
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "AreaManager Password"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].password, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].password) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER | K_NOSPACE);
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ EchoList Keys ~\n\n"
									"These are a named-keys to be given to this node allowing access to one\n"
									"or more of the configured `EchoLists` for remote area-add requests.\n";
								while (1) {
									for (j = 0; cfg.nodecfg[i].keys != NULL && cfg.nodecfg[i].keys[j] != NULL ; j++)
										strcpy(opt[j], cfg.nodecfg[i].keys[j]);
									opt[j][0] = 0;
									k = uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT |
									              WIN_XTR | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_RHT
									              , 0, 0, 0, &k, 0, "EchoList Keys", opt);
									if (k == -1)
									if ((k & MSK_ON) == MSK_INS) {
										k &= MSK_OFF;
										if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
										               , "EchoList Key", str, SBBSECHO_MAX_KEY_LEN
										               , K_UPPER) < 1)
rswindell's avatar
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										strListInsert(&cfg.nodecfg[i].keys, str, k);
										uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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									if ((k & MSK_ON) == MSK_DEL) {
										k &= MSK_OFF;
rswindell's avatar
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										strListRemove(&cfg.nodecfg[i].keys, k);
										uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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									SAFECOPY(str, cfg.nodecfg[i].keys[k]);
									uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "EchoList Key"
									           , str, SBBSECHO_MAX_KEY_LEN, K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
rswindell's avatar
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									strListReplace(cfg.nodecfg[i].keys, k, str);
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Mail Status ~\n\n"
									"Set the mail status for this node: `Normal`, `Hold`, or `Crash`.\n";
								j = cfg.nodecfg[i].status;
								k = uifc.list(WIN_RHT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &j, 0, "Mail Status"
								              , mailStatusStringList);
								if (k == -1)
rswindell's avatar
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								if (cfg.nodecfg[i].status != k) {
									cfg.nodecfg[i].status = k;
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].direct;
								switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
								                  , "Direct Delivery", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0: cfg.nodecfg[i].direct = true;   uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
									case 1: cfg.nodecfg[i].direct = false;  uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].passive;
								switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
								                  , "Passive Node", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0: cfg.nodecfg[i].passive = true;  uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
									case 1: cfg.nodecfg[i].passive = false; uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify;
								switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
								                  , "Send AreaManager Notifications", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0: cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify = true;  uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
									case 1: cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify = false; uifc.changes = TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Uplink for Message Groups ~\n\n"
									"These are Message Group short names (as configured in SCFG) for which\n"
									"this linked node is your system's uplink (hub).\n"
									"Use of this setting allows your hub to be automatically linked with new\n"
									"areas when new Sub-boards (within a listed group) are auto-added to the\n"
									"Area File."
								while (1) {
									for (j = 0; cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub != NULL && cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub[j] != NULL ; j++)
										strcpy(opt[j], cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub[j]);
									opt[j][0] = 0;
									k = uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT |
									              WIN_XTR | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_RHT
									              , 0, 0, 0, &k, 0, "Uplink for Message Groups", opt);
									if (k == -1)
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									if ((k & MSK_ON) == MSK_INS) {
										k &= MSK_OFF;
										if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
										               , "Message Group (short name)", str, LEN_GSNAME
										               , /* kmode: */ 0) < 1)
rswindell's avatar
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										strListInsert(&cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, str, k);
										uifc.changes = TRUE;
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rswindell's avatar
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									if ((k & MSK_ON) == MSK_DEL) {
										k &= MSK_OFF;
rswindell's avatar
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										strListRemove(&cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, k);
										uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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									SAFECOPY(str, cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub[k]);
									uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Message Group (short name)"
									           , str, LEN_GSNAME, K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
rswindell's avatar
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									strListReplace(cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, k, str);
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								SAFECOPY(str, faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].local_addr));
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "Local Source Address (AKA) to Use", str
								               , 25, K_EDIT) >= 0) {
									if (str[0])
rswindell's avatar
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										cfg.nodecfg[i].local_addr = atofaddr(str);
										cfg.nodecfg[i] = 0;
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Route To ~\n\n"
									"When using a BSO/FLO type mailer, this is the Fido address to route mail\n"
									"for this node(s) to.\n"
									"This option is normally only used with wildcard type node entries\n"
									"(e.g. `ALL`, or `1:ALL`, `2:ALL`, etc.) and is used to route non-direct\n"
									"NetMail packets to your uplink node (hub).\n";
								SAFECOPY(str, faddrtoa(&cfg.nodecfg[i].route));
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "Node Address to Route To", str
								               , 25, K_EDIT) >= 0) {
									if (str[0])
										cfg.nodecfg[i].route = atofaddr(str);
										cfg.nodecfg[i] = 0;
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Inbound FileBox Directory"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].inbox, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].inbox) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
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rswindell's avatar
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							case __COUNTER__:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Outbound FileBox Directory"
								           , cfg.nodecfg[i].outbox, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].outbox) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
							case __COUNTER__:
			case 5: /* Paths and Filenames... */
				j = 0;
				while (1) {
					i = 0;
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Non-secure Inbound Directory"
					         , cfg.inbound[0] ? cfg.inbound : DEFAULT_INBOUND);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Secure Inbound Directory"
					         , cfg.secure_inbound[0] ? cfg.secure_inbound : DEFAULT_SECURE_INBOUND);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Outbound Directory"
					         , cfg.outbound[0] ? cfg.outbound : DEFAULT_OUTBOUND);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Area File"
					         , cfg.areafile[0] ? cfg.areafile : DEFAULT_AREA_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Bad Area File"
					         , cfg.badareafile[0] ? cfg.badareafile : DEFAULT_BAD_AREA_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Log File"
					         , cfg.logfile[0] ? cfg.logfile : DEFAULT_LOG_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Echo Statistics File"
					         , cfg.echostats[0] ? cfg.echostats : DEFAULT_ECHOSTATS_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Temporary File Directory"
					         , cfg.temp_dir[0] ? cfg.temp_dir : DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Outgoing Semaphore File"
					         , cfg.outgoing_sem);
					opt[i][0] = 0;
					uifc.helpbuf =
rswindell's avatar
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						"~ Paths and Filenames ~\n\n"
						"From this menu you can configure the paths and filenames that SBBSecho\n"
						"will use during its operation (e.g. importing and exporting messages).\n";
					j = uifc.list(WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &path_opt, 0
					              , "Paths and Filenames", opt);
					if (j == -1)
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Non-secure Inbound Directory ~\n\n"
								"This is the path where your FTN mailer stores, and where SBBSecho will\n"
								"look for, incoming files (potentially including message bundles and\n"
								"packets) from unauthenticated (non-secure) mailer sessions.\n"
								"Default value is `" DEFAULT_INBOUND "`."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Non-secure Inbound Directory"
							           , cfg.inbound, sizeof(cfg.inbound) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Secure Inbound Directory ~\n\n"
								"This is the path where your FTN mailer stores, and where SBBSecho will\n"
								"look for, incoming message bundles and packets for `Secure` (password\n"
								"protected) sessions.\n"
								"Default value is `" DEFAULT_SECURE_INBOUND "`."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Secure Inbound Directory"
							           , cfg.secure_inbound, sizeof(cfg.secure_inbound) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Outbound Directory ~\n\n"
								"This is the path where your FTN mailer will look for, and where SBBSecho\n"
								"will place, outgoing message bundles and packets.\n"
								"In Binkley-Style Outbound mode, this serves as the base directory\n"
								"name for special foreign zone and point destination nodes as well."
								"Default value is `" DEFAULT_OUTBOUND "`."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Outbound Directory"
							           , cfg.outbound, sizeof(cfg.outbound) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Area File ~\n\n"
								"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use as your primary\n"
								"list of FidoNet-style message areas.  This file is only required\n"
								"to exist if you need SBBSecho to support Area Manager operations.\n"
								"Two area file formats are supported by SBBSecho (pick one):\n"
								" * `areas.bbs` - historic/legacy style, one echo/area per line\n"
								" * `areas.ini` - more modern style, one echo/area per [section]\n"
								"~ areas.bbs format ~\n"
								"Each line in the file defines an FTN message area (echo) of the format:\n"
								"   `code` `tag` `link` [`link` ...]\n"
								"Each field is separated by one or more white-space characters:\n"
								"   `code` is the Synchronet `internal code` for the local sub-board\n"
								"   `tag`  is the network's agreed-upon `echo tag` for the message area\n"
								"   `link` is an `FTN address` to send and receive messages for this area\n"
								"        There may be many linked nodes for each area\n"
								"        or your FTN uplink/hub may be the only linked node.\n"
								"Example areas.bbs Area Line:\n"
								"   `FIDO_BBS_CARN    BBS_CARNIVAL     1:218/700`\n"
								" `*` Only the `code` and `tag` fields are required\n"
								" `*` The `code` and `tag` fields are case in-sensitive\n"
								" `*` The `link` fields must be 2D, 3D, or 4D FidoNet-style node addresses\n"
								" `*` The '`[`' and '`]`' characters are not part of the link syntax\n"
								" `*` Lines beginning with a semicolon (`;`) are ignored (i.e. comments)\n"
								" `*` Leading white-space characters are ignored\n"
								" `*` Blank lines are ignored\n"
								" `*` A `tag` value of '`*`' indicates a `bad echo` (unknown) area\n"
								" `*` A `code` value of '`P`' indicates a `pass-through` message area\n"
								" `*` This file may be import/exported to/from your `Message Areas` in `SCFG`\n"
								" `*` This file may be remotely modified by authorized nodes using `AreaMgr`\n"
								"~ areas.ini format ~\n"
								"sub = `code`\n"
								"links = `link` [`link` ...]\n"
								"pass-through = `true` or `false` (default: `false`)\n"
								"Example areas.ini Area Section:\n"
								"   `[BBS_CARNIVAL]\n"
								"   sub = FIDO_BBS_CARN\n"
								"   links = 1:218/700`\n"
								" `*` Each area definition begins with the `[tag]` line\n"
								"   (the '`[`' and '`]`' characters are required)\n"
								" `*` The `code` and `tag` values are case in-sensitive\n"
								" `*` The `link` values must be 2D, 3D, or 4D FidoNet-style node addresses\n"
								" `*` The '`[`' and '`]`' characters are not part of the link syntax\n"
								" `*` Lines beginning with a semicolon (`;`) are ignored (i.e. comments)\n"
								" `*` Leading white-space characters are ignored\n"
								" `*` Blank lines are ignored\n"
								" `*` A `tag` value (section name) of '`*`' indicates a `bad echo` (unknown) area\n"
								" `*` This file may be import/exported to/from your `Message Areas` in `SCFG`\n"
								" `*` This file may be remotely modified by authorized nodes using `AreaMgr`\n"
								"Default value is: `" DEFAULT_AREA_FILE "`"
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Area File"
							           , cfg.areafile, sizeof(cfg.areafile) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Bad Area File ~\n\n"
								"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to record the names\n"
								"(echo tags) and descriptions of FTN message areas (echoes) that your\n"
								"system has received EchoMail for, but does not carry locally. The\n"
								"default path/filename is `" DEFAULT_BAD_AREA_FILE "`.\n"
								" `*` The descriptions of the areas will only be included if the\n"
								"   corresponding echo tags can be located in one of your configured\n"
								"   `EchoLists`.\n"
								" `*` The format of the file is the same as `BACKBONE.NA` and suitable for\n"
								"   importing into a Synchronet Message Group using `SCFG`.\n"
								" `*` SBBSecho will automatically sort and maintain this list, removing\n"
								"   areas if they are added to your configuration (`SCFG->Message Areas`)\n"
								"   and your `Area File`.\n"
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Bad Area File"
							           , cfg.badareafile, sizeof(cfg.badareafile) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Log File ~\n\n"
								"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to log information each\n"
								"time it is run (default is `" DEFAULT_LOG_FILE "`)."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Log File"
							           , cfg.logfile, sizeof(cfg.logfile) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ EchoStats File ~\n\n"
								"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to track statistics for\n"
								"EchoMail message areas (default is `" DEFAULT_ECHOSTATS_FILE "`)."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "EchoStats File"
							           , cfg.echostats, sizeof(cfg.echostats) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
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						case 7:
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Temporary File Directory ~\n\n"
								"This is the directory where SBBSecho will store temporary files that\n"
								"it creates and uses during its run-time (default is `" DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR "`)."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Temp Dir"
							           , cfg.temp_dir, sizeof(cfg.temp_dir) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
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						case 8:
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Outgoing Semaphore File ~\n\n"
								"This is an optional file to create/touch whenever there are new outbound\n"
								"files created or updated by SBBSecho."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Outgoing Sem File"
							           , cfg.outgoing_sem, sizeof(cfg.outgoing_sem) - 1
							           , K_EDIT);
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			case 3: /* NetMail Settings */
				j = 0;
				while (1) {
					uifc.helpbuf =
						"~ NetMail Settings ~\n"
						"`Sysop Aliases` is a comma-separated list of names by which the sysop\n"
						"    (user #1) may receive NetMail messages, in addition to the alias\n"
						"    and real name associated with their BBS user account.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to just '`SYSOP`'.\n"
						"`Default Recipient` is the name of the user account you wish to receive\n"
						"    inbound NetMail messages that have been addressed to an unrecognized\n"
						"    user name or alias.\n"
						"`Fuzzy Zone Operation` when set to `Yes`, if SBBSecho receives an inbound\n"
						"    netmail with `NO` international zone information, it will compare the\n"
						"    net/node of the destination to the net/node information in your AKAs\n"
						"    and assume the (source and destination) zone of a matching AKA.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Kill/Ignore Empty NetMail Messages` will instruct SBBSecho to simply\n"
						"    discard (not import or export) NetMail messages without any body.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
						"`Delete Processed NetMail Messages` will instruct SBBSecho to delete\n"
						"    NetMail messages/files after they have been sent or imported.\n"
						"    When set to `No`, SBBSecho will mark them as Sent or Received instead.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
						"`Ignore NetMail Destination Address` will instruct SBBSecho to treat\n"
						"    all NetMail as though it is destined for one of your systems's FTN\n"
						"    addresses (AKAs) and potentially import it.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Ignore Netmail 'Sent' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to export\n"
						"    NetMail messages even when their 'Sent' attribute flag is set.\n"
						"    This setting `should not` be set to `Yes` when `Delete NetMail` is\n"
						"    disabled.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Ignore Netmail 'KillSent' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to ignore\n"
						"    this attribute flag and will `not` delete Sent NetMail.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Ignore Netmail 'Received' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to import\n"
						"    NetMail messages even when their 'Received' attribute flag is set.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to import\n"
						"    NetMail messages even when their 'Local' attribute flag is set.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Maximum Age of Imported NetMail` allows you to optionally set an age\n"
						"    limit of NetMail messages that may be imported.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `None` (no maximum age).\n"
					i = 0;
					strListCombine(cfg.sysop_alias_list, sysop_aliases, sizeof(sysop_aliases) - 1, ",");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%s", "Sysop Aliases", sysop_aliases);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%s", "Default Recipient"
					         , cfg.default_recipient);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Fuzzy Zone Operation"
					         , cfg.fuzzy_zone ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Kill/Ignore Empty NetMail "
					         "Messages", cfg.kill_empty_netmail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Delete Processed NetMail"
					         , cfg.delete_netmail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Ignore NetMail Destination Address"
					         , cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Ignore NetMail 'Sent' Attribute"
					         , cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Ignore NetMail 'KillSent' Attribute"
					         , cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Ignore NetMail 'Received' Attribute"
					         , cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%-3.3s", "Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute"
					         , cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
					if (cfg.max_netmail_age)
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						duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_netmail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFECOPY(str, "None");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-40.40s%s", "Maximum Age of Imported NetMail", str);
					opt[i][0] = 0;
					j = uifc.list(WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &netmail_opt, 0, "NetMail Settings", opt);
					if (j == -1)
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Sysop Aliases ~\n\n"
								"This is a comma-separated list of additional `To` names that the sysop\n"
								"(user #1) can receive netmail by. When specifying multiple aliases,\n"
								"they must be separated by a single comma and no extra white-space\n"
								"(e.g. \"SYSOP,COORDINATOR\"). The default value is just `SYSOP`.\n";
							if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Sysop Aliases (comma separated)"
							               , sysop_aliases
							               , sizeof(sysop_aliases) - 1, K_EDIT | K_UPPER) >= 0) {
rswindell's avatar
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								cfg.sysop_alias_list = strListSplit(NULL, sysop_aliases, ",");
							uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Default Recipient"
							           , cfg.default_recipient, sizeof(cfg.default_recipient) - 1
							           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
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							k = !cfg.fuzzy_zone;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Fuzzy Zone Operation", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.fuzzy_zone = true;  break;
								case 1: cfg.fuzzy_zone = false; break;
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rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.kill_empty_netmail;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Delete Empty NetMail", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.kill_empty_netmail = true;  break;
								case 1: cfg.kill_empty_netmail = false; break;
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rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.delete_netmail;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Delete Processed NetMail", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.delete_netmail = true;  break;
								case 1: cfg.delete_netmail = false; break;
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Ignore NetMail Destination Address", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr = true;    break;
								case 1: cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr = false;   break;
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Ignore NetMail 'Sent' Attribute", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr = true;    break;
								case 1: cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr = false;   break;
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Ignore NetMail 'KillSent' Attribute", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr = true;    break;
								case 1: cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr = false;   break;
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						case 8:
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Ignore NetMail 'Received' Attribute", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr = true;    break;
								case 1: cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr = false;   break;
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						case 9:
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr = true;   break;
								case 1: cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr = false;  break;
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rswindell's avatar
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						case 10:
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Maximum Age of Imported NetMail ~\n\n"
								"Maximum age of NetMail that may be imported. The age is based\n"
								"on the date supplied in the message header and may be incorrect in some\n"
								"conditions (e.g. erroneous software or incorrect system date).\n"
								"Set this value to `0` to disable this feature (no maximum age imposed)."
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							if (cfg.max_netmail_age)
rswindell's avatar
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								duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_netmail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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								SAFECOPY(str, "None");
							if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum NetMail Age"
							               , str, 10, K_EDIT) >= 0)
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								cfg.max_netmail_age = (ulong)parse_duration(str);
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			case 4: /* EchoMail Settings */
				j = 0;
				while (1) {
					uifc.helpbuf =
						"~ EchoMail Settings ~\n"
						"`Area Manager` is the BBS user name or alias to notify (via email) of\n"
						"    AreaMgr activities and errors.  This setting defaults to `SYSOP`.\n"
						"`Maximum Packet Size` is the largest packet file size that SBBSecho will\n"
						"    normally create (in bytes).\n"
						"    This settings defaults to `250K` (250 Kilobytes, or 256,000 bytes).\n"
						"`Maximum Bundle Size` is the largest bundle file size that SBBSecho will\n"
						"    normally create (in bytes).\n"
						"    This settings defaults to `250K` (250 Kilobytes, or 256,000 bytes).\n"
						"`Secure Operation` tells SBBSecho to check the Area File (e.g. areas.bbs)\n"
						"    to insure that the packet origin (FTN address) of EchoMail messages\n"
						"    is already linked to the EchoMail area where the message was posted.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Notify Users of Received EchoMail` tells SBBSecho to send telegrams\n"
						"    (short messages) to BBS users when EchoMail addressed to their name\n"
						"    or alias has been imported into a message base that the user has\n"
						"    access to read.\n"
						"`Convert Existing Tear Lines` tells SBBSecho to convert any tear lines\n"
						"    (`---`) existing in outgoing EchoMail message text to `===`.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
						"`Automatically Add New Subs to Area List`, when enabled, instructs\n"
						"    SBBSecho to detect newly added Sub-boards in any Message Groups that\n"
						"    are listed with a `Linked Node` as their hub/uplink and add those new\n"
						"    Sub-boards as new areas to your Area List and optionally, Area File.\n"
						"`Allow Nodes to Add Areas from Area File` when set to `Yes` allows linked\n"
						"    nodes to add areas listed in your Area File (e.g. `areas.bbs`).\n"
						"    When set to `No`, only areas found in one or more `EchoLists` may be\n"
						"    added via AreaMgr, provided the linked node has access.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
						"`Maximum Backups to Maintain of Area File` defines the number of backup\n"
						"    versions SBBSecho will maintain of your Area File (e.g. `areas.bbs`).\n"
						"`Circular Path Detection` when `Enabled` will cause SBBSecho, during\n"
						"    EchoMail import, to check the PATH kludge lines for any of the\n"
						"    system's AKAs and if found (indicating a message loop), not import\n"
						"    the message.\n"
						"`Relay Filtered Messages` controls whether or not incoming messages that\n"
						"    have been filtered (e.g. due to maximum message age restrictions)\n"
						"    are to be forwarded to downlinks.\n"
						"`Outbound Bundle Attachments` may be either `Deleted` (killed) or `Truncated`\n"
						"    (changed to 0-bytes in length) after being sent by your mailer.\n"
						"    This only controls the bundle prefix that is written to the FLO\n"
						"    files (`#` for truncate, `^` for delete).\n"
						"`Zone Blind SEEN-BY and PATH Lines` when `Enabled` will cause SBBSecho\n"
						"    to assume that node numbers are not duplicated across zones and\n"
						"    that a net/node combination in either of these Kludge lines should\n"
						"    be used to identify a specific node regardless of which zone that\n"
						"    node is located (thus breaking the rules of FidoNet 3D addressing).\n"
						"`Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail` allows you to optionally set an age\n"
						"    limit of EchoMail messages that may be imported.\n"
						"    This setting defaults to `60 days`.\n"
						"`Require Area-Linked Nodes to be Configured` allows you to specify\n"
						"    whether or not each linked node in the area file must be configured\n"
						"    in the `Linked Nodes` list.\n"

					i = 0;
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Area Manager", cfg.areamgr);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%luK", "Maximum Packet Size"
					         , cfg.maxpktsize / 1024UL);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%luK", "Maximum Bundle Size"
					         , cfg.maxbdlsize / 1024UL);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%-3.3s", "Secure Operation"
					         , cfg.secure_echomail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%-3.3s", "Notify Users of Received EchoMail"
					         , cfg.echomail_notify ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%-3.3s", "Convert Existing Tear Lines"
					         , cfg.convert_tear ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Automatically Add New Subs "
					         "to Area List", cfg.auto_add_subs ? (cfg.auto_add_to_areafile ? "List/File":"List Only"):"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%-3.3s", "Allow Nodes to Add Areas "
					         "from Area File", cfg.add_from_echolists_only ? "No":"Yes");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%u", "Maximum Backups to Maintain of Area File"
					         , cfg.areafile_backups);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Circular Path Detection"
					         , cfg.check_path ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Relay Filtered Messages"
					         , cfg.relay_filtered_msgs ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Outbound Bundle Attachments"
					         , cfg.trunc_bundles ? "Truncate" : "Delete");
					if (cfg.zone_blind)
						sprintf(str, "Zones 1-%u", cfg.zone_blind_threshold);
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFECOPY(str, "Disabled");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Zone Blind SEEN-BY and PATH Lines", str);
					if (cfg.max_echomail_age)
rswindell's avatar
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						duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_echomail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFECOPY(str, "None");
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail", str);
					snprintf(opt[i++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-45.45s%s", "Require Area-Linked Nodes to be Configured"
					         , cfg.require_linked_node_cfg ? "Yes" : "No");
					opt[i][0] = 0;
					j = uifc.list(WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &echomail_opt, 0, "EchoMail Settings", opt);
					if (j == -1)
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Area Manager ~\n\n"
								"Local user to notify of AreaManager activity and errors.\n";
							uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Area Manager (user name or alias)"
							           , cfg.areamgr
							           , LEN_ALIAS, K_EDIT);
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Maximum Packet Size ~\n\n"
								"This is the maximum file size that SBBSecho will create when placing\n"
								"outgoing messages into packets.  The default max size is 250 Kilobytes.\n";
							sprintf(str, "%lu", cfg.maxpktsize);
							uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum Packet Size (in Bytes)", str
							           , 9, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER);
							cfg.maxpktsize = atol(str);
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Maximum Bundle Size ~\n\n"
								"This is the maximum file size that SBBSecho will create when placing\n"
								"outgoing packets into bundles.  The default max size is 250 Kilobytes.\n";
							sprintf(str, "%lu", cfg.maxbdlsize);
							uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum Bundle Size (in Bytes)", str
							           , 9, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER);
							cfg.maxbdlsize = atol(str);
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rswindell committed
							k = !cfg.secure_echomail;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Secure Operation", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.secure_echomail = true;     break;
								case 1: cfg.secure_echomail = false;    break;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Notify Users", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.echomail_notify = true;     break;
								case 1: cfg.echomail_notify = false;    break;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							k = !cfg.convert_tear;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Convert Tear Lines", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.convert_tear = true;    break;
								case 1: cfg.convert_tear = false;   break;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							i = 0;
							strncpy(opt[i++], "Area List (memory) Only", MAX_OPLN - 1);
							strncpy(opt[i++], "Area List and Area File", MAX_OPLN - 1);
							strncpy(opt[i++], "No", MAX_OPLN - 1);
							if (!cfg.auto_add_subs)
							else if (cfg.auto_add_to_areafile)
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Automatically Add New Sub-boards to Area List", opt)) {
								case 0: cfg.auto_add_subs = true;   cfg.auto_add_to_areafile = false; break;
								case 1: cfg.auto_add_subs = true;   cfg.auto_add_to_areafile = true; break;
								case 2: cfg.auto_add_subs = false;  break;
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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							k = cfg.add_from_echolists_only;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Allow AreaManager-Add from Area File", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.add_from_echolists_only = false;    break;
								case 1: cfg.add_from_echolists_only = true;     break;
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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							sprintf(str, "%u", cfg.areafile_backups);
							if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Total Area File Backups to Maintain"
							               , str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) >= 0)
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								cfg.areafile_backups = atoi(str);
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.check_path;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Circular Path Detection", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.check_path = true;  break;
								case 1: cfg.check_path = false; break;
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.relay_filtered_msgs;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Relay Filtered EchoMail Messages", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.relay_filtered_msgs = true;     break;
								case 1: cfg.relay_filtered_msgs = false;    break;
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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							k = cfg.trunc_bundles;
							char* opt[] = {"Delete after Sent", "Truncate after Sent", NULL };
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Outbound Bundles", opt)) {
								case 0: cfg.trunc_bundles = false;  break;
								case 1: cfg.trunc_bundles = true;   break;
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rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.zone_blind;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0, "Zone Blind", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
rswindell's avatar
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								case 0:
									cfg.zone_blind = true;
									uifc.helpbuf =
										"Zone Blind Threshold";
									sprintf(str, "%u", cfg.zone_blind_threshold);
									if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
									               , "Zone Blind Threshold (highest zone in the blind range)"
									               , str, 5, K_EDIT | K_NUMBER) >= 0)
rswindell's avatar
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										cfg.zone_blind_threshold = (uint16_t)atol(str);
								case 1:
									cfg.zone_blind = false;
							uifc.helpbuf =
								"~ Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail ~\n\n"
								"Maximum age of EchoMail that may be imported. The age is based\n"
								"on the date supplied in the message header and may be incorrect in some\n"
								"conditions (e.g. erroneous software or incorrect system date).\n"
								"Set this value to `0` to disable this feature (no maximum age imposed)."
rswindell's avatar
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							if (cfg.max_echomail_age)
rswindell's avatar
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								duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_echomail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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								SAFECOPY(str, "None");
							if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_BOT | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Maximum EchoMail Age"
							               , str, 10, K_EDIT) >= 0)
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								cfg.max_echomail_age = (ulong)parse_duration(str);
						case 14:
							k = !cfg.require_linked_node_cfg;
							switch (uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &k, 0
							                  , "Require Nodes Linked to Areas in Area File to be Configured", uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0: cfg.require_linked_node_cfg = true;  break;
								case 1: cfg.require_linked_node_cfg = false; break;
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			case 2: /* Archive Types */
				i = 0;
				while (1) {
					uifc.helpbuf =
						"~ Archive Types ~\n\n"
						"These are the archive file types that have been configured along with\n"
						"their corresponding archive programs and command-lines for the packing\n"
						"and unpacking of EchoMail bundle files.\n"
						"The corresponding archive programs are sometimes referred to as `packers`."
					for (u = 0; u < cfg.arcdefs; u++)
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s", cfg.arcdef[u].name);
					opt[u][0] = 0;
					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
					           | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_XTR;
					if (cfg.arcdefs)
					if ([0])
					i = uifc.list(mode, 0, 0, 0, &archive_opt, &archive_bar, "Archive Types", opt);
					if (i == -1)
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
						str[0] = 0;
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"~ Archive Type ~\n\n"
							"This is the identifying name of the archiving program (packer).\n";
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
						               , "Archive Type", str, 25, K_EDIT | K_UPPER) < 1)
						if (!new_arcdef(i)) {
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFECOPY(cfg.arcdef[i].name, str);
rswindell's avatar
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					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
						if (msk == MSK_CUT)
							memcpy(&savarcdef, &cfg.arcdef[i], sizeof(arcdef_t));
						if (cfg.arcdefs <= 0) {
							cfg.arcdefs = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						for (u = i; u < cfg.arcdefs; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.arcdef[u], &cfg.arcdef[u + 1]
							       , sizeof(arcdef_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&savarcdef, &cfg.arcdef[i], sizeof(arcdef_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&cfg.arcdef[i], &savarcdef, sizeof(arcdef_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					if (msk != 0)
					while (1) {
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"Archive Type and Program configuration";
						j = 0;
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Archive Type"
						         , cfg.arcdef[i].name);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Signature"
						         , cfg.arcdef[i].hexid);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %u", "Signature Offset"
						         , cfg.arcdef[i].byteloc);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Pack Command Line"
						         , cfg.arcdef[i].pack);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Unpack Command Line"
						         , cfg.arcdef[i].unpack);
						opt[j][0] = 0;
						SAFEPRINTF(str, "Archive Type - %s", cfg.arcdef[i].name);
						uifc_winmode_t wmode = WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV | WIN_RHT | WIN_BOT | WIN_EXTKEYS;
						if (i > 0)
						if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.arcdefs)
						k = uifc.list(wmode, 0, 0, 72, &packop, 0, str, opt);
						if (k == -1)
						switch (k) {
							case -CIO_KEY_LEFT - 2:
								if (i > 0)
							case -CIO_KEY_RIGHT - 2:
								if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.arcdefs)
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Archive Type ~\n\n"
									"This is the identifying name of the archive file type. Usually this name\n"
									"corresponds with the common file extension or suffix denoting this type\n"
									"of archive file (e.g. `zip`, `arc`, etc.)."
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Archive Type"
								           , cfg.arcdef[i].name, sizeof(cfg.arcdef[i].name) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Archive Signature ~\n\n"
									"This is the identifying signature of the archive file format (in\n"
									"hexadecimal notation).  This signature is used in combination with the\n"
									"Archive `Signature Offset` for the automatic detection of proper archive\n"
									"program to extract (unarchive) inbound EchoMail bundle files."
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Archive Signature"
								           , cfg.arcdef[i].hexid, sizeof(cfg.arcdef[i].hexid) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Archive Signature Offset ~\n\n"
									"This is the byte-offset of the identifying signature of the archive file\n"
									"format.  This offset is used in combination with the Archive `Signature`\n"
									"for the automatic detection of proper archive program to extract\n"
									"(unarchive) inbound EchoMail bundle files."
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								sprintf(str, "%u", cfg.arcdef[i].byteloc);
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "Archive Signature Offset", str, 5
								               , K_NUMBER | K_EDIT) > 0)
									cfg.arcdef[i].byteloc = atoi(str);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Pack Command Line ~\n\n"
									"This is the command-line to execute to create an archive file of the\n"
									"selected type.  The following command-line specifiers may be used for\n"
									"dynamic variable replacement:\n"
									"  `%f`  The path/filename of the archive file to be created\n"
									"  `%s`  The path/filename of the file(s) to be added to the archive\n"
									"  `%!`  The Synchronet `exec` directory\n"
									"  `%@`  The Synchronet `exec` directory only for non-Unix systems\n"
									"  `%.`  Blank for Unix systems, '`.exe`' otherwise\n"
									"  `%?`  The current platform description (e.g. 'linux', 'win32')\n"
									"  `%j`  The Synchronet `data` directory\n"
									"  `%k`  The Synchronet `ctrl` directory\n"
									"  `%o`  The configured system operator name\n"
									"  `%q`  The configured system QWK-ID\n"
									"  `%g`  The configured temporary file directory\n"
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Pack Command Line"
								           , cfg.arcdef[i].pack, sizeof(cfg.arcdef[i].pack) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Unpack Command Line ~\n\n"
									"This is the command-line to execute to extract an archive file of the\n"
									"selected type.  The following command-line specifiers may be used for\n"
									"dynamic variable replacement:\n"
									"  `%f`  The path/filename of the archive file to be extracted\n"
									"  `%s`  The destination directory for files extracted from the archive\n"
									"  `%!`  The Synchronet `exec` directory\n"
									"  `%@`  The Synchronet `exec` directory only for non-Unix systems\n"
									"  `%.`  Blank for Unix systems, '`.exe`' otherwise\n"
									"  `%?`  The current platform description (e.g. 'linux', 'win32')\n"
									"  `%j`  The Synchronet `data` directory\n"
									"  `%k`  The Synchronet `ctrl` directory\n"
									"  `%o`  The configured system operator name\n"
									"  `%q`  The configured system QWK-ID\n"
									"  `%g`  The configured temporary file directory\n"
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Unpack Command Line"
								           , cfg.arcdef[i].unpack, sizeof(cfg.arcdef[i].unpack) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
rswindell's avatar
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			case 6:
					"~ Robots ~\n\n"
					"The `Robots` sub-menu is where NetMail Robots are configured.\n"
					"When a NetMail message is received addressed to one of the configured\n"
					"Robot `Names`, it will be stored in the `mail` message base and the\n"
					"associated `Semaphore File` (if non-blank) will be touched.\n"
					"If the NetMail message has the `In-Transit` attribute flag set, it\n"
					"will not be exported by SBBSecho back into a stored message (*.msg)\n"
					"file. Therefore, it is recommended to include the In-Transit attribute\n"
					"flag (0x20) in the Robot's `Attributes` value if the Robot (e.g. script)\n"
					"is going to expect the message to be in the mail base.\n"
				i = 0;
				while (1) {
					for (u = 0; u < cfg.robot_count; u++)
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-*s  %s"
						         , FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, cfg.robot_list[u].name, cfg.robot_list[u].semfile);
					opt[u][0] = 0;
					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
					           | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_XTR;
					if (cfg.robot_count)
						mode |= WIN_COPY | WIN_CUT;
					if ([0])
						mode |= WIN_PASTE | WIN_PASTEXTR;
					i = uifc.list(mode, 0, 0, 0, &robot_opt, &robot_bar, "Robots", opt);
					if (i == -1)
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
						str[0] = 0;
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
						               , "NetMail Robot Name", str, FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, K_EDIT) < 1)
						if (!new_robot(i)) {
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
						SAFECOPY(cfg.robot_list[i].name, str);

					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
							memcpy(&saverobot, &cfg.robot_list[i], sizeof(saverobot));
						if (cfg.robot_count <= 0) {
							cfg.robot_count = 0;
						for (u = i; u < cfg.robot_count; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.robot_list[u], &cfg.robot_list[u + 1], sizeof(struct robot));
					if (msk == MSK_COPY) {
						memcpy(&saverobot, &cfg.robot_list[i], sizeof(saverobot));
					if (msk == MSK_PASTE) {
						memcpy(&cfg.robot_list[i], &saverobot, sizeof(saverobot));
					if (msk != 0)
					while (1) {
						j = 0;
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Name"
						         , cfg.robot_list[i].name);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Semaphore File"
						         , cfg.robot_list[i].semfile);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s 0x%04hX", "Attributes"
						         , cfg.robot_list[i].attr);
						opt[j][0] = 0;
						SAFEPRINTF(str, "Robot - %s", cfg.robot_list[i].name);
						uifc_winmode_t wmode = WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV | WIN_RHT | WIN_BOT | WIN_EXTKEYS;
						if (i > 0)
						if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.robot_count)
						k = uifc.list(wmode, 0, 0, 72, &listop, 0, str, opt);
						if (k == -1)
						switch (k) {
							case -CIO_KEY_LEFT - 2:
								if (i > 0)
							case -CIO_KEY_RIGHT - 2:
								if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.robot_count)
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Robot Name"
								           , cfg.robot_list[i].name, sizeof(cfg.robot_list[i].name) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
							case 1:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Semaphore Path/Filename"
								           , cfg.robot_list[i].semfile, sizeof(cfg.robot_list[i].semfile) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
							case 2:
								sprintf(str, "%04hX", cfg.robot_list[i].attr);
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "NetMail Attributes (in hexadecimal)"
								               , str, sizeof(str), K_EDIT) > 0)
									cfg.robot_list[i].attr = (uint16_t)strtoul(str, NULL, 16);
					"~ Domains ~\n\n"
					"The `Domains` sub-menu is where FidoNet-style domains (the '@domain'\n"
					"of 5D FTN addresses) are mapped to zone numbers, DNS suffixes, NodeLists\n"
					"and BSO root directories for use by the BinkIT mailer.\n"
					"The `DNS Suffix` is optional, but when specified, should point to a valid,\n"
					"working Internet DNS service name for FTN address resolution (e.g.\n"
					"`` for FidoNet proper).\n"
					"The `NodeList` is optional, but when specified, should point to an\n"
					"uncompressed, unarchived, NodeList in standard FidoNet NodeList format.\n"
				i = 0;
				while (1) {
					for (u = 0; u < cfg.domain_count; u++)
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-*s  %s"
						         , FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, cfg.domain_list[u].name, cfg.domain_list[u].dns_suffix);
					opt[u][0] = 0;
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rswindell committed
					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
					           | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_XTR;
					if (cfg.domain_count)
					if ([0])
					i = uifc.list(mode, 0, 0, 0, &domain_opt, &domain_bar, "Domains", opt);
					if (i == -1)
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
						str[0] = 0;
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
						               , "FTN Domain Name", str, FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, K_EDIT) < 1)
						if (!new_domain(i)) {
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
rswindell's avatar
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							memcpy(&savedomain, &cfg.domain_list[i], sizeof(savedomain));
						if (cfg.domain_count <= 0) {
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						for (u = i; u < cfg.domain_count; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.domain_list[u], &cfg.domain_list[u + 1], sizeof(struct fido_domain));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					if (msk == MSK_COPY) {
						memcpy(&savedomain, &cfg.domain_list[i], sizeof(savedomain));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&cfg.domain_list[i], &savedomain, sizeof(savedomain));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					while (1) {
						j = 0;
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Name"
						         , cfg.domain_list[i].name);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Zones"
						         , int_list(cfg.domain_list[i].zone_list, cfg.domain_list[i].zone_count));
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "DNS Suffix"
						         , cfg.domain_list[i].dns_suffix);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Outbound Root"
						         , cfg.domain_list[i].root);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "NodeList"
						         , cfg.domain_list[i].nodelist);
						opt[j][0] = 0;
						SAFEPRINTF(str, "Domain - %s", cfg.domain_list[i].name);
						uifc_winmode_t wmode = WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV | WIN_RHT | WIN_BOT | WIN_EXTKEYS;
						if (i > 0)
						if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.domain_count)
						k = uifc.list(wmode, 0, 0, 72, &listop, 0, str, opt);
						if (k == -1)
						switch (k) {
							case -CIO_KEY_LEFT - 2:
								if (i > 0)
							case -CIO_KEY_RIGHT - 2:
								if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.domain_count)
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Domain Name"
								           , cfg.domain_list[i].name, sizeof(cfg.domain_list[i].name) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
							case 1:
								SAFECOPY(str, int_list(cfg.domain_list[i].zone_list, cfg.domain_list[i].zone_count));
								if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								               , "Zone List (comma-separated)"
								               , str, 40, K_EDIT) >= 0) {
									cfg.domain_list[i].zone_list = parseIntList(str, ",", &cfg.domain_list[i].zone_count);
									uifc.changes = TRUE;
							case 2:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "DNS Suffix"
								           , cfg.domain_list[i].dns_suffix, sizeof(cfg.domain_list[i].dns_suffix) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Outbound Root Directory"
								           , cfg.domain_list[i].root, sizeof(cfg.domain_list[i].root) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "NodeList"
								           , cfg.domain_list[i].nodelist, sizeof(cfg.domain_list[i].nodelist) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
				i = 0;
				while (1) {
					uifc.helpbuf =
						"~ EchoLists ~\n\n"
						"This feature allows you to specify lists of echoes, in `BACKBONE.NA`\n"
						"format, which are utilized in `addition` to your Area File (e.g. \n"
						"`areas.bbs`) for advanced Area Management operations.\n";
					for (u = 0; u < cfg.listcfgs; u++)
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%s", cfg.listcfg[u].listpath);
					opt[u][0] = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
					           | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_XTR;
					if (cfg.listcfgs)
					if (savlistcfg.listpath[0])
					i = uifc.list(mode, 0, 0, 0, &echolist_opt, &echolist_bar, "EchoLists", opt);
					if (i == -1)
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
						str[0] = 0;
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"~ EchoList ~\n\n"
							"This is the path and filename of the echolist file you wish\n"
							"to add.\n";
						if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
						               , "EchoList Path/Name", str, 50, K_EDIT) < 1)
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						SAFECOPY(cfg.listcfg[i].listpath, str);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
							memcpy(&savlistcfg, &cfg.listcfg[i], sizeof(echolist_t));
						if (cfg.listcfgs <= 0) {
							cfg.listcfgs = 0;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						for (u = i; u < cfg.listcfgs; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.listcfg[u], &cfg.listcfg[u + 1]
							       , sizeof(echolist_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&savlistcfg, &cfg.listcfg[i], sizeof(echolist_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						memcpy(&cfg.listcfg[i], &savlistcfg, sizeof(echolist_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					if (msk != 0)
					while (1) {
						j = 0;
						uifc.helpbuf =
							"~ Configuring an EchoList ~\n\n"
							"The `EchoList Path/Name`, `Required Key` and `Hub Address` must be configured\n"
							"correctly and any one of the Required Keys added to the `EchoList Keys`\n"
							"of the `Linked Nodes` of interest.\n"
							"The other settings are only for forwarding received Area Manager\n"
							"requests 'upstream' (to your hub) when needed.\n"
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "EchoList Path/Name"
						         , cfg.listcfg[i].listpath);
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Required Key"
						         , strListCombine(cfg.listcfg[i].keys, str, sizeof(str), ","));
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Hub Address"
						         , (cfg.listcfg[i] ?
						         faddrtoa(&cfg.listcfg[i].hub) : "None");
						snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "Forward AreaMgr Requests"
						         , cfg.listcfg[i].forward ? "Yes" : "No");
						if (cfg.listcfg[i].forward) {
							snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "AreaMgr Name"
							         , cfg.listcfg[i].areamgr);
							snprintf(opt[j++], MAX_OPLN - 1, "%-30.30s %s", "AreaMgr Password"
							         , cfg.listcfg[i].password);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
						SAFEPRINTF(str, "EchoList - %s", getfname(cfg.listcfg[i].listpath));
						uifc_winmode_t wmode = WIN_ACT | WIN_SAV | WIN_RHT | WIN_BOT | WIN_EXTKEYS;
						if (i > 0)
						if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.listcfgs)
						k = uifc.list(wmode, 0, 0, 72, &listop, 0, str, opt);
						if (k == -1)
						switch (k) {
							case -CIO_KEY_LEFT - 2:
								if (i > 0)
							case -CIO_KEY_RIGHT - 2:
								if (i + 1 < (int)cfg.listcfgs)
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "EchoList Path/Name"
								           , cfg.listcfg[i].listpath, sizeof(cfg.listcfg[i].listpath) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
								uifc.helpbuf =
									"~ Required Key ~\n\n"
									"These keys determine which linked nodes have access to the selected\n"
									"echolist file via AreaManager requests (e.g. query, add, remove).\n"
									"A linked node need only have one of the required keys to have access\n"
									"the echolist."
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
								x = 0;
								while (1) {
									for (u = 0; cfg.listcfg[i].keys != NULL && cfg.listcfg[i].keys[u] != NULL; u++)
										strcpy(opt[u], cfg.listcfg[i].keys[u]);
									opt[u][0] = 0;
									x = uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT |
									              WIN_XTR | WIN_INSACT | WIN_DELACT | WIN_RHT
									              , 0, 0, 0, &x, 0, "Required Key (any one of)", opt);
									if (x == -1)
									if ((x & MSK_ON) == MSK_INS) {
										x &= MSK_OFF;
										str[0] = 0;
										if (uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
										               , "EchoList Key", str, SBBSECHO_MAX_KEY_LEN
										               , K_EDIT | K_UPPER) < 1)
										strListInsert(&cfg.listcfg[i].keys, str, x);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
									if ((x & MSK_ON) == MSK_DEL) {
										x &= MSK_OFF;
										strListRemove(&cfg.listcfg[i].keys, x);
										uifc.changes = TRUE;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
									SAFECOPY(str, cfg.listcfg[i].keys[x]);
									uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "EchoList Keys"
									           , str, SBBSECHO_MAX_KEY_LEN, K_EDIT | K_UPPER);
									strListReplace(cfg.listcfg[i].keys, x, str);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							case 2:
								if (cfg.listcfg[i]
									SAFECOPY(str, faddrtoa(&cfg.listcfg[i].hub));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
									str[0] = 0;
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Hub Address", str
								           , 25, K_EDIT);
								if (str[0])
									cfg.listcfg[i].hub = atofaddr(str);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
									memset(&cfg.listcfg[i].hub, 0
									       , sizeof(faddr_t));
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							case 3:
								cfg.listcfg[i].forward = !cfg.listcfg[i].forward;
							case 4:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Name to use when forwarding AreaMgr requests"
								           , cfg.listcfg[i].areamgr, sizeof(cfg.listcfg[i].areamgr) - 1
								           , K_EDIT);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
							case 5:
								uifc.input(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV, 0, 0
								           , "Password to use when forwarding AreaMgr requests"
								           , cfg.listcfg[i].password, sizeof(cfg.listcfg[i].password) - 1
								           , K_EDIT | K_UPPER | K_NOSPACE);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
				uifc.pop("Writing config ...");
				bool success = sbbsecho_write_ini(&cfg);
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					uifc.msg("Error saving configuration file");
				else {
					orig_cfg = cfg;
					uifc.changes = FALSE;
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
			case -1:
				if (uifc.changes) {
					if (cfg.used_include) {
						if (uifc.msg("Changes made will not be saved"))
							"~ Save Configuration File ~\n\n"
							"Select `Yes` to save the config file, `No` to quit without saving,\n"
							"or hit ~ ESC ~ to go back to the menu.\n\n";
						i = 0;
						i = uifc.list(WIN_MID | WIN_SAV | WIN_ATEXIT, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "Save Config File", uifcYesNoOpts);
						if (i == -1) {
							uifc.exit_flags &= ~UIFC_XF_QUIT;
							uifc.pop("Writing config ...");
							bool success = sbbsecho_write_ini(&cfg);
								uifc.msg("Error saving configuration file");